Stand Tall & Own It

6. The Importance of Being Present

September 21, 2020 Andrea Johnson

In today’s episode we look at what it means to Be Present - an important tenet of Intentional Optimism, and an extremely relevant and timely topic.

Intentional Optimism - a refresher 

  • Optimistic - hopeful, positive, proactive
  • Present - having a sense of wonder, generous, kind/open
  • Courageous - lead, adventure, resilient
  • Energetic - industrious, energetic and life-focused
  • Wise - understanding, words, respect
  • Intentional - sense of purpose, plan, grow

Topics discussed in this episode: 

What does it mean to be PRESENT?

  • Cultivating a sense of Wonder [3:39]
    • Celebrate Beauty in all things and people
    • See things fresh and new
    • Decide to get Curious
  • Learn how to be Generous [5:25]
    • With your Time, learn to be open to interruptions
    • Nurturing relationships 
    • Share your Expertise! Link arms and reach out.
  • Be Kind & Open [7:25]
    • Feeling all the feels! Emotions are our barometer.
    • Don’t prejudge others' motivation. 
    • Be open to sharing with those in need. Embrace an abundance mindset

Now what? 

  • HABITS we practice and ACTIONS we take [10:32]
    • Decide to look for wonder - in people, places & things
    • Hold things, like time, money and resources loosely
    • Determine to remind yourself that we are all made in the image of our creator
    • Learn to manage your feelings to help yourself think new thoughts
  • Where do you need to become more PRESENT [13:26]
    • Have you become cynical?
    • Do you need to cultivate curiosity and wonder
    • Be more open to sharing more time
    • Foster a broader sense of openness for others

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll see my daily posts from She Reads Truth. This is one of my Spiritual Disciplines - reading the Bible every day. 

Email me at and let me know how I can be your professional encourager!

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