Tiny Voice Talks Education

Tiny Voice Talks - Introduction

Toria Bono Season 1 Episode 1

In February 2020, #TinyVoiceTuesday came about on Twitter because Toria wanted to give people a voice – she wanted to ensure that no educationalist would go unheard. #TinyVoiceTuesdayUnites was then born to enable educationalists to have a forum to chat and get to know one another in a supportive arena. This occurs every week and can be found on Toria's twitter profile page (@Toriaclaire)

She wanted to do more though! Having spoken on a few podcasts herself she wanted to be able to give this opportunity to others. So, Tiny Voice Talks – The Podcast was born! She created this podcast  to give a voice to everyone in education. In it, Toria speaks to other passionate educators about current educational issues, key research and of course why it is so important that we continue to learn from one another. To find our more about who Toria is, listen to the introduction and remember to follow the podcast so that you don't miss out when a new episode is aired.

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If you would like to find out more about Tiny Voice Talks Coaching with Toria then email her on toria@tinyvoicetalks.com

If you would like a copy of the Tiny Voices Talk book with 30% off go to www.crownhouse.co.uk or www.independentthinkingpress.com and use the code TINY30.

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