Grow and Graze

Episode 103-Master Gardener Fall Classes.

June 27, 2022 Douglas Clement Season 1 Episode 102

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Master Gardeners in Cherokee County will teach a series of fall classes.    Register today through Eventbrite.

N.C. Cooperative Extension and Master Gardeners℠ in Cherokee County are working together to provide a series of fall classes in September and October. The classes are $10.00. Classes will be each Monday and Wednesday beginning at 6:30 p.m. Classes you can sign up for include (click on the class you would like to attend):

September 19-North Carolina Tree Identification

September 21-Native Plants and Nativars

September 26-Firewise/Firescape

September 28-Seed Saving

October 3-No Class

October 5-Vermicomposting

October 10-Composting

October 12-Growing Herbs

October 17-Butterfly Gardens

October 19-Soil Sample Now for a Successful Garden in 2023

Registration will be available June 1 for all classes through Eventbrite. All the classes can also be viewed via Eventbrite.


NC Cooperative Extension, Cherokee County Center

NC State Extension

Cherokee County Government

Farm Credit Service (Sponsor)