Into The LightWeb®
Into The LightWeb®
Into the LightWeb Podcast ✨ Episode 114 - Joanna interviews Jane Duncan Rogers
Join Joanna for an amazing client journey with Jane Duncan Rogers.
Joanna dives deep into Janes journey of joining her world with one business and successfully selling that business to start developing another business.
Jane is no stranger to the self-enrichment world as she is the first person in the UK to have been trained by Louise L Hay in the transformative, 'You Can Heal Your Life' work.
For more information on Joanna Hunter, please visit...
The Temple: https://joannahunter.com/temple/
My Million Dollar Experiment: https://mymilliondollarexperiment.com/
HEAL Your Abundance: https://healyourabundance.com/
For more information on Michelle Aspinwall, please visit...
Website: https://www.janeduncanrogers.com/
Bio: https://www.janeduncanrogers.com/about
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janeduncanrogers/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/jane.duncanrogers/
Submit a question: https://joannahunter.com/ask/