S3E18 - "Out to Lunch"

January 02, 2024 Season 3 Episode 18
S3E18 - "Out to Lunch"
Show Notes

RIP-Howard Hesseman: We didn't have a chance to add anything to the episode, but we did want to take a moment to mention the passing of Howard "Dr. Johnny Fever" Hesseman on Jan. 29th of 2022. He was 81 years old.

Everyone knows the wheels of commerce are greased by a steady flow of cocktails. At least, if you're Herb Tarlek, it's how things work. Herb has been on a sales binge for nearly a month now...which means he's also been on a drinking binge.

We've got Herb quoting Rip Tide and hiding big bottles of expensive looking bourbon in his bottom desk drawer. Okay, so it's an expensive looking bottle. The bourbon...not so much.  Herb has been downgrading the brew with some cheap stuff and a funnel. His clients don't seem to mind.

Herb may or may not have a problem. Okay...yeah...he's got a problem. Without lecturing, Art gives Herb a pretty effective lecture. Herb realizes things may not be as "okey-fine" as he thinks. He decides to try to correct his course before it's all gotten completely out of hand.

Like any good After School Special, we learn the big lesson in the third act. Then everyone goes home happy and better off than they were before the whole thing started. Well, Craig T. Nelson might not be better off...but we won't have to worry about him next week! You look a little green. Would you just hit "play" before you pass out, already?? Cheers!!

[Want to watch along with us? It's a blast!! We highly recommend the 'Shout Factory' boxed DVD set of the entire WKRP series. For reasons you'll have to listen to in the "Prolog" episode, all streaming versions of the original "WKRP in Cincinnati" have had the original music cues removed. Generic music beds and stings were used in place of the original music for the syndicated version of the series. 'Shout Factory' has been able to restore an estimated 85% of all WKRP music cues to the original "as-aired" content for their DVD release. They've also restored scenes that had been cut to shorten episodes for syndication. The original eps ran 25 minutes. The syndication eps were shortened to 22 minutes. Over 88 episodes that's more than four hours of lost content, including the performance by "Detective" at the end of "Hoodlum Rock." Get the COMPLETE series...get the Shout Factory DVDs. The Shout Factory complete series box has a release date of 2014. All individual seasons of Shout Factory disks were released starting in 2015.]

The WKRP-Cast is a weekly re-watch podcast spending time with the original "WKRP in Cincinnati" which aired from 1978-82. New episodes every Tuesday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. 

Hey Fellow Babies!! We talked to Gary Sandy. Don't miss our exclusive interview with Andy Travis now available from the WKRP-Cast. Wherever you get your podcasts.

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