Resolve: Biblical Counselling Conversations

Episode #77 | Down, But Not Out: Strengthening and Using Your Faith - Part 2

July 27, 2021 Christian Life Issues For Today Season 6 Episode 8

Do you feel alone in your temptation to worry? 

How can you strengthen your faith to overcome anxiety? 

In this episode of Christian Life Issues for Today, Dr. Wayne Mack continues the chapter on how to overcome worry and anxiety: Strengthening and Using Your Faith. In 1 Pet 5:7-9 we are told to cast our anxieties on God and to be watchful and sober-minded. Discover how we can do this through rightful thinking, dwelling on the purposes and promises God and various other ways by listening to this episode!

Down, But Not Out: How to Get Up When Life Knocks You Down can be found on Amazon: 

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