The Take It Deep Show

Escapades in Arizona With Big Phil

October 03, 2023 Patty-Flea, Matty, Aubz Season 4 Episode 76
Escapades in Arizona With Big Phil
The Take It Deep Show
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The Take It Deep Show
Escapades in Arizona With Big Phil
Oct 03, 2023 Season 4 Episode 76
Patty-Flea, Matty, Aubz

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Ever found yourself caught in the midst of a surprising sandstorm, or perhaps a hilarious misunderstanding at a bar? Well, we certainly did on our recent escapade in Arizona, and we've got some tales to tell! From the intense heat to discussing Peytons  practice, it's a whirlwind of events you'll want to hear about - not forgetting the sly antics of our good friend, Tom. And of course, for all you draft enthusiasts, we've got a special reveal on Phil's pick.

Strap in as we pivot the conversation to our shared love for sports and mock drafts. Imagine the adrenaline rush of friendly competitions, the thrill of victory, and the anticipation of every game. We'll be reminiscing about Dante's baseball successes, Ryder's growth journey, and our peculiar affinity for different types of Medellas. Bring your game face on, as we dive into some friendly banter!

Lastly, all you baseball lovers out there, we haven't forgotten you. We get candid about the Mets and Yankees' not-so-great seasons, debate Alonzo's performance, and ponder Otani's potential comeback. We'll be delving into how changing trends in batting averages are impacting the game, discussing the ripple effects of players like Verlander and Shers, and what this means for the future of baseball. So tune in, as we take on the world of sports, one conversation at a time.

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Ever found yourself caught in the midst of a surprising sandstorm, or perhaps a hilarious misunderstanding at a bar? Well, we certainly did on our recent escapade in Arizona, and we've got some tales to tell! From the intense heat to discussing Peytons  practice, it's a whirlwind of events you'll want to hear about - not forgetting the sly antics of our good friend, Tom. And of course, for all you draft enthusiasts, we've got a special reveal on Phil's pick.

Strap in as we pivot the conversation to our shared love for sports and mock drafts. Imagine the adrenaline rush of friendly competitions, the thrill of victory, and the anticipation of every game. We'll be reminiscing about Dante's baseball successes, Ryder's growth journey, and our peculiar affinity for different types of Medellas. Bring your game face on, as we dive into some friendly banter!

Lastly, all you baseball lovers out there, we haven't forgotten you. We get candid about the Mets and Yankees' not-so-great seasons, debate Alonzo's performance, and ponder Otani's potential comeback. We'll be delving into how changing trends in batting averages are impacting the game, discussing the ripple effects of players like Verlander and Shers, and what this means for the future of baseball. So tune in, as we take on the world of sports, one conversation at a time.

Speaker 1:

Thank God it's Friday, no time to fuck around, cause we don't Fuck you. Ride on up, so get up, get a move on and get your own phone, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Friday yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

It's not me, dude, it's not me. Yeah, fuck off.

Speaker 3:

There's a hotline working.

Speaker 4:

Oh, there it is. We're just gonna call back Now. We're calling them. We're calling them back, hey.

Speaker 5:

Not only do you ask me hey, you wanna jump on a call?

Speaker 4:

Listen, listen, listen.

Speaker 5:

And I'm on the fucking hotline. Doesn't answer the fucking call.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I probably haven't said to straight to voicemail.

Speaker 2:

We're good, we're good. How many hotlines call you back bud? Yeah, this is true. How many?

Speaker 4:

hotlines call you back, buddy.

Speaker 5:

Well, your personal phone is not the fucking hotline. You call me, not your fucking hotline. Well, it's technically Shut up Phil.

Speaker 3:

Big Phil coming out of my house.

Speaker 4:

Wow, that's some anger. What's going on? Hey, quick question Where's our grease board you?

Speaker 5:

know, fuck you. Take it deep.

Speaker 3:

What's going on? How's AZ doing?

Speaker 5:

It's fucking hot. I'm fucking tired, I'm worn down.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, are you turning into leather yet? No, but.

Speaker 5:

Close to me. We got hit with a big storm last night.

Speaker 4:

A sandstorm.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, a big fucking sandstorm.

Speaker 4:

Wow, it's like the mummy. It's like the mummy.

Speaker 5:

I thought Brandon Bridget just put down the background.

Speaker 4:

How big was the storm?

Speaker 5:

It was quick. When I dropped Peyton Olsson at his the cages last night for his practice, I went to a crack bar, had a few drinks and then Wait time out. A crack bar. A crack bar Like craft beer Craft.

Speaker 4:

I thought you were talking about crack.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, I went to a crack bar. We were doing crack ring at the bar, no, not mad. So we went there and then, like 10 minutes into it Okay, 10 minutes into it every phone went off for the alert for the weather and then, within like a few minutes, we got hit with a 90 mile an hour and a 80 mile an hour.

Speaker 4:

How come we don't see that on the news?

Speaker 5:

Well, because part of the other area was guys. You probably see the flooding part, because some areas got flooded last night.

Speaker 4:

I remember when I went out there. What was it Like? 100 and something days in a row you didn't have rain.

Speaker 5:

We just shattered it. We just shattered it this year and there's 100, I forgot how many days over 100 plus degrees.

Speaker 4:

The second I landed was a monsoon of rain, so it's like it's been a bust up year for monsoon.

Speaker 5:

We didn't get any literally no rain this monsoon, but we did the entire month of July. It was a bubble of 110 every day.

Speaker 3:

Damn Jesus, it was dry heat.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it was humid too. What are you doing now Are?

Speaker 4:

you going out?

Speaker 5:

I might go meet up with some friends to go have a couple drinks. Where are you going? I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Press rail Blue Oyster Crack bar.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I have that.

Speaker 4:

Wait, there's a fucking Blue Oyster out in. Arizona and there's one in fucking Toronto. We're in Canada. We're Ben ones.

Speaker 3:

Shit. It's been in Arizona this week.

Speaker 4:

He's doing a fucking world tour.

Speaker 5:

What happened? I thought you guys were doing some freaking big ass thing. Whatever happened to?

Speaker 2:

that oh the telethon.

Speaker 4:

There's still no words. Life happens, Phil. Life happens, you know it's.

Speaker 5:

Oh, let me guess, because you don't have to drive a race for it.

Speaker 4:

You can't fucking play it. Well, unfortunately I couldn't see anything in the dark, and we were supposed to have that glow in the dark one, so we canceled the telethon. But we do have a new hotline, which is great, good old 845.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, good 845. Shut up, you shut up.

Speaker 2:

We're still working out the bugs.

Speaker 3:

Phil, listen, phil as would anything new on this show. It takes three to four weeks to figure out how this shit works, so just bear with us, okay.

Speaker 5:

Well, you know what? In three or four weeks I'll call it next time, if it works.

Speaker 4:

I'm trying to fix it right now. Well, it said, I got a call. It must be set to a certain amount of fucking rings. It says please leave. What did it say?

Speaker 5:

Oh, please wait, We'll try to route you to the appropriate people. I go into the fucking calls. Maybe that's why I didn't go. No well, we have people behind the scene that are trying to reroute stuff.

Speaker 4:

It's very busy over here, phil. You know if you're not going to be polite to our automated tellers or automated answering machines.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, who's Joe? Adio, that's my buddy, big Joe.

Speaker 4:

Crack kills, crack does kill, but it's you know, it's slow yeah in case you do want it. It's painless. So what's? How many are you doing you? Getting ready for the draft tomorrow? That's what I am Great. I should never have reminded you. I should have told you it was tonight. It was supposed to be Friday.

Speaker 5:

Well, tom, never freaking, told us that he changed the date. That's why I'm like wait a minute. What do you mean? Saturday is Friday, fuck.

Speaker 4:

So, tom, you almost pulled the fast one on us. I don't know if he was trying to do that. Let's be honest, he's trying to pull a fast one on one team in the league Holy gate.

Speaker 5:

We have a free gate every year.

Speaker 4:

He mistakenly told Phil and Eric Frank that the draft was on Friday.

Speaker 3:

So we're going to be playing in the league? Oh, I see he's fucking pushing out again.

Speaker 4:

It's already. Listen to collusion. What pick, what number pick you got this year?

Speaker 2:

Number six, six.

Speaker 3:

Sounds like Kelsey.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we'll be.

