Turn to God with Carin

Stop Child Abuse

June 06, 2022 Carin Jayne Casey Season 1 Episode 92

In this episode Casey shares a bit as a survivor of child abuse, urging us all to take part to “Stop Child Abuse.” 

 As she shares, the highest danger is for victims to believe the lies of the enemy: you’re not enough, you’re not loveable, your life doesn’t matter…

She encourages an awareness, advocacy, and prevention of this pervasive problem in today’s world, including what it might take to stop the legacy of continued abuse within a family. 

 Her books, ‘My Dear Rosa Jean’ and ‘A New Song Rises Up!’ address this issue.

 Did you find encouragement in this story? I look forward to your feedback.
Video: https://youtu.be/G47imIoAZHE
Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

 #stopchildabuse #childabuse #childabuseawareness #childabusesurvivor #childabuseprevention 