Tiny Voice Talks Education

Tiny Voice Talks - Beginnings, with Sharifah Lee

Toria Bono / Sharifah Lee Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode Toria talks to Sharifah Lee about #EduTwitter, #WomenEd and the many ways that educators can support each other around the globe.

One night, during a Twitter chat about the big and little #edutwitter voices, #TinyVoiceTuesday was conceived. It was born out of a frustration that Toria and many tiny voices felt, that when asked an educational question on Twitter the tumbleweed would follow – complete silence.  Twitter felt like an incredibly lonely place where people with lots of followers were heard and those with only a few were not. 

#TinyVoiceTuesday is a place for shyer/ quieter/ less well-known edutweeters to ask questions, tweet thoughts & be heard. It is important that everyone feels that others are listening.  Toria speaks for those edutweeters who don’t feel able to ask questions themselves.  The Tiny Voice Talks podcast is just one of the many ways to share ideas and inspiration with educators worldwide.

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If you would like a copy of the Tiny Voices Talk book with 30% off go to www.crownhouse.co.uk or www.independentthinkingpress.com and use the code TINY30.

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