Speaker 3:

Why you think anyone's listening to the show it's going to give you a strategy away.

Speaker 4:

Well, we just started talking about fantasy football and two listeners dropped off.

Speaker 5:

So what's your pick?

Speaker 4:

Number two. I'm number two. I got it's going to be mostly it's either, if it's not Jefferson or Jamar Chase, one of the two. So I'm not going to. I've already had this discussion plenty of times with Ops. I'm not going to take McAfrey. No, no, I wouldn't go in. But the only thing that sucks is coming back because the 23rd pick. It's fucking brutal, brutal, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're still okay though man.

Speaker 4:

No, no, you're not dude. I would have rather had the nine, 10, 11, 12 pick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure Like given choice.

Speaker 4:

Definitely at the bottom On a snake trap tell you.

Speaker 3:

You could go.

Speaker 5:

You could go Austin, eckler and especially, 12 teams instead of 10 teams.

Speaker 3:

They're kind of throwing shit off. I didn't mean 10 teams.

Speaker 2:

The biggest gay fucking league ever.

Speaker 4:

That's like fucking baby stuff 10 teams Just showing over here, I mean.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I do. I've been doing so many mock drafts. It doesn't matter how many mock drafts I've done, they're pointless, it's just. It's so stupid, absolutely stupid.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but aren't you also all year mock drafts with kickers and everything?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we don't have kickers. We got to pick a defense and 40 other fucking guys on the team.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but why is it? If they're going to do a mock draft, you might as well measure apples or apples and not include a kicker, because it just throws off how everybody picked. Yeah, like, anything on a site is worthless.

Speaker 2:

Because, like you get jerks that are like picking like Alexander Madison in the first round for some stupid reason and it just throws the whole fucking Just to fuck your drafts up.

Speaker 3:

They do that and then they leave and yeah, like you can't really gauge anything by it, because your scoreings are all different.

Speaker 4:

No, I got the good old roto world and analyzer. So it's literally guaranteed someone is going to fuck the draft up for us in this.

Speaker 5:

It literally analyzes your drafts live and then tells you who's best available and what you need and whatnot.

Speaker 4:

So hopefully that fucking works, not just smash the computer. That's another way to look at it. We'll see. So I play in. Cornhole with orbs.

Speaker 3:

How's everything? Oh, you know, just getting my ass kicked in Cornhole by Kevin all day.

Speaker 5:

Fucking brutal. Yeah, when you're good at something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, you're good at something.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I don't think, I don't think you would have the same dominance on somebody else's boards on like a level field.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, we're playing downhill with a fucking 9% greed, and then you got to go downhill and throw. Uphill it throws a whole fucking thing off and you know what it's like for short people like yourself throwing up here.

Speaker 4:

Dude, he's always throwing uphill Right.

Speaker 2:

Maddie, I'm not doing anything.

Speaker 5:

I love you, phil, I love you.

Speaker 4:

I love you. I love you, Phil. What's going on with the boys? I see they're fucking killing it. Brady's got. Brady's first game tonight too.

Speaker 5:

It's like this entire summer was gone. It was all baseball nonstop. I had a two week break before the season started back up. I literally have been nonstop baseball since end of December Damn.

Speaker 4:

You have been busy because I haven't seen too many selfies, oh, careful.

Speaker 5:

Wow. Dante's playing in front of the bathroom here at the bar Dante's playing 10-year majors at eight years old and then he's playing for a club team, real Athletics, which is the national team. So he got invited to play with Jose Canceco no, jose Berger Rio, who was drafted by the Mets like 93, I think, oh, you were telling me about that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think you were.

Speaker 5:

So he's really good he does on this whole thing. Originally out of Washington, oregon, and it just exploded. He moved the whole organization down to Arizona. I'm 12 year, team is ranked number four in the nation, number one in the day, and he's his son just turned nine, so now he's building a team around the sun and he invited Dante to go play with. Fuck yeah, let's do it, do it. They have a great facility. They have, you know, when you go up there, exit velocity. They see everything, they measure everything on the screen.

Speaker 4:

Can we send a ops out there to see if he throws 80 miles an hour?

Speaker 3:

Oh, we should start saving up our fucking yeah, I'm like a money's paid all expenses paid.

Speaker 4:

Next thing it blows out his fucking UCL. Toll awesome, totally worth it.

Speaker 2:

I'm down never had a UCL.

Speaker 3:

You'll have to fucking throw bags with his left hand, then I'm hoping.

Speaker 5:

Say that again Shit man.

Speaker 4:

Rider did that. He had. He grew fucking six inches and put on like 20 pounds.

Speaker 5:

Five shit.

Speaker 3:

What are you fucking rubbing Andrew on his arms and shit.

Speaker 5:

I like I've been training enough in the last few months. Because you look, I want to get strong, I'll buy you a gym members to come to the gym with me. This kid he's earth is 12, he's benching 150 and Like he's completely shredded, like it's on the wall, dude, I wish I had your jeans at 12 years old. I said the rider.

Speaker 4:

I said that the rider I wish I looked like him at 14 stunning. Now that's good. That's good. What's what they definitely had the angry supplement executive. Does he have the vein that pops in the middle of his forehead to the side, like yours did?

Speaker 5:

Oh, you know his. Actually it's like making at your let him start drinking scotch.

Speaker 3:

Scotch and anger get them through anything.

Speaker 5:

Bob, that one. I start putting down money away now.

Speaker 1:

Oh he's killing the good. Oh, I'm going to the ice.

Speaker 4:

Was that? All the ice? That's all your eyes, all your eyes.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I'm just saying he got nothing left for that Good.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to drink a medello drink now, because I'm what are you drinking?

Speaker 4:

Medellas, because we're so close to Mexico.

Speaker 2:

What Medello.

Speaker 5:

Oh well, I want to like you before I go out.

Speaker 2:

But what a which medello you got there? There's different types.

Speaker 5:

I just got the special one OK.

Speaker 4:

The what's one Especially out.

Speaker 2:

Special, special. Yeah, that's a black. I got this one Negro. We call that negative.

Speaker 5:

I'm taking a life right now. Oh, $1.11. 12 and a half percent, 10 percent, 13 percent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you think you have more, more bang for the buck.

Speaker 5:

Right, yeah, it was $11. A beer left, right. What about football?

Speaker 4:

Are they playing football this year or no?

Speaker 5:

Dude, we don't have time. I mean with Don't be what, five nights a week. Before I had no time to do flag within the year.

Speaker 3:

Hey, he's fucking picking up. Put some fucking heads on that kid.

Speaker 5:

Oh, he's not. But I mean, it's definitely against them playing football. But we watched him play last year and I was like this kid's going to be a star. He is, he's a natural. It's not matter what sport that kid plays, he's good, amen, yeah. So I was like do what you want, the number one thing is keep it up to kitchen.

Speaker 4:

No, so, uh. So what's the time frame of the grease board?

Speaker 5:

In between the fuck yourself and eat a dick.

Speaker 3:

So what you're saying, it's soon. It's soon, you're just saying, is there's a chance?

Speaker 5:

There's a chance. I was going to buy you one.

Speaker 4:

God, I mean how many times we heard this before Phil.

Speaker 5:

But then I'm thinking I'm like where am I? And shit was fucking being too big.

Speaker 4:

I don't even know where the fuck, you live anymore Right.

Speaker 2:

Send it to the TID studio. That's it, tid studio. We can give you the edge at the address. Care of yeah off air care of Mr Orbs.

Speaker 3:

1450 Walla Walla, washington.

Speaker 5:

You know what? Give me the fucking oh, oh shit. Cut this off the audio. I'll explain to them the business plan.

Speaker 4:

Shit, yeah, thanks, as long as it does the address?

Speaker 5:

is there to give me the address that it will go to?

Speaker 4:

This reminds me of three years ago.

Speaker 5:

Seriously, I'm not spending years because you're like a gypsy.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what the fucking house you're at Nothing wrong with the gypsies, Phil. Nothing wrong with the gypsies. Did you know what, Phil? And now that fuck you. Okay, all right, pal, that's what you get.

Speaker 5:

So far. Hit me off. Send it to me and like a Facebook Messenger or something where your address is the best wall.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I will do that. You got to make sure you put CC Gypsy Resort on that one. Who's been talking about? Is this guy the Beetlejuice of the TID show? Who's he talking to?

