The Morning Upgrade Podcast with Ryan Cote

#92 - Metatron’s Cube for a Better Life with Whitney Freya

Ryan Cote Episode 92

In this episode of the Morning Upgrade podcast I talk with Whitney Freya about her morning routine, Metatron's Cube, creativity and wellness, overcoming challenges and much more. 


Welcome to the Morning Upgrade podcast with Ryan Cote where we feature casual conversations with entrepreneurs about personal development and growth.


Hey, Whitney, welcome to the Morning Upgrade podcast. How are you?


I am fabulous this morning. Thanks, Ryan.


Welcome. I'm excited to talk to you. Let's start off by you telling my audience of Morning Upgraders who you are, what you do for a living, and then give us one thing that's going really well in your life right now.


Nice. Thank you. Right. So lately, I've been calling myself an inspired living expert, which I love. And I also love that my titles seem to change because you know, the world is changing so rapidly, right. And I am passionate about helping people live their fullest, most authentic, expressive life. So I teach people a sacred and personal painting practice, and how to use it basically as energy work. And then my latest book, 30 Days to Unstoppable is more of a guided meditation journey into a new kind of energy work. The beautiful theme is it's all about going within remembering that life is an inside-out job and empowering you to create in the infinite realm that is your inner world. And understanding, you know, by developing new self-awareness and insight into how powerfully we're creating and each and every moment with our words and our thoughts and our ideas, how you can focus on and create more of what inspires you and what lights you up from the inside out, and then allow that to kind of ripple through your day and set the tone rather than allowing the external world to set the tone. So I've been doing that since 96, I opened an Art Center in Nashville, Tennessee, I was 26 years old, I had just come out of selling books door to door for four summers and had read a book called Zen and the Art of Making a living where he said, Unless you adopt an artist mentality, you won't be able to create the life of your dreams. And that's like the only thing I knew for sure, at that point was that I wanted to have a life that was adventurous and dreamy. And so I opened the Art Center to create a place where people could really learn how to go to create the art that is their life. But they learned it through the art. And it's been a wild ride since then, I went online in 2009 and went online exclusively. In 2011. When I moved down here to Oregon, I was still traveling and teaching, but the online arena, as you can imagine the last couple of years has been really powerful and fruitful. And just such like what we're going through right now is truly the most perfect medicine. And I say that knowing you know how much a lot of people have suffered and hardships and things like that. So I'm not minimizing that medicine isn't always you know, sugary, sweet, right. But humanity is being guided to understand that we are interconnected and that life is an inside-out job. You know, it's like we were all sent to our rooms to remember that, and I believe will emerge from this pandemic when we learn the lessons. And that's up to each of us. So what's working really well right now is just feeling so in alignment like this is why I'm here. This is what I've been helping people prepare for years and years and years is for this inevitable shift that's going to happen, you know, between kind of old paradigm new paradigm and the rules are changing, and the old structures are breaking down. And if you're looking outside of yourself for security, it's going to be tricky, right now.


You've seen a boom in your business since the pandemic. Everyone wants to work on their inner self.


Yes, exactly. They get that, that there's more you know, for a lot of people, the timeout, so to speak, gave them time to reflect on what is it I really want, you know, or lost their job. And it's an opportunity to start over. More and more people are understanding that creativity in general, in some way, shape or form is absolutely necessary for overall wellness. I just heard mostly listening to anyway, it'll come to me in a second. But he said you're either in survival mode or creative mode, right. And I've also heard you know, you're either a creator or a consumer, it so creativity is really about understanding that life again is what you create within yourself and how your project, what you project what you expect. You know what you focus on that that creates your reality, not the external. So this is what we're remembering right now and in what I guide people into whether it's in the unstoppable content or my painting practice is how to have fun painting while developing greater self-awareness while being able to observe yourself getting to know yourself And then understanding more of what you want and learning to focus your thoughts and words and ideas on what you desire. You don't go to the canvas, or to any creative project to create something you don't want. But we do that all the time in our, in our heads, you know, we allow ourselves to think thoughts and imagine future realities that stress us out and worry us. And we don't have to do that, that we've just been conditioned that way. What if we all remembered or when we do remember, how might the world be different when we learn to take what inspires that stress or worry and allow that to illuminate what we want? Right? Because we learned through contrast, so often, the stress and worry are like, wow, well, now I know what I don't want. So what do I want? Then spend your time thinking about that?


