Turn to God with Carin

Love Others

Carin Jayne Casey Season 1 Episode 24

How can we love those who are different than ourselves? 
What does it take to love despite political and cultural differences?  

 Please join me!

 While we have a need to focus on the Lord rather than on the distractions, fears, and conflicts in the world, that brings us to the realization that our Creator loves us, and He is in control. In that, we can love ourselves and with His guidance, learn to love those who are different than ourselves. 

 We look at the story of Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman, and the parable of the Good Samaritan. Why are these stories significant? Wouldn’t it be easy to love those who are like ourselves? But we are to love our neighbor, show mercy to people in need. 

 I encourage you to join me as we explore this topic.
Available on Video: https://youtu.be/1clo5YekFTk
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