Jesus Team Ministries Sermons

The Book Of Revelation The End Result Part 1.

Pastor Trevor R Wallace

Sunday sermon topic
The Book Of Revelation The End Result Part 1.
More Than A Vision It's A Mission chapter 1.

Scripture Reference:
Revelation 1:1-3
James 1:22-25

1.  God will bless you and I for reading and listening to His word, so tell it and don't be shy.

Revelation 1: 4-5
Revelation 4:5

Revelation 1:6
1 Peter 2:6-12

2.  In these last days it's our mission to live like Christ Jesus, so the world may be saved when they study us.

Revelation 1:7-8

3.  This never gets old soon and very soon Jesus is coming back, so stay ready cause you won't have time to pack.

Revelation 1:9-16

4.  To emphasize the importance of the Revelation messages, Jesus revealed himself to John, so the church can repent and have minimum damages.

Ezekiel 1:26-28
Revelation 1: 17-20
Daniel 12: 1-3