Grow and Graze

Episode 104-Cherokee County Fair.

September 04, 2022 Douglas Clement

Hello, and welcome to episode number 1 0 4 of the Grow and Graze podcast. I'm Douglas Clement County Extension Director with NC Cooperative Extension in Cherokee county in Murphy, North Carolina and today what we would like to talk to you a little bit about is an activity that our entire office and volunteers are going to be a part of on September the 16th and 17th. This will be our Cherokee County Fair and it will be held in Andrews, North Carolina. We will be there with some booths and activities that our volunteers will be helping with along with other organizations. I'm going to try to talk a little bit about some of the things that we plan to do and give you some times that some of these may happen but understand some of times may change and we'll have that available at our boost during the two day event, but we plan to be there around and set up around 10:00 AM and we will be there all day. Sand art activity for youth will also be available all day that day and any youth that wants to come by and be a part of that.  We also plan to have Smokey Bear, to appear, to make an appearance for us that morning as well. We're thinking around 11:00 AM. So anyone that would like to see Smokey Bear and have a picture made with him, he will be available. 

Beginning at 10:00 AM. We're going to have a dehydration and apple press demonstration. Marlana Baker, who is our family and consumer education agent along with Preston Mashburn, who is a 4-H volunteer. We'll be providing that and we should have some hopefully some dried apples available for people to try out, to see if they like those or not and then at 11 o'clock till about one o'clock we will have the Firewise booth open and ready to go and we have some giveaways and you will also learn a little bit about how you could potentially be safe during a wildland.

At 2:00 PM, the Appalachian Beekeepers will be joining us and they will be providing us a demonstration on Honey Bee extraction or honey extraction. And I've saw this a couple of times and they do a really good job with that. And we're excited about them being with us and then at 4:00 PM on that.

Kennesaw Taylor,  he's a master gardener will be with us, and he will be doing a presentation on why Bonsai, how you can grow your own Bonsai plants and I've saw him do that before and he just does an excellent job with that. Also ongoing during that day the Master Gardeners will be there and they can help you with questions like how to take soil samples and maybe any other type of questions you may have for them.

Another thing that we'll be doing. Throughout that day on Friday will be providing an opportunity for people to sign up for a raffle for a free tuition and a master gardener manual and the training will be next spring. It's about $190 value and people can sign up for that and we plan to have that drawing in October the first after we do an event at Tractor Supply. And if you provide us your email you don't have to be present to win. We will email you and let you know that you won the raffle. 

 On September the 17th we'll have somewhat the same things going on. So I'm gonna talk about the things that will be a little different. We will have face painting on September the 17th.

That will be going on from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. And then again from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. And so the rest of that day is similar to what we talked about, what we're going to do on Friday. I won't talk about those again, but we're excited about having those again on Saturday as well. Shannon Coleman with 4-H will also be there with volunteers and 4-Hers. They will be giving some fly-tying and demonstrations on how to fly fish and so that will go on all day long, both days as well. So we are excited and look forward in seeing you on September the 16th and 17th at the Cherokee county fire in Andrews, North Carolina. And if you've got any questions, you can always visit our website at, where we have web articles on all these activities.

Thank you for listening to me and we will talk to you later. Bye bye.