Tiny Voice Talks Education

Teacher 5 a Day - #Noticing with Dr Sue Roffey

Toria Bono Season 5 Episode 16

In this mini pod, Dr Sue Roffey talks about how important it is to notice. Share how you are noticing on Twitter and use the hashtags #Teacher5ADay and #TinyVoiceTalks.

Sue FRSA FBPsS is a psychologist, academic, author, activist and speaker.  She holds posts as Honorary Associate Professor at University College, London, and Adjunct Fellow at the Western Sydney University, and is also affiliated to the Wellbeing Institute at Cambridge University.  She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools.

Sue has spent much of the last twenty years in Australia, where she founded the Wellbeing Australia network and developed the Aboriginal Girls Circle – a program for Indigenous young women, based in the Circle Solutions principles and pedagogy, which is proving to be an effective intervention for developing healthy relationships, resilience and student responsibility. Sue is now back in the UK where she is focused on the Growing Great Schools projects to address whole child, whole school wellbeing – including the wellbeing of teachers.

She is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a past member of the Editorial Board of  Educational and Child Psychology, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.

Follow Sue on Twitter: @SueRoffey

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