Speaker 2:

I don't know Ben's trying to be funny. Is he talking about Phil?

Speaker 5:

Blackboard version. You want the blackboard version or the whiteboard version? Blackboard.

Speaker 4:

All right, yeah, we like a black down here.

Speaker 5:

Three by four, huh, three by four, size, how big Three by three feet, by four feet.

Speaker 4:

Is that what you're talking about? Yeah, that'll work, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Ops can hang anything up. Yeah, that'll work.

Speaker 5:

That'll work.

Speaker 4:

I'll send you my Gypsy address.

Speaker 2:

I mean are there going to be colored markers with it?

Speaker 5:

I will. There's special markers so I have to get the different ones. So I'll send those ones. I have a whole drawer full of them at my office.

Speaker 2:

So is that a yeah? All the greatest colors you want Like are we going to have to get our own markers or no, this is a special grease board that lights up and Phil's got the special markers.

Speaker 3:

He just said he's got a whole drawer full of them.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I was certain. Yeah, certain markers on it makes it illuminate. It was clarifying.

Speaker 5:

What the hell am I sending you a light up, fucking board. I'm sending you a board.

Speaker 4:

Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. I thought we had an agreement.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was light up. There's no fucking stand. It's not where the fucking light up blow to dark boards.

Speaker 4:

Let's go get a board on the side of the street.

Speaker 5:

You can go get your LED lights and put them to the back, and then you can light that shit up all you want. Please don't light up.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I'm going to send you the address.

Speaker 5:

What the fuck? I'll send you a broken.

Speaker 3:

There it is, there it is.

Speaker 2:

It's like my mom telling me hydrox is just the same as Oreos. Like no, they're not Not to save.

Speaker 3:

Not to save the welfare. Green pepper burger ain't the same as McDonald's.

Speaker 4:

All right, Listen we wanted to check in and what is this? Cube steaks. Cube steaks, yes, I'm all about cube steaks Is it steak? It's. You know it's like beaten meat, Like really beaten. No, we just wanted to check in to see what the delay was on the three years since you've been sending the fucking grease board.

Speaker 5:

So sorry, global supply chain constraints.

Speaker 4:

Oh, totally, it was COVID. Was it COVID that caused all? No, there's no problem.

Speaker 2:

Little voting fraud in there too.

Speaker 3:

Are you wearing a mask right now?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you are.

Speaker 4:

Are you getting ready for the new strain that's coming from Canada?

Speaker 5:

I don't fucking pay, I don't even watch. Keep you.

Speaker 4:

Don't worry about it. Don't follow the rules.

Speaker 3:

Just say no. I think Ben got to cover from Canada's dick fellow. I don't even watch it.

Speaker 5:

I don't pay attention to it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, just don't worry about it. Just lock yourself up and hopefully you don't have to mask up out there in Arizona. Fuck that mask, that's right. Yeah, no more, get it out. No more F the mask.

Speaker 2:

Don't pull that shit again, fuck that.

Speaker 5:

I'll hide behind the dick.

Speaker 4:

I'm telling you right now, if they tell me to mask up, I'm just lubing myself up and I'm walking naked around and just breathing.

Speaker 3:

It's up why you have to be naked I don't know Anywhere and anything.

Speaker 5:

I'm just gonna stab my eyes with a fucking eye stick. Now for that visual.

Speaker 4:

All right, phil, that's time for us to cut off this phone call and happy that you can join us.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for being the first caller on the new hotline.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, I called him from my regular phone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did call the hotline. He did call the hotline first, which is nice.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Phil. Still counts.

Speaker 3:

He didn't give me a chance to fucking answer it.

Speaker 4:

How many rings? How many rings was it? 14. Fucking like 10.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that sounds like a really good chance.

Speaker 5:

It kept ringing it kept ringing.

Speaker 4:

Do you see it? I only saw it come up once. Do you hear how?

Speaker 3:

angry. He is over this still, hey.

Speaker 4:

Phil Ronnie Maurizio's first MLB hit was the hardest ball in play by a met this season, at 117.3 miles an hour, which was a double. Nobody care, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Mets Nobody care Woo baseball.

Speaker 5:

It's a disappointed season in baseball history this year with the Met.

Speaker 4:

And the Yankees, and the Yankees.

Speaker 2:

New York. Baseball in a hole is just in a hole. In a hole, yes.

Speaker 5:

In a hole. But you spent $500 million. You expect to put a good team on the field and we just thought dick.

Speaker 3:

Well, between the both of them, I think they shed about 400 million of that in the last three weeks.

Speaker 5:

You know honestly before we get off, I think the biggest issue with the Met is the chemistry.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you look at last year, so let me, let me time you out there. Phil, are you in favor of getting rid of Alonzo?

Speaker 5:

No, I don't know if I'm in favor of because it's been.

Speaker 2:

It's been in the ether of Lowe.

Speaker 5:

You know, like that they're going to get rid of him at the end of the year.

Speaker 2:

Like you're, you know in between, or whatever.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I keep reading about it Like if you were to do that, are you?

Speaker 2:

heartbroken if it happens or are you okay sort of with it.

Speaker 3:

Dependent on how what happens after you get a big polar bear, teddy bear and snuggle with it at night?

Speaker 5:

It'll. It'll suck to embrace it. It'll make you think who do you supplement with a guy? Let's just put his stats in the last five years. He's not the best bad average person, but in the last five years the amount of home runs a dude and he hasn't even hit his stride. That's the crazy part. How do you, how do you supplement or replace a person like that? That's going to be almost near impossible.

Speaker 2:

So, like my issue, my take on it is if they do like get rid of him, like it's really just make a room for Otani, and are you on board for Otani?

Speaker 5:

Not right now. No, we have to. God is going to get Tommy John surgery.

Speaker 2:

Yep, not even again. Like, not even the hitter, like we're just talking the hitter. Otani Nice Got to get surgery.

Speaker 5:

But the thing is, otani is measured right now as being the most versatile player when it comes to pitching and hitting, and that's where his cap is. It's like, oh, he's going to be $500 million because he's a split player. Yeah, there's no five years, matt. He just said it's five years, tommy John, that's. That's pretty quick to do with Tommy John. Again, there's no guarantee he's going to come back and be able to throw the way he throws.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I mean it's almost like a perfect storm for you Well you can't.

Speaker 3:

You can't pay him $500 million because he's not going to do both.

Speaker 2:

Like you're not, you're going to have to pay for both, you know, because you're only going to have to pay for one, because you can't do the other.

Speaker 5:

The only thing you could probably do with something like that, and that's probably what the executive is. The thing is like maybe we don't give him this 10 year $500 million. What if we just trim down the contract to be very heavy, let's say, $50 million a year for four years. Give him $200 million. That's $50 million. Well, I think for 200, I think you really you can see what you get out of them and then really empty up.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, I think he really fucked himself. Because they're going to take, they're going to take a monster money off the table. Because now, now, you just you're a DH, now that's it. You can't play in the field, you're a DH and he's got to. He's got to fucking get the surgery and come back and prove he can do something.

Speaker 2:

But boiling it down. Phil, are you okay with the Alonzo Otani swap, sort of thing, Like if they do end up moving him or whatever? You okay with that?

Speaker 3:

No, but then they got it. Then it's got to get rid of the fat DH and everyone loves.

Speaker 4:

Fuck out of here, Volgoback sucks.

Speaker 2:

What about you? That's right Volgoback. I know you're your method too.

Speaker 4:

It's going to be tough to replace his 40 plus home runs and 100 plus RBS.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but I think the cronies, stat wise, is a better, better hitter than Alonzo All that understood, but if you get.

Speaker 4:

Tommy John at the end of the season. You're not going to see him until fucking.

Speaker 3:

he's not going to be able to swing the bat till next August, but I hope because of that.

Speaker 5:

Why you think about it. What is the Harper? How fast was Harper back after he did it and he was DH and before he went to play first?

Speaker 3:

Harper, that was similar time, he didn't he?

Speaker 5:

was he got? Oh, because he's not throwing. Yeah, but you still have to come back and get the quicker but you still got to have your fucking.

Speaker 3:

you still got to be able to fucking have your fucking elbows when you're swinging the bat. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

So I mean let's just say he off to do it after the season, that's October. He doesn't have to pick up a swing of that for six months. He'll probably be ready by May or June to swing a bat.

