Always Bev - The Ripple Effect

SAMI - What's My Name? Ep 36

March 03, 2022 • Barb Jordan/Seymour Josephson • Season 5 • Episode 3

Seymour Josephson, the father of Sami Josephson, bravely talks about the events leading up to his daughter's kidnapping and tragic death, by the killer who posed as an UBER driver.  He also discusses the actions their family has taken to educate others on the skills to stay safe with ride share.  

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Mom's, daughters, sisters, friends, aunts, partners, girlfriends...and YOU! Get empowered with life skills and tactics to stay safe. This women's master class on personal safety has a release date on 3/5/24. It includes 5 chapters and over 20 lessons on situational awareness and provides specific skills on how to stay safe with social events, ride share, relationships, threats with a weapon, online dating, the importance of intuition and more! Check out and click online courses.
#staysafe #bevigilant