
CHEcast Season 3 Episode 0: Welcome Our New Co-Host, Eric!

Steve & Gabi

Introducing... Season 3 of the CHEcast!!

We've missed y'all! We are also so excited to announce our new host this season, Eric Garcia, who is the newest member of CHE's outreach team! Tune in to learn more about Eric and his hopes for this season of the CHEcast!

Featuring: Eric Garcia

Upcoming Episode: A Conversation w/ Angel Flores from Queer Eye

Check out Angel’s meet & greet event on January 23rd:

*DISCLAIMER: Views are our own and do not reflect those of the Center for Health Empowerment*

Want to get started on PrEP? Click the link below to schedule an appointment with the Center for Health Empowerment:

--Additional Notes, Links, Corrections and Context for this Episode--
COVID-19 Pandemic
Center for Health Empowerment
CHE Relief
Avita Pharmacy
Purple Noodle Marketing


Welcome back to the CHEcast with your host Gabi, and introducing a new host, Eric, and now the CHEcast.

Gabi Antuna:

What's up you guys? Welcome to season three of the CHEcast! To those that are returning, we've missed you and to those that are just joining us, my name is Gabi. I work in the Outreach Department at CHE aka the Center for Health Empowerment and I'll be one of your hosts this season. Before we kick off the new season, we have some exciting news to share with y'all. Cue the drumroll please. I'm happy to introduce y'all to our new co host and a dear friend of mine... ERIC! Eric, would you like to introduce yourself?


Hello, friends. My name is Eric. I just started working for CHE, and I'm very excited for the upcoming year. Hopefully we get to meet an event sometime soon.

Gabi Antuna:

Period. All right, Eric, tell us a little bit about your background, and what brought you to CHE.


No Yeah, for sure. I'm originally from the Rio Grande Valley for any of y'all that know where that is... puro 956 until I die. I'm from this really, really small town called Donna, Texas. I moved over here just for University and I'm currently on my last year at the University of Texas. I study neuroscience and history. And it actually was my history degree that got me here. I did some research in HIV awareness. And ever since then, I've really wanted to make a change in our sexual health policies here in Texas.

Gabi Antuna:

Awesome. Thank you so much for sharing Eric. We're excited to have you on the season, Is there anything else you want to tell our audience about?


Um, personally, if y'all want to know a little bit more about me, I really love roller skating. I recently got into it during the pandemic. And last semester, I would roller skate all the way to work. I also work as a tour guide for the university. So I hope one day I get to actually rollerskate and take someone on a tour. That would be so fun.

Gabi Antuna:

I feel like we left out some important information. Eric, can you give our audience members a little background on how you and I met?


You're completely right. It was actually at the university. My and Gabi's freshman year we met. We joined an organization together. And ever since then, or actually ever since a traumatic trip to the haunted house here in Austin called, the - what was it called? The House of Torment? Yeah.

Gabi Antuna:

House of Torment? Yeah, for sure.


Ever since a fun trip to the House of Torment, we've been inseparable. I can't - I feel so bad for the other CHE members and staff because they have to deal with us being together all the time.

Gabi Antuna:

Yeah, yeah, we are pretty inseparable. There's something about haunted houses and terrifying clowns that really bring someone together... it brings people together.


I also... for anyone that's into astrology believe that it's my very much Aries sun and Gabi's Aquarius moon that brings us very happily together.

Gabi Antuna:

Period. Yeah. So what are you looking forward to with CHE and the upcoming season?


I'm most excitedly getting all of the new like interviewees. And there's especially one coming up that I'm very, very excited for. And being a part of the outreach team, I'm very excited to actually start going and meeting some of the people here in the Greater Austin area. I think community is something we need, especially when you talk about your sexual health. You want someone that you are comfortable with definitely being a part of that conversation.

Gabi Antuna:

Yeah, for sure. That's super important. Um, should we give our audience members a little sneak peek as to who our guest is next week?


I think we should bestie...

Gabi Antuna:

Alright, go ahead.


So we will be actually interviewing Angel Flores from the Queer Eye episode. I'm very, very excited. I know so many of people that Gabi and I have been asking have so many questions about their experience. They definitely wanna wonder what she's doing now post Queer Eye and I am very excited to see and meet her again.

Gabi Antuna:

So we got some exciting things coming up for y'all. We're... I'm really excited for Eric to be joining us this season. And yeah, stay tuned


I'm also very excited.

Gabi Antuna:

Thank you so much for joining us and tuning in. We're excited for this season premiere, in almost a week, so stay tuned and stay awesome.



Gabi Antuna:



CHEcast is a program of the Center for Health Empowerment. The Center for Health Empowerment is a nonprofit sexual health clinic that provides HIV prevention services, including PrEP, PEP, HIV testing, and care and STI testing and treatment to our community at little to no cost. We specialize in providing care to people of color and other marginalized communities. We're located in South and East Austin at 4534 Westgate Boulevard Suite Number 106 and 1941 Webberville Road at St. James Episcopal Church today. Call us to book an appointment at 512-840-1273 or visit us online at the I think I snapped. Thank you.


That's our show. Thank you for listening. Please come back next week. Until then,

Gabi Antuna:

Stay awesome!