The QCS Podcast

Death and Bereavement : Person centred support for relatives and friends

Quality Compliance Systems

 Losing someone you love can be extremely traumatic. It can also be a huge relief depending on the circumstances. It is not the same for everyone, and we cannot predict how relatives or significant people to the person who has died may feel.

This isn’t about being a fully qualified bereavement practitioner. This isn’t about having all the answers. This is all about what you know - a person-centred response to human emotions.

A few tipis by our care expert, Abi Spence:

  • Treat the person with dignity and respect, create space and privacy for them. Let the person know where you are taking them, and what happens next
  • Never presume you know the person or how they feel. They may never have visited, you may have been told things by the person who has died, but this does not mean you know the relationship or how they feel
  • Observe what is happening - Observing sensitively enables you to gain a little insight into how that person may be experiencing their first emotions relating to death