Wide Awake at 3AM

Enter the Numinous (with Adam Maxwell)

Season 1 Episode 9

We’re back! After a 2 month plus hiatus Wide Awake at 3 AM returns with a very special episode for y'all. Artist Adam Maxwell joins me in the basement this week to discuss how our perceptions of ourselves and the world influence our decisions and how we take in information. We start off discussing Adam's latest art installment (3:35). Adam and Cole take a trip down to the abyss to see what's getting under our skin this week and if screaming about it helps (22:50). For our main portion of the show this week Adam and Cole discuss a "numinous experience" and how all living beings are connected by a single shared consciousness (33:45). We also get into how both Adam and Cole’s experiences with the numinous were almost identical without ever talking about it before (1:16:00). Be with us at the great connective point of consciousness! Check it out and spread the word. Please follow the show @wideawakeatthree on instagram and @wideawakeatthr3 on twitter. Subscribe, comment, join in on the conversation, and tell your friends!