Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation

115 - Ethics (Broken Backs & Medical Quacks)

Cameron Harrison/Rob Campbell/Bobi Blue/John T Bolds Season 5 Episode 115

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Jesse drops in like a barrel full of chlorinide to cut open the episode "Ethics" and discovers that we're as split as Worf's spine! Worf tries out his son's hoverboard, Pulaski hacks the replicator, and Picard plays Fek'lhr's advocate. Meanwhile Cameron imagines O'Brien's midnight activities, Bobi admires one of Worf's body parts, Rob solves the mystery of Worf's chair, John wants to see cha'DIch stuff, and Jesse imitates all the characters! Engage!

Check out Jesse with Cameron and John on Open Pike Night

Hear Jesse on his podcast, Sudden But Inevitable and find him on Twitter

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