Speaker 3:

No, okay, june, July. Yeah, you're not wrong, I would go with that.

Speaker 5:

But to go back to my point, what I'm saying I think we're the next biggest collapse was is the pitching staff, because if you watched them last year, every one of them were always huddling around with each other after innings and they were talking with each other, saying what's working, what's not working. This year there was none of that. Every picture fucking sucked this year.

Speaker 3:

Well, they had fucking 45 All Stars. They didn't want to talk to one another because they knew better. Yeah, it's kind of like all.

Speaker 5:

I love Chris Basser because he's through four different pitches, five different pitches. He got you what you needed out of him. Fucking Walker, fucking pitch. Good for us. He was carrying a big burden of the load. I think he got burned out towards the end of the last season because he was carrying most of the things, did a lot of innings, yeah yeah. But I mean you have those guys that got you those innings we did. We had 101 wins without our prime aces last year.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying. I mean, it's just an epic collapse. You've got fucking Verlander and Shers, or one, two, and you just fucking get the top to collapse.

Speaker 4:

They were at second bottom all the time.

Speaker 3:

You said it were bottom bitches.

Speaker 2:

I mean the whole season they were. I mean it started with the fucking Diaz shit, you know before it started.

Speaker 4:

Second that happened.

Speaker 2:

That's when I was like season's over. It started before it started, you know it's brutal.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the only thing that would have been better if they would have signed to Gromback.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, no, fuck. That would have been just a pinnacle, like, yeah, you know, you know, we knew that was going to happen. Well, I think normal the BC is a contributor to it this year with all of the teams.

Speaker 3:

I think Nolan Ryan threw more innings than the Grom this year.

Speaker 5:

I would not be, surprised Right.

Speaker 4:

Would not be surprised, for fun.

Speaker 2:

He threw that for fun. They were just throwing batting practice. He's thrown that at the hayback, Even on a lineup. I mean, if you go up and down.

Speaker 5:

I'm talking a lot of those bat what? Two 18, two 20, nemo's batting. Two 50, eight are the batting champion. My answer is batting just something. Is that it's just. There's no, there's no consistency coming from the lineup.

Speaker 3:

It's baseball as a whole, though all these fucking guys. All they want to do is launch, angle and exit Velo. No one hits for fucking average anymore. Oh dude, nobody no.

Speaker 2:

It's terrible.

Speaker 3:

It's changing. It's changing the game. Yeah, I look at the Yankees and they're fucking. Their highest batting average was was judge, who missed four months, and fucking Torres was batting like 270.

Speaker 2:

Like just just look at the averages of the people that won the batting title over the past 15 years. It's garbage. Like you're going to see a huge like decline as far as, like 340, 332, 328, you know you're just going to see this steady arrow down to, like you know, 315 is going to win you a fucking batting title.

Speaker 3:

The whole. The whole stat you have to look at is is the guys are striking out 160 times a year. Tony Gwynn didn't strike out 160 times in the 90s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Tony Gwynn's an anomaly in baseball. Well listen.

Speaker 3:

Pucka was the same way. Maddenley struck out 30, 40 times a year. Put Puckett in the same. Oh so you shut your fucking mouth. That guy was phenomenal.

Speaker 4:

You were saying fucking Larry Bird is the best of all time. So zip it. Larry Bird is pretty fucking good yeah.

Speaker 3:

Pretty fucking good, not even close to me Number one.

Speaker 2:

He's 1a bro Stop.

Speaker 4:

He's not one of. Jordan than bird Are you out of your fucking mind. I'm not out of my mind. Oh my fill. You want to. You want to die? I was going to say you want to divulge. I know, no, no.

Speaker 5:

You're going out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, jordan's still number one in my life, kobe is third. It goes Jordan bird, then Kobe. That's the top three. Like you can't, what about Wilts?

Speaker 5:

No, it's a different era. I mean you can't, you can't measure that.

Speaker 4:

No, I can measure some things.

Speaker 5:

I want to. I want to ask you do you think the batting averages are down this year because of the time clock?

Speaker 2:

No, no, absolutely not I think it's just a. It's just an inherent thing that's happened through baseball throughout the past fucking 20 years. The hitting philosophy has changed.

Speaker 3:

No one. No one tries to go the other way anymore. No one hits, hits, you know, tries to fucking ground a single middle with two outs. It's just a whole, a whole change in the coaching and the philosophy. It's bullshit, it's ruined in the game.

Speaker 5:

I think this year the pitch clock has fucked with pitchers and batters. I think obviously the stone bases are up because that's your inch around the bases. I mean, look at fucking what are you at? 60 on 60 on a stone base adjusted right.

Speaker 3:

The fucking stone bases are up because the fucking pitchers can only throw the first once.

Speaker 5:

That too. So so that whole commercial with Volgoback, and they're like oh, is he going to steal Jersey? That commercial that they made the base and figured, and Volgoback stealing names, and that's like, that's like, that's like me stealing second base in the old man baseball league.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't happen.

Speaker 2:

Was he looting a Walmart in California?

Speaker 4:

He was looting a fucking Burger King commercial.

Speaker 5:

It was a commercial with fuck show author and he's like is he thinking of stealing right now because they made the bases smaller? It was a funny commercial, but I think, you know, I think that I think the pitch clock fucked things up.

Speaker 2:

I love the pitch clock. I love the.

Speaker 5:

I do too. I do too. It just feeds it up a little. I also think what's it called. They better bring that robotic fucking shit to the majors, because it will prove Angel Hernandez should not be.

Speaker 3:

Did you?

Speaker 2:

see he got fired. He's gone. They actually fired him. He's gone. Oh, they did, yeah, oh was it after the? The fucking, the umpire.

Speaker 4:

Did he really?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's gone.

Speaker 4:

Isn't he? Yeah, but I thought he she filed sue for like something with. Oh, he did they threw it out.

Speaker 3:

He's still gone. It's weird out. Last week, yep, and then, as soon as that was, as soon as that was done, they fired him. He's horrible Dude.

Speaker 5:

I was watching. I was watching the game and he missed 26 fucking calls. I was like how do you even have a job? It's awful, Fucking awful.

Speaker 2:

And they're just so bad, like the ones he, he fucking misses. They're so bad they're not even question yeah.

Speaker 5:

It's like seven inches off the plate. He's like strike. And then you got one to hit the corner and it's a strike. He's like well, I'm like dude, that one's closer than what you just call the ball.

Speaker 3:

You know, with all the technology and shit that they have up now and they got to pitch box. Like you know, I'll give the umpire, you know, a hair a hair out of the box they might call a strike, or a hair in the box they might call a ball. That happens, but you're right, these fucking guys did throw in a left hand batter's box to a righty hitter and call them strikes. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 5:

It's terrible. Have you seen the video from college of how the turn over turn and he called how bad it's been? Oh yeah, it's fucking terrible, yeah, it's just. And then at one dude it's like oh, I'll strike me. The guy fucking. It was in the other batter's box. He just wanted to get off the field. They went up suspending them.

Speaker 3:

I am a huge proponent for standing up for, for officials, because the shit that they have to go through. But God damn man, you got to be able to do your fucking job. If you can't do your job, get out. I don't give a shit. You know what I'm saying? Agreed, yeah.

Speaker 5:

No, I agree, and I also think that they learn a little trigger happy kicking people out the game these days.

Speaker 3:

Well, they make it about themselves. They don't want to fucking, they don't want to be shown up.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think if they're too trigger happy, you know like help your out and like come on, fucking seriously.

Speaker 3:

It's insane, absolutely insane.

Speaker 4:

All right, buddy, we will send over the the gypsy address in order to send the fucking grease board to us.

Speaker 3:

Hopefully we're sending it. We're sending it to a PO box.

Speaker 2:

Hold it with with pens.

Speaker 4:

Yeah with with markers.

Speaker 5:

I'll get a foldable one for you then. So it's such a PO box.

Speaker 4:

Foldable one. Yeah, we're down with that.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be a black grease board with five black markers.

Speaker 4:

That's great. All right, brother, enjoy your night out and you're going to get to smoke tomorrow on the draft. How about that?

Speaker 5:

Oh, you just thought about it. I'm sorry I can't hear you. What draft, what it's typical.

