Jesus Team Ministries Sermons

To Have Joy And Not Be Miserable Love God And Love People

January 12, 2022 Pastor Trevor R Wallace

Sunday sermon topic
To Have Joy And Not Be Miserable Love God And Love People

Scripture Reference:
Micah 6:1-8

1.  Stop sinning against God, do what is right, have mercy on others, and with humility allow Jesus to lead every day.

Matthew 22:34-40
Matthew 5:43-48

2.  It takes love to perfect our faith, so let's bury the hate and elevate to someone great!!

Matthew 6:9-14

3.  You cannot have joy and unforgiveness in the same heart, so forgive everyone, and forgive yourself then God will forgive you.

John 15:9-17

4.  Following what Jesus commands will prove that we love Him, this will release abundant Joy by way of many blessings.

Ecclesiastes 12:8-14