Turn to God with Carin

Did You Come To Jesus?

February 19, 2021 Carin Jayne Casey Season 3 Episode 2

Carin’s Book Corner, An Author’s Read by Carin Jayne Casey
Every 1st and 3rd Friday - Today, An Exert from “A New Song Rises Up!”

Please join me! 

 My purpose in writing this book, which was released last fall, was to simply share bits and pieces of how the Lord has brought me through some horrible and painful times. My life is a miracle, and I am forever grateful for my life, health, and peace. 

With that gratitude, I am motivated to share my testimony: look what the Lord did for me, even though I did not deserve it – so He can also deliver you!

 We read from Chapter 12 – Did You Come To Jesus? (pages 117-120), my personal testimony of when I first came to Jesus. I was a young wife and mother, struggling in a failing marriage. The setting was in rural West Virginia, forty-six years ago.
There are a number of thought-provoking questions in the respective STUDY GUIDE.

 You can purchase your books at https://www.CarinJayneCasey.com
Your feedback is always welcome!

Available on video: https://youtu.be/S5S7Ck9YLXM 
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