Speaker 4:

You guys don't want a championship yet, since it's been in the league. So, oh boy, I'm just saying I got three.

Speaker 3:

How many, how long you been in league, phil? I'm just saying I got three.

Speaker 2:

Uh, long enough, that's all. I gotta say I mean, yeah, that's enough to take a.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, all right, would ever say, there Minnesota Vikings no.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you know what? Every year my fucking guys get hurt in the same week.

Speaker 4:

So I'm like I'm, who's my buddy, it's called stepping up and being a proper GM.

Speaker 3:

So do. It Sounds like the Orbrie first round jinks.

Speaker 4:

Right, I already know what's going to happen now and my fucking really, my first two picks are gonna get fucking 20 CLs. I hope so.

Speaker 5:

Good, good. I hope everyone's blown out of the regalia and they're fucking done for the year.

Speaker 2:

Now torn labia.

Speaker 4:

Yep Torn labia Right in the roast beef sandwich.

Speaker 3:

That sucks. Well, let's. Let's hope it's the labia menorah, not the labia majora, the man in the, the man in the boat, the man in the boat?

Speaker 2:

I didn't even know. There were two different ones.

Speaker 3:

That's. That's what your wife said, oh boy no.

Speaker 4:

All right, buddy, take a deep and we'll send you the address.

Speaker 2:

Good talk, phil. Love you Phil.

Speaker 3:

All right, bro, good luck tomorrow. Let him kickpats ass.

Speaker 4:

That's why I fucking shut him right off when he was laughing Ping. So three years, no grease for it. I doubt we're going to get a grease for it anytime soon.

Speaker 3:

There's no fuck away, there's no common If there is you know, we'll see what happens.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But I think I go up say we're going to black grease pool with three black markers.

Speaker 4:

Well here's. Here's a cool thing. Now, if anybody has been watching the the UFO hearings that have been going on in Congress and there was like a main, a lot of people who've been stepping up as whistleblowers yeah, one main ones guy named Michael Herrera. He was a Marine. Him and five other Marines were actually in Indonesia and his story is fucking bonkers, absolutely bonkers. So I was sitting there and was like, hey, what can we do about the show? And, you know, is there a possible way of getting this guy on the show? So, in progress, watching this podcast, sean Ryan podcast on YouTube, if anybody's listening, check it out. It's a great frigging podcast. He actually brings forth whistleblowers from from UFOs to political corruption and he brings them on to interview him. I actually reached out to the show, sent an email.

Speaker 3:

Why does it have to be you? Why couldn't you say we reached out to the show?

Speaker 4:

No, I could. I mean, you guys don't do anything behind the scene anyway.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I mean. Oh, what I mean.

Speaker 3:

I guess there is an I in TID. There is, there is.

Speaker 5:

I built that show.

Speaker 2:

I made the door close, but whatever, yeah, whatever, go on, go on. So I can continue. I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:

I reached out to the show sent an email to I'm sorry, who reached out to the show? We reached out to the show.

Speaker 2:

Built, a fucking built, a whole fucking room too.

Speaker 3:

But we go, go ahead. Yeah, I don't recall you in here. Fuck it, it's right in the room.

Speaker 4:

Totally ruining what we're talking about no, no, no so totally ruining it. Good, so we reached out to the reach down to the show and put a nice little email together to see if we can get his contact information.

Speaker 3:

I will give you credit. It was a good email. Yeah, thank you I. You did that. It was a good email. That's all I got to say.

Speaker 2:

I like you man. I.

Speaker 4:

Hi. So the show actually got back to us and asked what do we want to do as for links for our podcast, and I sent it to them. This poor bastard is going to watch one of like a hot dog in a soda and we're all done. Listen, good thing is to. They got back to us two days ago and said they're going to send out the information to Mr Herrera and, fingers crossed, hopefully down the road we're able to get him on the podcast.

Speaker 3:

We passed the first gate.

Speaker 4:

Tid show bringing you content, yes, so and he's a he's a big part of the the hearings that were going on and at the huge part dude Like yes.

Speaker 2:

Like if you guys watch that the last, the last like session of hearings like he's a big.

Speaker 3:

He was a guy. Yeah, he was the guy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah. So if you get a chance, if you're listening right now, search Michael Herrera, us Marine in Indonesia, and the Sean Ryan show interview should pop up and it's an unbelievable interview. You can see from just his demeanor of how he was reacting and he gets he's really into it and the fact of where now he's actually worried about his life from reporting on this. He stated that he does have video and he does have photos of the UFO that they witnessed. Not only did they witness a UFO, they witnessed Trafficking human trafficking onto the UFO. That's great.

Speaker 2:

We got to get him on the TID show.

Speaker 4:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Got to get him on the TID show.

Speaker 4:

What's even crazier is they were.

Speaker 3:

The government is trading trading humans to the, to the aliens, is what you're saying.

Speaker 4:

Listen, if he's, if he's coming forward with this and he has proof of it, and he even went from so detailed of a black ops team that met them, that almost like, was threatening to kill them because they showed up to the site, showed up to the site, that site showed up to the site in Indonesia, yes, and he, like, detailed, explained exactly what they were wearing no patches, no, nothing. They knew exactly where his, his ID was, because they put it in his left breast pocket First thing they do bam right into the jacket, grab his fucking ID. They're all ex-military.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and it's or current military it's, I wouldn't be surprised. So. But you know, fingers crossed that we can get him on the show. I think that'll be huge for us, I think it'll be huge for everybody just to hear the information that he has to share.

Speaker 3:

Get some information out there, man.

Speaker 4:

It's the fact. It's just information that every human being on this planet needs to know, because there's, even though we were talking about how the Pentagon has this new website now for all the UFO bullshit. Yeah, because they're not going to control that much? Yeah, like I want people who've witnessed it and have proof of it and want to talk about it to get the information out, so every fucking other red blooded American sees exactly what's going on and how much information was actually kept from us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot, Like I think I do. I do think a lot yeah.

Speaker 4:

You got to see, like the like, the rendition of the drawing of the UFO. It's like it's. It's a big word for you, nice job rendition.

Speaker 2:

Is that on a cue card Somewhere? Sorry, let me. Did you put that in the report?

Speaker 4:

Let me erase that real quick, right on the screen, but just the fact of you know it's he was so detailed in everything and how big the UFO was and what would fit underneath it and you know what was there and who was there, and and just it's could I throw 80 miles an hour on the UFO? Probably yeah, it's the kind of increased stuff there. So if anyone's listening.

Speaker 3:

we'll trade orbs for an alien, Wow.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know, here's the crazy part. This is what I was thinking about the other day.

Speaker 2:

I can't believe this is happening.

Speaker 4:

This is what I was thinking about the other day, like like, say, like, say somebody does you know? Say one of us sees a UFO and it lands. And wouldn't it be the fucking craziest thing that the shit that we see in the movies it's, it's actually stuff they accurate. What would you do if ET?

Speaker 2:

landed like hey buddy Like in the yard. Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to sit down like, hey, he likes Reese's. There's a little fucking thing, you can press.

Speaker 2:

I definitely walk toward it. Of course you would.

Speaker 3:

You want to touch it. You'd want to touch it with his big red finger.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like get in boys. They're doing anal stuff, I'm next.

Speaker 4:

I'm in for the problem, but not like I've always like thought about it. Where, if you know? Are they going to be nice? Are they going to be mean? Do they have lasers, do they?

Speaker 2:

have, so you want my take on it.

Speaker 4:

Your take is absolutely accurate.

Speaker 2:

I've been a big quote unquote believer in this for a long time, Like I have followed Stephen Greer Yep, he's a pretty big name and disclosure you know community Talking to your microphone.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Sorry, Like I don't think they're, you know, malicious. You know that like if they were, we would have been wiped out alone a fucking time ago. In my opinion, I think they're here to help guide and stuff as long as we like.

Speaker 4:

Do you think it's more more of not helping, but more of just warning us that the shit you guys are doing on planet Earth is enough, and well, yeah, I mean that goes along with the guide part of it, you know.

Speaker 3:

But I would actually like to see some of the aliens come down and be like this fucking.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, was Kevin. Kevin, it's us aliens.

