The Arsenio Buck Perspective

Learn to Let People Go

Arsenio Buck

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 This is going to be a long story, so brace yourself.

At the beginning of the lockdown, a friendship was born. Having already met this transformation coach last year through a mutual friend, she took me on a journey of renewal by doing a transformation program, life coaching, and healing sessions.

This changed everything about who I am in the best possible way, and most importantly, it gave my inner child a voice again.

This voice allowed me to have those tough/difficult conversations.

When July had rolled around, I sensed the egoism coming from this individual because now she was doing work for a famous monk by the name of Jay Shetty. Working in his company, she began to cancel appointments, use condescending tones while speaking to me and about others, and really had a “I don’t give a f*** attitude.”

There were a number of times I just wanted to get away from this individual, but of course Instagram is the main culprit in laying things to rest.

I have a lot of people who follow/unfollow me, and after checking who unfollowed me this morning, it was her!

Sometimes we clutch onto things that should no longer be. Sometimes we’re scared of these moments actually happening because we don’t value our own dignity and self-worth. You know the purpose had been fulfilled with that particular someone coming into your life to take you to the next level, but you want to keep pursuing a friendship. The problem is, when egoism comes into play, you can either confront it or just let things be.

I labeled this my “purposeful” relationship because after everything had been handled in early August, the energy had shifted and took a turn. There was no more empathy and rather ambiguous exchanges.

Gratitude is what’s pouring from my heart because I’m grateful to have had such a purposeful relationship that opened the doors for me to bet on me. You should do the same. Stop pursuing things that have ended months/years ago and be an observer to what’s trying to emerge!

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