Resolve: Biblical Counselling Conversations

EPISODE #68 | Your Family, God's Way: The Peace Officer Every Family Needs Part 1

Christian Life Issues For Today Season 5 Episode 27

How does knowing Jesus Christ help us resolve the conflict that is within our families?

Is conflict resolution just a step-by-step approach that can be followed, no matter the situation? 

In this episode of Christian Life Issues for Today, Dr. Wayne Mack does a study on how to resolve conflict within the family. Does a common education or racial background unite us more then our faith? What can we learn from Philippians 4 regarding how to resolve conflict? How should our confession of faith effect how we live with the people in our lives? Listen to this episode to find out more!

 Your Family, God's Way: Developing and Sustaining Relationships in the Home can be found on Amazon: 

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