Speaker 3:

The people in charge are fucking this place up and like just fucking face. Fuck Kamala Harris like on live TV would be awesome. I got. Well, they would divulge some information. Fuck you. What would you? Wow, wow.

Speaker 4:

If you see like a group of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it. I feel like we just teleported to Albook.

Speaker 3:

No, no, not at all, Not at all.

Speaker 4:

Outskirts run the outskirts Totally OK, but it's, I don't know. I just, I just want. I want it to be real, I wanted to.

Speaker 2:

Well, what do you want? To be real Aliens? Ok, I believe they are. See, seems like they are, you know.

Speaker 4:

So we hear, but I need to see.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of like Kevin throwing 80 miles an hour.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, that's just like.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I'll hit 72 right now.

Speaker 3:

Now you will not. You and Shonio Tani will be getting fucking UCL surgery together.

Speaker 4:

But like I'd rather, I want solid, solid, solid, proof.

Speaker 2:

But what is that for you Like for?

Speaker 4:

everybody. What do you need? Confirmation confirmation.

Speaker 2:

For everybody it's different. You know, like, what's your confirmation? Like what is that? Like what do you need to see?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I fucking real live, a real live alien.

Speaker 3:

I think Ben wants to fucking come in, because he keeps fucking saying all of us for prez, like in person or like on the news.

Speaker 2:

Like in person, or or. Confirmed video of you know what I mean. Have you never seen anything to to make you think that there's?

Speaker 3:

there are like fucking did all of us did all show you that one room in his house, the alien room.

Speaker 2:

I've been there. Come on, that was come on.

Speaker 3:

Lube yourself up and just step in, Step into the room. You know, let's hold it together here.

Speaker 2:

Come on now. We got this.

Speaker 4:

But it's, you know, just we saw that one.

Speaker 2:

Like give me your scenario to where, like Now you're a believer, you know, like fucking ET Walking in front of me, like in front of you.

Speaker 3:

You want to shake, like ET's hand? Yeah, something like this fucking head, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know about shaking hands, because it's supposedly that one alien that landed in fucking Brazil or wherever and the guy that touched them died.

Speaker 4:

So oh yeah, but I'm just saying you know like so for you it's.

Speaker 2:

You need to see something personal, right. Who doesn't have you never? Apparently not right? I'm sorry, mel Gibson in science, have you seen?

Speaker 4:

an alien. Well, not I mean for me to believe it.

Speaker 2:

I would have to see gout pack.

Speaker 3:

Gouge out one of the aliens eyes and skull. Fuck it in the backyard.

Speaker 4:

That's why would I? Would never do that to a little guy. Wow, little gray. I think you're lying. I would not. I think you're lying. You turned me on, come here.

Speaker 3:

It's not a turn on thing, it's a dominance thing and he's all looked up.

Speaker 5:

Are these all greasy on?

Speaker 3:

his skin.

Speaker 4:

Are those boobs? No, press those together.

Speaker 3:

Those look real, those look so real oh tell me who.

Speaker 4:

Like feet, you have three toes. Oh, I'm into that, hello, albuquerque. But like, okay, so what's the next thing you're gonna do? But like, okay, so what is it for you for something like that to happen? I mean, you're okay, I understand, you believe, yeah, but for you to really fucking be over the edge of believe.

Speaker 2:

Um, okay, so like I've never come in contact with an alien being, obviously you know, but I've seen enough shit in the in the sky to to.

Speaker 3:

I bet if you spent a little more time working on your fast and if you're going on that photo, you had when you were on the airplane and buying it.

Speaker 2:

Oh dude, I got more photos. I got another photo. What? Where? Oh dude, I'll find it right now. There we go.

Speaker 4:

This is him. He threw up a triangle shaped fucking thing in the air and he took a photo of it.

Speaker 3:

You opened the door and now we're going down the hall.

Speaker 4:

But like even Maddie with you, like you got to see an alien right.

Speaker 2:

I would have to see an alien.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, oh, dude, maddie's Maddie so like not I'm on, I'm on the outskirts. That is compared to you guys.

Speaker 2:

He does not want to believe that there's aliens.

Speaker 3:

No, I totally believe there are aliens. I absolutely 100 percent believe there are. But you don't want to see him. No, I would like to see it from a distance, perhaps.

Speaker 4:

Behind this fucking six inch plexiglass and it's. I got to see him again.

Speaker 3:

Again, I come from the shoot first, ask questions later, type of you know, I don't know it's, I it's tough. I got to some someone's got to prove it to me? No, I get it, man.

Speaker 2:

Someone's got to prove it to me. Yeah, that's a lot of people's fucking opinion about it.

Speaker 3:

You know like I mean, I'm an asshole. I was. I was in the. I came home the other night and I called Matthew out. I said is that, what the fuck is that in the backyard? And I fucking pull out the fucking rifle with the scope and I'm like what the fuck is that? It's a deer daddy. He's like. He's like you're an idiot. He's like. He's like I probably threw a fucking one of the solar lights in the fucking wheel barrel and dumped it in the backyard. I'm like oh OK, all right All right.

Speaker 2:

And you're an idiot.

Speaker 4:

I am an idiot Fucking dummy Shoot first ask later. I can't shoot the aliens, because then that's when shit hits the fan.

Speaker 3:

Well, it all depends. You know, I'm not, I'm not fucking nuts, I'm not going to start fucking firing at the fucking spaceship coming into the fucking hemisphere.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna be Randy Quaid in Independence Day.

Speaker 3:

Hello, if I could fly a fucking fucking F-14 Tiger Cat, oh, there'd be a lot of other things I'd be fucking shooting before.

Speaker 4:

I went to the aliens. Unfortunately, there's a high requirement in those things. I could put blocks on my shoes. You can really the Chinese kid from fucking. Indy.

Speaker 3:

That's it. Put me in a fucking fighter jet with a fucking phone book on the seat and some blocks on my shoes let's go, let's go.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I got it Like I've seen things. The fuck is that.

Speaker 2:

So I'll give you a little, a little time. Oh, here we go here, so my daughter sent me a photo of the sunset.

Speaker 4:

Did you just glide your hand on mine like that?

Speaker 2:

So she sent me a photo of a second alien Move, all right. So she sent me a photo of a sunset, of, like where she was at college at Yukon, not too far from here. So then I took this picture, which there's nothing in it, right? You see nothing in that picture, right? And then I took a few, and then I took this one and then that's there. And I'm telling you that when this like happened, like I don't know if you've seen, like Star Wars, where, like the fucking like, where those like giant ships, the fucking Imperial.

Speaker 3:

The one like teleports, when they come out, when they come out of hyperspace like the giant triangle ship. Yeah, the yes, the Star Destroyer, not to start. Yeah, star Destroyer.

Speaker 2:

But like you ever see that when they, when they come out of hyperspace, they just like appear in the sky.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, dude, like Like I saw when I was going down 84 towards the Ticana, because it was the same shit.

Speaker 2:

So that's what happened, like I took a picture, then I took another picture, you know, just like back to back, just to, you know, take two pictures of a sunset because it was kind of cool. You know, like it was kind of cool, that first one with nothing in it. Mm, hmm.

Speaker 2:

It's all pink and purple and shit, you know, trees and shit. And then I took another one and then, like, I've sent you this, have I not? You have you know? And then this thing just appeared and by the time I could like get my wits about me and take another picture, which I didn't, because it just disappeared, you know, it just popped into view.

Speaker 3:

Is it possible? It's coming in and out of a multiverse.

Speaker 2:

Maybe two seconds it was there and boom, it was gone, you know. So I've seen shit and I got it on fucking photo evidence like you saw it Like it's kind of legit dude, like a little bit.

Speaker 3:

No one's paying money for that photo.

Speaker 4:

Dude, I wish I wish I could even explain properly what I saw going down 84 towards the iconic, where it was this huge, this huge fucking oval tic-tac thing. But it was huge in the sky, to where it went horizontal or vertical and it just disappeared. But the way it looked, the way it disappeared, is like the sky behind it came in front of it. It's fucking nuts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, this thing was like it came. It was there for like three seconds and then it was fucking gone. You know, because I snapped the photo and I didn't know I got it on photo because I was like, just like looking up at the sky and I saw this thing, I was like, oh my God, what the fuck is that? And it was gone and I was like, oh my God, I got this shit on fucking photo. You know, sets it out to like my daughter at the time. It's still my daughter, but like at that point you know don't want to make that sound weird, but you know a couple other people too and like nobody had any like fucking reaction to it. I was like, are you people kidding me? Like are you fucking kidding me? You know, like I'm not a rabbit hole guy, like I am a little bit, but I don't like delve deep into these things. But like, fuck, man Right.

