Jesus Team Ministries Sermons
Jesus Team Ministries Sermons
Let Us Arise With Our Risen Savior
Let Us Arise With Our Risen Savior
Scripture References:
Luke 24:1-12
Key Points:
1. Jesus rose from the tomb and left there permanently, He does not go back and visit occasionally, so let us arise, follow Jesus and leave those things alone that will make us dirty.
Psalm 68:1-4
2. We can truly expect Joy when we arise and serve the Risen Savior, but mark my words depression, sadness and despair are around the corner if you choose to serve your bad behavior.
1 Corinthians 15:12-23
3. There are many modern day Sadducees that don't believe the resurrection, that is why they are so sad-you-see, because for Christ they have no real affection.
John 20:1-18
John 20:19-23
4. Jesus will send us out when we arise and live for Him, or you can stay in the tomb and await your doom, being forever separated from Him.
Roman's 6:1-11