Jesus Team Ministries Sermons

The Book Of Revelation The End Result part 4

Pastor Trevor R Wallace

Sunday sermon topic
The Book of Revelation The End Result part 4.
The Art of Worship - Chapter 4

Scripture Reference:
Revelation 4:1-3
Ezekiel 1:26-28
Revelation 4:4

1.  It's popular to say "In God We trust" while living in America, but that's not true if our hearts are not pure and dedicated to the father.

Revelation 4:5
Exodus 19:16-19
Exodus 19:14-15

2.  To worship God with our best, we must sacrifice the flesh, then by faith God will organize a date with your future mate.

Revelation 4:5
Exodus 25:31-40

3.  Throughout scriptures God made it clear that he requires a specific worship lifestyle and the menorah is a reminder of that, it points us to the spirit of Christ.

Revelation 4:6
Revelation 15:2
Revelation 4:6-8
Psalm 80:1
Psalm 99:1
Isaiah 37:16

4.  To be mighty in God's sight, we must fight to ensure that our worship is just right. 

Revelation 4:8-11

Matthew 11:28-30