Into The LightWeb®
Into The LightWeb®
Into the LightWeb Podcast ✨ Episode 113 - Joanna interviews Michelle Aspinwall
Join Joanna on this exciting new season as she chats with students of her original My Million Dollar Experiment - in this episode we have the lovely Michelle Aspinwall.
Michelle is a Medical Intuitive and The Body Whisperer, channelling for her client’s health results. Using both science and spirit to lead, heal and shift women’s health especially beyond 40. Michelle works with women world wide to combine their expansive energy with their biological functions, going well beyond the typical allopathic model, to cultivate wholeness. How a woman thinks, believes, supports and nourishes her vessel activates her to be the most magnetic and vibrant being for the entirety of her life.
For more information on Joanna Hunter, please visit...
The Temple: https://joannahunter.com/temple/
My Million Dollar Experiment: https://mymilliondollarexperiment.com/
HEAL Your Abundance: https://healyourabundance.com/
For more information on Michelle Aspinwall, please visit...
Website: https://www.michelleaspinwall.com
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bodywhisperer
IG: https://www.instagram.com/michellepaspinwall
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleAspinwallCoaching
FaceBook Group: Body Whisperer Lounge (members only)
Submit a question: https://joannahunter.com/ask/