You talked about being unstoppable. I know you have a book on it as well. And before we started recording, you said that in terms of your morning routine, you would touch upon being unstoppable. So why don't we talk about your morning routine? How do you start your days? And how does the unstoppable framework come into that?


Yeah, so so first off is I don't have a routine anymore. Like I buck routine. I don't have something I do every day. But what I do is I pay attention to how I'm spending that first, whether it's 15 minutes, an hour, or two hours of my day. So I don't go to the thing I least want to do. When I get up, I do the things that fill me up. So I recommend and I usually do you know something around meditating creativity, or nature, one of those three things and could be going for a walk in nature, it could be calling in the directions going around to the north, you know, east-west, south North sides of my house, where I have what most people would just think of as little accouterments for your house, right? But they're my elemental altars, and calling in the elements and really weaving myself into the energy of Mother Earth because I'm breathing, the exhale of the trees outside, right. And we're the same percentage as what water is in the oceans and made up of stardust. And so doing that in the morning is really powerful. For focusing on something that you love, when you do a creative project, you know, you're going to tap into color, form, and beauty and the unstoppable dream book, I give you a blueprint that's connected to a sacred geometric figure called Metatron cube, which I can explain as, basically is the six-pointed star with six circles that tip of each of the six points of the star. It's just as far as visualizing it right now. And so you are symbolized by the six-pointed star, which is a symbol of union. So it's, you know, your physical body and your energetic body. And so you just bring yourself into that awareness. And then the six circles, I call the six spheres of wellness. And so these are energies that you can consciously tend to nurture fill up and pay attention to. And it's literally like you're creating an energetic space within you and around you are a frequency that is in alignment with the six spheres of wellness, which are love, compassion, courage, alignment, gratitude, and presence. So in the morning, I may be brushing my teeth, and think like, ooh, gratitude, okay, let's while I'm brushing my teeth, let's think of all the things I'm grateful for, or presence, while I'm brushing my teeth, I'm going to just brush my teeth, I'm going to feel the toothbrush on my teeth and my gums, right? So you can consciously spend the first moments of your morning, like I said, whether it's 15 minutes or two hours, doing what you love, you know, doing things that are in alignment with how you're feeling right now. Something that will bring you a present. And when you nurture those energies at the beginning of the day, that's what you're taking with you into the rest of your routine, your daily routine. And that makes such a huge difference.


You've always been into this work that you do now, even if even going back to when you were a teenager.


My golden thread has been that I've always known that there was so much more going on than meets the eye, than what is accepted in the more logical, practical, feasible conversations that, you know, were around happening around the dinner table in my house growing up. So I've always been curious about the subtle aspects, right. And I've always had a sense of some aspect of the Divine, you know, that there was a bigger reason we weren't just, you know, just haphazard, you know, random, evolutionary randomness, you know, floating around the universe. And then, and then that was it, you know, like, I just have always known that and so I think when I found my work through opening the Art Center, which literally that's what it felt like because I came up with so many bajillions have ideas all the time, I almost felt cursed by ideas, especially in my early 20s When I was at that stage of like, where do I go? What country do I live in, you know, what's my career going to be. But I always had this sense that there was going to be something new, something different. And so when I opened the art center, with zero art training, I mean, I had never taken a painting class or a drawing class. My last class had literally been when I was nine. And that art teacher told me that drawing wasn't my thing. So I've always been, you know, kind of pushing on the boundaries of what other people said was real. But I, you know, I had no idea where that was gonna go. And it's, it's led me on a tremendous path. It's been really exciting.


Curious what you're gonna say to this. It's a personal question, you know, the meaning of life, just because everything you're saying it's probably really dialed into that question. Yeah. Curious to see like, in terms of like, from your point of view, what's the meaning of life?


