Resolve: Biblical Counselling Conversations

Episode #74 | Down, But Not Out: Legitimate Concern Versus Sinful Anxiety - Part 2

Christian Life Issues For Today Season 6 Episode 5

Can we overcome anxiety?

And not just any anxiety, the type of anxiety that causes sleepless nights, stomach ulcers, eating too much or not eating at all?  

In this episode of Christian Life Issues for Today, Dr. Wayne Mack continues his study on legitimate concerns versus sinful concerns and how this causes anxiety within our lives. In this study Dr. Mack goes through the first 4 of 7 primary causes of sinful anxiety as well as some secondary causes. How can selfishness, distorted thinking and not living for the glory of God cause us to become anxious? This question and many more will be answered within this episode! 

Down, But Not Out: How to Get Up When Life Knocks You Down can be found on Amazon:

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