Speaker 3:

Like it's getting fired up. Look at this yeah, it's getting all fired up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I just I need to see something, I need to be hanging out with one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you need a personal experience. You totally like nothing like from a secondary source, like you need to see it yourself, right?

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, I mean, who doesn't dig a pull pad?

Speaker 3:

up in the blue light and I'm pregnant. Oh.

Speaker 4:

God, make sure you clean up afterwards. Okay. Yeah, that's always good, but you know it's I don't know it's for me to fully believe I got to see something I really do, and that's the main thing. But until then, yeah, you know what are you going to do. Until then, we can watch some shit on TV, though. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like we watch Trump on trial. I cannot believe they're going to televise that shit.

Speaker 4:

So the news is, the Trump hearing is going to be televised and live streamed. Okay, and what I have to say about that is this you thought the Amber heard Johnny Depp trial had a lot of memes? This is going to fucking blow that out. Oh, amber, it's going to blow it out of the water. Blow it out of the water, and I don't know how to react to it. Vacation days.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm taking time off of work for you.

Speaker 3:

Can you imagine the memes, the songs, the parody, that everything is going to come out of this? It's going to be really bad. It's going to be a fucking circus.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait.

Speaker 3:

See, the thing about. The thing about this is it gets me is I was reading somewhere that someone said that the Democrats unwittingly, in their rush to put Trump on trial and and diet and everything, they've actually put the election results on trial. Yeah, I have, because if they want to convict him for for what? Was it Not trying to overturn the election? So his defense is going to have to be that there was fraud. So now they can subpoena people. Now they can put people on the stand, they can show videos, eyewitnesses Like it's, that's, this could be a rough one man.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's all like it's all smoke and mirrors. It's like three card money right now, like the trial date is set to like to coincide with the fucking like it's like it's like a day before, like super, whatever day they have in Iowa, yes. And then there's the offices and stuff in March of that election year and stuff like so it gives the guy like zero time to campaign and yeah, I don't know man it's like it's. It's just so sketchy, you know like you know we need.

Speaker 3:

We just need a fucking holy roll or do gutter to fucking roll down and just fucking. Even if they fucking indict Trump, fine, indict and diet him, put him in jail, do whatever the fuck you want.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 3:

So these assholes on the left did all the shit that no one's talking about like 100 percent honesty.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't want to vote for this guy, but I'm going to have to. I like it's beats the alternative, like unless the Dems like bring forward like a RFK, like Tulsi Gabbard ticket, like I'm not voting for them. You know I'm going to vote for Trump. Like like I'm sorry, but like I don't want to, but like, unless you do this, I'm going to have to.

Speaker 3:

That's a lesser or two evils.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree. That's how I feel, like I've always said I love Tulsi Gabbard. Wish I could have voted for her like in 2020, like 2016.

Speaker 4:

Maybe it was, she wasn't, she wasn't it was 16.

Speaker 2:

I think. But. But the Dems just fucking ruined her. They made her a Russian agent. You know, like all this other fucking nonsense, you know like I'm dying to vote for this chick. Just like give me a reason. Like just don't make me have to vote for Trump again. Like I'm not a Trump supporter, but he's doing some fucking good things.

Speaker 4:

How about? How about this? How about? Because this is what's going to happen when it comes election time. Whoever is not pushing the COVID mandates, fuck that shit, because you know it's going to happen. It's going to happen again. Oh, it's coming, it's, it's just, it's a sign of control. Let's, let's put the sheep to bed, and you know fucking.

Speaker 3:

They fucking played that card. You can't, you're not bringing it back.

Speaker 4:

I'm talking right now. It's going to oh, they're going to try, it's definitely going to happen.

Speaker 3:

They're going to try. It's just, I think, people just going to fucking revolt. Yeah, it's fucking nonsense.

Speaker 4:

It's like we discussed in the previous episodes, where, like what's the response from the Americans? We marry fucking human being on this, this great land of United States.

Speaker 3:

Well, all the leftist assholes will continue wearing the masks and do whatever the fuck they're told. I send this up to everyone else to be like Sucker dick, sucker dick, fuck you.

Speaker 4:

That's what's okay, and then and then, when there's just a shlou of us, you know, you know just, we'll just get fucking crazy and shoot guns in the air and just scream fuck you about that. Does that work?

Speaker 3:

for you. I have to get one of my fucking liberal friends to go to a supermarket and his mask and get beer and get drinking my front yard again.

Speaker 4:

Listen, I'm still running into people still wearing masks as a supermarket and I'm just like, oh, these motherfuckers with their masks on I'm hoping you're sick, because it's it's or the ones who are the ones who drive by themselves with masks on.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dude, I still see them. Oh yeah, oh God, it's great.

Speaker 3:

Do you walk past people wearing masks and go in your direction just to fuck with them? I?

Speaker 4:

don't, I do, I can't, I just poor souls because here come, here, come to this group, get over here, you silly goose Fuck that Certainly you're prerogative, by all means, but that is my prerogative to make fun of you. And first of all, it's also the proof is out there. The masks don't work. Yep, so, and if you wear the masks for an hour, you increase your chances of of bacterial pneumonia. So I'm good, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 4:

You doing it Not doing it Ain't gonna die, no, no, well, better yet. We have the Pentagon just released that they are starting their own website for UFOs.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure that's going to be really forthcoming Right Like oh, we got this over here, I just like I don't look over here.

Speaker 3:

Look over here.

Speaker 4:

Like do you see it? Where, Wait, we're having white rabbit, it's. I don't even know man.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's laptop info coming out. Oh we got some UFO shit. Why?

Speaker 4:

does it look like construction paper Is like what are they doing? It's. I just don't buy it. They very kept that information for God knows how long, didn't release it, and now, all of a sudden, they got their own fucking website.

Speaker 3:

Are you saying? You're saying the government isn't being truthful.

Speaker 4:

Stop. What are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

I almost feel like they're hopping on the trend. You know like, okay, like UFOs are trending, let's fucking pump it on a website.

Speaker 3:

Almost, so you had hopping on the trains. I was like why, why?

Speaker 4:

We got the fucking website.

Speaker 2:

Let's make ourselves look good. You know like we're fucking real trendy. We got UFOs, fucking trust us. You know like, trust us, please try to do it?

Speaker 4:

Do you care? Never, ever.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of pathetic.

Speaker 3:

You already lost it you already lost, it Right, they ain't coming back easy.

Speaker 4:

I'm trying to find, like the name of the way they have it now.

Speaker 3:

Check your browser's website. It's probably more truth on there.

Speaker 4:

Let's see Pentagon to release the classified. You have photos, videos and reports on a new website, the ones they want you to see, so you got to see this video coming soon. It's almost like a movie trailer.

Speaker 3:

It's like a fan made movie trailer. Gonna have a fucking clips from Independence Day on it.

Speaker 4:

So it says. The Pentagon on Thursday announced the launch of a new website with all domain anomaly resolution office, aarp. Arp For old people.

Speaker 4:

Provide the public with the classified information about UFOs or what the government calls, or what the government calls unidentified anomalous phenomena, anomalous, anomalous UAPs? Pentagon spokesman Brig General Patrick Ryder said at a press briefing that the new website will provide the public with information, including videos and photos associated with resolve UAP cases as they are declassified and approved for public release. What is the name of that person? General Brig General Patrick Ryder.

Speaker 3:

She's fucking made up.

Speaker 4:

Why you don't believe it. I'm fucking reading you Other information that.

Speaker 3:

General said would be available You'll get it later.

Speaker 4:

Because of the name you fucking jerk off. Whatever Other information that General said would be available includes reports, trends and a frequently asked questions section FAQ session how you fucking get at me as well as links to official reports, transcripts, press releases and other resources the public may find useful. This is bullshit. Yeah, a little bit. The new website can be accessed at aeromil Wait, can I click on this?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, did you say aero at milfcom.

Speaker 4:

No, not there. Oh, look at this, it does come up. Is Brandy Love on there? This is the worst. I love Brandy Love.