Yeah, the meaning of life is for us to live in love and not fear. That's our mission. That's our first and foremost mission. You could also say, to live as authentically, which means at as high a vibration as possible. And I don't say high vibration. You know, I hear people talking about the spiritual bypassing and ignoring the trauma and everything. And what I really know for sure is that we're here to learn like, this is earth school, right. And a lot of us have chosen some very challenging lessons. I talked to so many people all the time. And I've heard stories that people have shared with me about their personal journey that just makes me weep inside and wonder if I could have handled it, the way they've handled it, you know, and they're still on the phone talking with me, right? The abuse or the trauma, what they've been through has been so tremendous. And all I see and feel and hear is like, wow, I'm in the presence of an advanced soul. They're learning PhD-level lessons down here on Earth. And that's incredible. You know, from that perspective, how can you take the hardships and the challenges and understand how it's here to love you the wisdom you're being offered? So in that way, you know, you meet the shadow aspect out of respect, you meet the shadow aspect out of an understanding that life includes suffering? It absolutely does. And how can you, you know, allow that suffering to be an ally.


It's funny, it's funny, you, you're saying this, because I was actually gonna ask you, how you handle how you personally handle challenges and just hard times, but I think you're answering the question, you're basically saying that you try to turn them into learning experiences, is that correct?


Yeah, absolutely. And I'll share, you know, personally, because I, it's been an amazing testimony and personal experience. And, you know, last Thanksgiving, my middle daughter, who I was talking with you about beforehand, she came back from college, anorexic, she was complete, it looked like half of my child had been eaten, it was very shocking. And, you know, just the emotions, like I'm feeling half of them. Now. It was terrifying. And, you know, she'd had a kidney stone when she was traveling around Europe the year before, and she had no reason to have a kidney stone. And we talked about it, it was a response to her feeling responsible for the friend she was traveling with. So we'd already had this experience together, of the physical disease, you know, being a signal that was there to help her learn and grow. So when we talked about what she was going through last year, and I told her, you know, okay, so I've interviewed some therapists, you know, I want you to pick one, you know, it was a very hard conversation, but I'm like, Listen, you are being prepared. Like, this is such a powerful initiation, I am so impressed that the universe is not, you know, giving you 20 years to learn these lessons. It's like now now now, like you're, you know, you clearly have big things ahead of you. And you're going to emerge from this wiser and stronger and more in your power and more authentic and this is badass, you know, like, that's, that's how we approached it. And we wrestled with it from, you know, this perspective of, you know, like the goddess wrestling the Kraken or whatever was, you know, this kind of mythic battle, and that was Thanksgiving, and she came home from college, middle of May and got, you know, she worked for a rafting river rafting company, and they didn't even flinch and gave her a boat and she was just being trained the summer before. Right. So I mean, if she had looked all the way she looked when she came home on Thanksgiving, they wouldn't have given her a boat. So one of the laws of the universe one of the hermetic principles is that the higher vibration you are, the quicker you move through the challenges because you're not resisting it. You're not why me Why is this happening to me? or something's wrong with you or you're broken, you know, and if there are any parents listening and you have a child got suffering or challenged, challenged by depression or eating disorders or all those things, treat them as if they are walking Masters on this earth right now because they are being prepared for getting emotional, for they're being prepared for such tremendous work on this planet. And so empower them Don't feel ashamed don't feel guilty, like, let them know that they're going to emerge from this, which we know these challenging points in our life you emerge, you know, so much stronger, and you wouldn't go through those experiences again, but you probably wouldn't trade them either, because they make you who you are. So this is, this is a very practical reason why the teaching that's in 30 days to unstoppable, which was completely given to me, it was absolutely channeled. It's like humanity. Remember, now that you're energetic beings, and let's care for yourselves as energetic beams care for your vibration care for your frequency because everything is energy before it comes to matter. And when you learn to do this, this is the new like 401k. And the new security blanket is I am investing in myself and what is true to me and what I love, I am working on being compassionate with myself, which allows me to be compassionate with other people. And when you do that, it doesn't matter what the external world is doing, you will be safe, secure, and loved, you will have people around you, you will have opportunities, and you will always be met with support. But if we succumb to the story that we've been told that we need to consume in order to get home, and we've got to look a certain way, and live in a certain looking house, and all that stuff, and you're paying so much attention to the external world, that your internal world is a desert, you know, and then the shit hits the fan. Right? Like, that's when I mean da, it's going to just get more and more challenging. So what I'm really excited to be able to offer to people right now is a really simple way to just kind of flip turn inside out the way we've been taught. And remember, it is all about you taking care of yourself. It's not about being selfish or self-centered, it's caring for yourself, and you are an infinite energetic being you put yourself under a quantum microscope, and you're mostly empty space. So that's, that's the portal to understanding your purpose on this planet. And if you are being in a way that is rippling out or echoing love and compassion and courage and alignment and gratitude and presence, you're living your purpose.


