Australian Wildlife Education: Wild Chats
Australian Wildlife Education: Wild Chats, is a podcast bringing you interesting conversations about anything and everything to do about our Natural World, specifically Australian Wildlife, Sustainability and Conservation. Jodie Creek is the founder of AWE and believes Education is the Key to Conservation, and in saying that will be bringing you the experts in all fields to arm you with the knowledge and spark a curiosity in you to help make a change for our Natural World.
Enjoy the following Wild Chats!
Your host - Jodie Creek
Australian Wildlife Education: Wild Chats
Who is Peter Valentine? Part 1
Welcome back to Australian Wildlife Education: Wild Chats, episode 46..... Todays Wild Chat is the first of a 3 part series and will be all about the incredible life of Peter Valentine!
We talk about his childhood, his student years, his love for books, nature, for the environment… Long-time member of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, with a special interest in World Heritage, Peter worked not only for UNESCO, UNITAR, IUCN on World Heritage but also for Australian Federal and Queensland State Governments. He is also a past member of the Australian Heritage Council (natural heritage expert); a Chair of the Wet Tropics Management Authority; a member of the National Landscapes Reference Committee; and his current topic of teaching and research focuses on protected area management and natural resource management.
Part 2, we will dive further into what a World Heritage Area means and who's responsibility it is to up hold such a status and part three diving into a love of Peter's..... Butterflies and the wonderful relationship with Ants.
Enjoy the follow Wild Chat!
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Jodie Creek and Matt Cornish