Speaker 3:

Perhaps a little Corey Chase.

Speaker 4:

It says the mission to minimize technical and intelligence supervised by synchronizing scientific intelligence and operational detection. There goes Mini Blader Attribution and mitigation of unidentified anomalous phenomena in the vicinity of national security areas. Anomalous phenomena their vision. It says identified anomalous phenomena are effectively and efficiently detected, tracked, analyzed and managed by way of normalized DoD intelligence community and civil business practices, by adherence to the highest scientific and intelligence tradecraft standards and with the greatest transparency and shared awareness.

Speaker 3:

The government, has step-us in the word intelligence.

Speaker 4:

It says coming soon US government UAP related programs. Slash activity reporting.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Pardon me, oh wait cases. Official UAP videos. What?

Speaker 3:

do we got? Can we share? Can we share with the folks watching?

Speaker 4:

at home Not on this computer, because I'm on another computer it says South Asian Objects Sensor. South Asian oh, I haven't seen these videos, holy fuck. Middle East Object. This clip was taken by an MQ-9 in the Middle East. While AARRO assesses the object in the clip as not exhibiting anomalous behavior, the object remains unidentified.

Speaker 3:

What is it? Hello, Chief Little Blatter.

Speaker 4:

This happened July 22nd 2012.

Speaker 3:

Did you even make it outside, you just pissed in a corner by the fucking boiler.

Speaker 2:

Oh my, I did make it.

Speaker 4:

Dude, that's that sphere thing they were talking about. Look at this fucking thing.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. Oh yeah, dude yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh those, yeah, yeah, he knows, I'm calm. Yeah, I know about those spheres. I saw one in my backyard.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I've had a finger on the pulse of this thing for a very long time.

Speaker 4:

My name's Kevin. I got my ear to the ground with the UFO.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm just saying man.

Speaker 3:

Apparently he's the boots on the ground guy when it comes to UFOs.

Speaker 2:

There's not many things. You're going to show me that I haven't heard All right.

Speaker 4:

But here's the thing now Everything everyone they have on the website. It says in MQ9 and MQ9 and MQ9. What exactly is MQ9, pat? I'm assuming it's a fucking I don't know. I mean, is that, is that a I don't know? No, this one's, this one's 9. I've never heard of that.

Speaker 3:

Anybody watching anyone have any idea what an MQ9 is. Ho, ho, ho.

Speaker 2:

Uh-oh, Someone just wow.

Speaker 3:

Pat just got a chubber.

Speaker 2:

Oh show Matty first what, what.

Speaker 4:

What's that? What is that? I haven't seen these videos. These are great.

Speaker 3:

That looks like a fucking 1986 Atari game. Yeah, what do I mean?

Speaker 4:

It's like I'm planning a a battleship in black and white, Can you?

Speaker 2:

pop that up there.

Speaker 4:

No, I'm on a different computer Once again. If you didn't go upstairs, if you have heard, if you'd have to run out.

Speaker 3:

They call upstairs. Dude, where'd you go? He sprinted in the backyard. No, I'm a bullet.

Speaker 2:

Listen if you're outside.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, If you're okay. Okay, Whoever's listening. All right, I'm going to put the uh, the website on the the chat.

Speaker 3:

Oh, look at you. One finger typing, it would be there in 10 minutes.

Speaker 4:

I'm not typing with your fucking tic-tac fingers pal.

Speaker 3:

No, we know Saucy Chains.

Speaker 4:

Osters watch. That's the website.

Speaker 3:

Osters watch it.

Speaker 4:

A A R O dot mill. A A R O dot mill, tommy O, give us a call Call domain.

Speaker 3:

Anomaly resolution office Pat shut the fuck up, tommy, give us a call. Eight Four Five, eight four five, eight four five.

Speaker 2:

Five, eight, four, two, one, six, five, two.

Speaker 4:

Matt shut up. Sorry, pat, that's right, but it's actually I don't know. These videos are pretty cool. I've never seen them. If anybody knows what an MQ9 is, forward-looking infrared video an MQ9 forward-looking infrared video. So I'm assuming it's a some type of aircraft Q9er, but you know no. Tom said no, no, okay, why?

Speaker 3:

won't you call us? He said no.

Speaker 4:

All right, whatever, Tom Sweet, thanks buddy.

Speaker 3:

Son of a bitch.

Speaker 4:

Let's see if that it doesn't even turn into a link Whatever. But yeah, if you get a chance, check out the website. Do we have Tom? A little quagmire perhaps? Yeah, I got no problem. You wanted to give Tom quagmire for what you say it wasn't going to call us.

Speaker 1:

So I mean I know Na, na na na na na na na na, na, na, na, na, na na na na na na na na. Fuck you.

Speaker 4:

There you go, Tom.

Speaker 2:

Love it.

Speaker 4:

Scott says it's on military drones Breaking down film big game. Some are breaking down film. Stop it.

Speaker 3:

Fucking 10, you fucking football again, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, Really Stop it. 10 years old really Breaking down film. It's awful.

Speaker 4:

Breaking down film in the dirt.

Speaker 2:

You got to be fucking kidding me, no Come on. Half these fucking idiots can't even run when you're 10 years old. You know like, come on, You're breaking down film for 10 year old.

Speaker 4:

Stop it 12 U to be exact.

Speaker 2:

Like fucking, stop it. Like this. I like fuck and like fuck. I'm tapping out Like fuck, like 10 year olds to fucking 10 year olds watching film.

Speaker 3:

They can't even throw 80 miles an hour.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Like fucking 10 year olds, fuck, fuck fuck, fuck. Oh 12 U. They're 12 year olds. Fucking Kev, they're 12 year olds.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, fuck, fuck, still Fuck fuck, fuck. Breath, breath, breath. What yeah? No, no, like like fucking no.

Speaker 4:

We have mighty, mighty football tomorrow. Mighty, no, that's my my, my southwest Florida. It's bigger than high school ball here. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense, tom. I don't think it is Tom, I mean that that's a, I mean that's a real reach.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I understand it's probably pretty big, but I would imagine high school balls better, or yeah, I mean, I don't.

Speaker 4:

I don't see 10,000 fans coming out to watch PB football. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Unless you're a Snoop Dogg and Scott make sure you take film adjustments game. We could break that down tomorrow.

Speaker 4:

All right, listen. I think Tom took the the wind out of the sails with that Right like fucking doldrum dom.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, buddy.

Speaker 3:

Can we, can we get a little, a little sound bite for Tom, maybe a little? An old sound bite for him you know, you know which one I want, which one.

Speaker 2:

It's more of a bit than a bite.

Speaker 3:

No, no, I don't want the message I don't want to wait.

Speaker 4:

What do you want? I deleted a lot of shit off. No, no, the new one you put on.

Speaker 3:

He went some from the Wolf Wall.

Speaker 4:

Street. Oh yeah, that would the whole group. Yes, ok, we can do that. That's a Southwest PB. Football gets time.

Speaker 3:

Those are all the parents. When you get your ass whooped, no, whatever.

Speaker 4:

No, that's terrible. How come my son is not playing? Well, to be honest, he's just not athletic.

Speaker 3:

He hasn't come to practice in a week, I don't know, and he's just picking boogers on the sideline.

Speaker 4:

His first name is Chad.

Speaker 3:

His first name is Tom. If Chad's not a quarterback, he's not playing football.

Speaker 4:

Chaz. It should be Chaz. Chaz needs to be Chaz. That sounds like a gun slinger?

Speaker 3:

That sounds like a gun slinger to me, chaluchas.

Speaker 4:

All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's the fucking, that's the no, that's the sign to. We're going to call it quits.

Speaker 3:

He's getting fired up.

Speaker 4:

Look at him, I can't believe. Whatever time he did, whatever time he did. He started it Fuckin' ten year olds, ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your fresh Shut the fuck up. Thank you for joining us on episode 76 of the Take a Deep Show and join a Friday.

Speaker 4:

Good luck to those in fancy football drafts. We'll counter. We'll counter fucking chickens when we get our grease board from Phil and Tom. Just fucking kicked me in the nuts. You suck, oster. Take a deep bitches. Southwest Pee Wee football better than high school football? Whatever. That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

Enjoy the long weekend. You're crazy, you're crazy.

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