It sounds like you're really operating in your zone of genius. You can just tell the passion in your voice. Yes, you're talking. This sounds like you're doing what you love, and helping people at the same time, which is like a double whammy. Yes. You know, absolutely.


Yeah. So grateful.


I've got one last question for you Whitney, then we can wrap up by you sharing how people can connect with you if they want to learn more. So my last question is, I always like to ask for tips for you. Because you talk a lot about living an inspired life. And I think some of the stuff we've already talked about, you've touched upon it a little bit. But you know, if someone was to come to you instead and say, you know, give me some tips for living an inspired life. I know it depends on the person, but are there any like go the pillar, things that the person could do to live an inspired life?


Yes. And I mentioned you know, meditation, nature, and creativity, those three things I feel like are kind of connected, you do one inevitably you're going to do the other. But I do feel called to really encourage people in some way, shape, or form to allow themselves to connect with nature even more. And the reason is, that you are a part of this wilderness. That is Planet Earth you are just as a part of it as the trees outside your window and the mountains and the rivers and Mother Earth is reflecting us in every single aspect of her expression, of what we need in order to live our most inspired life so you can even close your eyes and think of like what is your favorite place to be on earth? Like is it a beach? Is it a mountain top is it a river at a pond a lake really ask yourself that and then ask yourself what does that lake that mountain top that beach that shoreline? What does that have to teach me right now? Or how am I like that? How is my personality like that, like have a conversation with that aspect? I mean, the tree you might notice like the strong straight trunk that's rooted in the ground and you be maybe reminded to ground to really take some time to get quiet and present and feel yourself on this planet. You know, we all desired clamored to be here right now this is a real A powerful time, you may look at the river and the river will tell you to let go to trust to follow the current, you know, and you realize you've been hanging white-knuckled onto the known, and you're being pulled into a new chapter. So let go let the river carry you. There's so much personal power and wisdom that comes when we understand that mother earth and every single thing that she's growing and producing is an ally for us. And ask yourself symbolically, what message do you have for me right now? And just the ripple effects of that can be life-changing.


You're making me think of a conversation I had. It wasn't an actual interview. But it was just a conversation I was having with someone. And he was talking about his morning routine. He said that every morning, I think he lives in California. Every morning, he goes out of his backyard barefoot and just walks around his walks around the grass and the woods, and all that barefoot, to connect to nature is what he said to use his words.


Yes, yes, absolutely. That's a whole earth thing. What the energy we can absorb through the soles of our feet is really powerful as well. Yeah, fascinating. Topic. I mean, I really feel like all the answers we have about anything and everything, whether it's political, technological, spiritual, or psychological, it's all the answers are outside the window. Mother Earth has all of it for us. And it's exciting to get into that kind of relationship with the natural world and realize that you are a part of it.


This was a really interesting conversation deep on some things and talked about things we haven't spoken about in this podcast before. So I appreciate that you shared that if someone wants to learn more about you and connect with you, what's the best way for them to do so?

Whitney is my website. And I'm pretty much the only Whitney Freya on Instagram and Facebook. I'm very accessible. There's a contact form on my website or message me But absolutely, I encourage you to go to Whitney Share your email with me so I can share my musings. I have a free course. If you click on Online Courses. On my website, you'll get to my online teaching platform and there's a free course called The Life artists masterclass. You don't have to paint or draw or anything but it tunes you into the language of sacred symbols, and I'm filming it outside along a snowy Creek in the mountains where I live. I like to bring in nature as much as possible. And so if this conversation kind of sparked something in you, I encourage you to go waiting for Click on online courses, and sign up for the life artist masterclass. You'll see it in the selection of my courses let that all sink in and see how it feels.


Great. Thanks, Whitney.


It was great talking with you. Thank you, Ryan. Have a fabulous day.


And thanks to everyone for listening.


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