Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation

109 - New Ground (Forgotten Kids & Worf Logs)

February 03, 2022 Cameron Harrison/Marcy Phillips/Rob Campbell Season 5 Episode 109

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Mark and Joe from the Digital Dissection podcast joins us on a field trip into "New Ground" where we surf the soliton waves and try to remember our kids' birthdays. Data can't nerd, Riker visits the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Worf forgets his wart cream. Rob finally lets his emotions settle in, Bobi misses the teen wolf, Cam takes a vow of secrecy, Mark jumps on a hippogriff and Joe thinks birds are stupid. Engage!

Pick up some Green Shirt Merch

Find out more about Joe, Mark, and Digital Dissection and listen to their first season!