Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation

083 - The Loss (Crew Counseling & Cosmic Vaginas)

Cameron Harrison/Marcy Phillips/Rob Campbell Season 4 Episode 83

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Shelley McLendon lends her experience as a counselor to help the Green Shirt gang come to terms with their diverse opinions on "The Loss." Picard gets a new catchphrase, Geordie has never gone skin diving, and Worf forgets his position. Rob wants to fire torpedoes at Troi, Marcy teaches us about killer toilets, and Cameron visits Dr. Google. Meanwhile Shelley psychoanalyzes a couple of the crew members. All this and more on this week's episode, make it so!

Learn more about Shelley's Siren Theater here:

And here more from her on the Generation Ripe podcast: