XenTegra - On The Horizon

On the Horizon: What Is VMware Horizon? Part 3

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 30

VMware Horizon is a virtualization software product for delivering desktops and apps on Windows, Linux, and MacOS systems. It is especially relevant today because so many of us are working remotely. Whether you’re a system administrator or a pizza deliverer, you need easy access to the apps and desktops that help you do your job. And you need that access to be secure.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Philip Sellers


00:00:02.310 --> 00:00:11.850
Andy Whiteside: Hello! Wanna welcome to episode 30 of on the horizon. I'm, your host, Andy White Side today is February, 6 2,023. I did another podcast earlier today. Philip and

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Andy Whiteside: I don't know. First time it hit me that it's no longer January, and we're one twelfth of the way through

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Andy Whiteside: the year 2,023

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Andy Whiteside: between that and looking at how old my neck looks on the video.

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Philip Sellers: I was gonna say where where did January disappear, too, because it just seems to have flown back.

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Andy Whiteside: It is amazing. So Phillip Sellers will be Philip as a vmware expert over here at Z. Integr, both on the infrastructure and now on the digital workspace. Vdi side. Phillip. How's it going?

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Philip Sellers: Doing well, Andy, how are you doing today?

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Andy Whiteside: I'm.

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Andy Whiteside: You know I was on vacation last week and

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Andy Whiteside: trying to get caught up. It's gonna be a

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Andy Whiteside: It's gonna be a week or 2 before I feel normal. That's for sure.

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Philip Sellers: Yeah, you know, it does seem to pile up, you know, when we're out of the office. But those times are important to for our own self care, so glad to glad that you had a good time, even if it does mean paying a little price on the way back in.

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Andy Whiteside: you know, a week or 2 from now. I will have forgotten all about it on the good side and all about it from the bad side, so it'd be like in the but like I feel like a lifetime ago. Well, Philip, this is our third

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Andy Whiteside: episode covering what is being where horizon

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Andy Whiteside: and and by no means are we gonna cover it all? But I think we talked about. You know the benefits of Vmware Vdi horizon for the administrators and the second episode we talked about the the benefits for the end users. And today we're gonna go over the architecture a little bit. I'm. I'm excited about this because

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Andy Whiteside: no, it's it's evolved a lot since I started learning it, and i'm interested to get your take on what the current architecture for horizon looks like.

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Philip Sellers: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you know I I started out with Vmware View many, many years ago, and horizons just built on that.

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Philip Sellers: and given us a lot of new new things, you know.

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Philip Sellers: Vmware required

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Philip Sellers: air watch a few years ago, and they've taken a lot of the great things from Air Watch and brought them over, and we're going to cover a lot of that today.

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Andy Whiteside: Okay.

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Andy Whiteside: yes, I don't think that when I think air watch, I don't think Horizon, I think workspace. One does it

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Andy Whiteside: t a lot into what they've done on the horizon side

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Philip Sellers: It does. Yeah. So workspace One had this great access, and you know.

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Philip Sellers: deployment model where you could securely connect folks into your infrastructure. And so, being we really used a lot of those underpinnings, and brought that over to horizon to give us the secure connectivity, the per app VPN, and things like that that are part of that modern

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Philip Sellers: workspace approach from Vmware.

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Andy Whiteside: See? That's interesting, because I I guess in hindsight. It makes total sense. That's where that came from. But I did. Had not realized it until

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Andy Whiteside: until you set it.

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Philip Sellers: Yeah, it's. It's fun, I mean.

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Philip Sellers: you know, air watch was such a great mature product, and then that became workspace one today, and you it particularly works based on Ue, the user endpoint management suite.

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Philip Sellers: and you know there are so many of the pieces that that they've cross-pollinated you know vmware also had their identity provider for a while and there's some pieces of that that kind of made. Its way in here, too. But

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Philip Sellers: I I I do like to point out that they've done a great job of simplifying things and taking that modular approach

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where you can share these components across the platform.

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Andy Whiteside: And some of that simplification is really just evolved in the last year or 2 where we got away from. Maybe the Pod architecture. Is that true?

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Philip Sellers: It is, you know, in in many ways the horizon deployment model looks a lot like some of their competitors. And so it it's.

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Philip Sellers: It's simplified significantly in in the recent years, and that's also part of the power. I I like to think you know it. It's simplified in a way that it gives us choice in our deployment model, and where we wanted to deploy.

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Philip Sellers: and that just leads to an easier administration experience and a better user experience.

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Andy Whiteside: Right?

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Andy Whiteside: Well, we have listeners. So we're also gonna have this video posted at some point. But

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Andy Whiteside: there's a visual here.

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Andy Whiteside: Do you want to? You want to walk through the visual of what the architecture looks like? You want to go to the individual components. You want to do both. How do you? How do you best think we can explain the architecture around V, and we're horizon today.

00:04:42.410 --> 00:04:54.430
Philip Sellers: Well, there is. There's a great visual, and we'll link to the blog post that we're using today, and so you can go and check that out. It's underneath the section called what are the key architectural components.

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Philip Sellers: but at a high level I think it's easy enough to talk through. We've got

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Philip Sellers: vmware horizon, clients, and they've got great visual here, laptops, phones, tablets, desktops doesn't matter. The horizon client is multi platform. It's available for android Ios mac windows Linux

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Philip Sellers: and

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Andy Whiteside: that component is going to talk to a unified access gateway. So you got You got the workspace clients. Okay, so it's it's an asynchronous solution. You got the back end, which is built away at the build. You got the middle components, and then you've got these endpoint pieces where you have the you know the horizon client. It is it safe to say that anything with an HTML 5 browser also qualifies for a potential horizon client?

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Philip Sellers: It does. Yeah, so that's one of the great innovations that came, and and I I want to say it came out of the end. Where labs as it's? Just a side project, but the HTML 5 interface is also a capability for users to come in. And so you've got a cloud

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Philip Sellers: console where you can kind of come in, and and it's a front door app store like in interface as well.

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Philip Sellers: Or you can take the horizon client and actually get a full featured, You know, customized protocol delivery of the applications very, very

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Philip Sellers: efficiently to your imports.

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Andy Whiteside: Okay.

00:06:20.230 --> 00:06:27.710
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. So in a worst case, scenario HTML: 5 browser on a hotel kiosk gets gets the job done, not not full featured.

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Andy Whiteside: but get it done.

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Philip Sellers: Yeah. And and you know, we we talk about the blast protocol. It it's really efficient. It's really good, and that's one of the key innovations behind the HTML 5 interface. So blast is is one of the key differentiators for the horizon suite.

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Andy Whiteside: he maybe makes sense to go through this list here, and and then we'll reference back up to the diagram. First one is a vmware horizon. Console. Tell us what that is.

00:06:57.010 --> 00:07:09.949
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So this is your primary management interface. This is where you're going to make all of your changes. You're going to configure your servers deployment groups. You set your authentication, and

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it's also where you're gonna troubleshoot. So it's where you can get your system, events and view analytic information. See how many people are running

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Philip Sellers: any particular application, or you know how many sessions you've got at any given time. So it it is your primary management interface for the horizon platform.

00:07:30.070 --> 00:07:35.280
Andy Whiteside: Now, is that hosted by you the the company? Or is it hosted in the cloud somewhere? Where does that live?

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So you've got choices. So Vmware gives you the choice. You can deploy the management, console

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Philip Sellers: and and connect it either to a cloud or an on-prem deployment. So you you have the ability. It is also an HTML 5 interface. So no custom minimum sees and things like that. It runs in a native web. Browser.

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Andy Whiteside: Well, that that certainly comes a long way from the old days, for sure

00:08:01.460 --> 00:08:10.570
Philip Sellers: it does. Yeah, yeah. We we. We've all spent many, many hours in our Msds and our custom management consoles Haven't: we?

00:08:11.160 --> 00:08:13.690
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. When those things break they they're broken.

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Andy Whiteside: Glad that's gone. The next section talks about the client. I think You've covered that well enough. Anything additional about

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Andy Whiteside: client comments to make.

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Philip Sellers: No, and you called out the primary differentiator, and that's the HTML 5 client. And so You've got the native clients that that use the native horizon protocols.

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Philip Sellers: You've also got the HTML 5. So it it's great, because it gives choice. You know one of the great things about horizon is, it opens up the market for delivering to things like chromebooks

00:08:44.910 --> 00:08:57.769
Philip Sellers: where you can't necessarily have the full featured client. So it gives a another layer of choice for academic settings that a lot of times have Google as a a key partner.

00:08:58.390 --> 00:09:04.429
Andy Whiteside: It's. It's funny you brought that up right when you started talking about clients. I looked over here, and oh, I've got a chromebook I haven't booted up in a month. Now

00:09:04.450 --> 00:09:08.030
Andy Whiteside: make sure it still connects the way it's supposed to

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Andy Whiteside: All right. The next section talks about this magical, mythical thing called the Horizon Control plane. Can you help describe what that thing does.

00:09:17.290 --> 00:09:31.830
Philip Sellers: So this is really the back end services that that orchestrate everything it manages. And this is where your horizon console is going to be talking to all of those configurations. Get implemented here into the control plane.

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Philip Sellers: You know this is where you manage your images, your applications, their life cycle. It is the the key brain behind the horizon platform, and it is

00:09:46.630 --> 00:09:54.100
Philip Sellers: very heavily used in in terms of your deployments for your remote desktop farms or your desktop pools.

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Philip Sellers: and it it helps with all of those back end type operations.

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Andy Whiteside: Now, is this hosted by Vmware, or is it on from or both.

00:10:04.110 --> 00:10:16.829
Philip Sellers: So this is another one, where I believe it's both, and you have choice. So there are hosted hybrid models for horizon. And then there's the full on-prem.

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That's very, very

00:10:19.450 --> 00:10:21.869
Philip Sellers: much your traditional architecture.

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Andy Whiteside: If if you were a brand new customer or advising a brand new customer, would you

00:10:27.200 --> 00:10:36.270
Andy Whiteside: would you give them the choice to go on premises on, premise it from premises not premise, or would you highly encourage the alternative?

00:10:36.790 --> 00:10:47.679
Philip Sellers: You know I would start out of the gate, encouraging them to look at the cloud services just to reduce their management overhead it it. It makes a lot of sense that you offload

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Philip Sellers: these sort of access scenarios

00:10:51.620 --> 00:11:01.379
Philip Sellers: through their cloud services. You know we we'll talk in a minute. The next one up is actually the unified access gateway. That's another cloud service option for us.

00:11:01.470 --> 00:11:07.789
Philip Sellers: You know we have the option with both of these to to either let V and our hosted or for us to host it on-prem.

00:11:08.030 --> 00:11:15.750
Philip Sellers: But there, you know, reality is. There are some organizations that choose to do this, and this is very much part of their culture.

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Philip Sellers: And again, Vmware gives us the traditional choice of posting it on Prem. If we wanted to

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Andy Whiteside: you any good examples of why somebody would do it on pro.

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Philip Sellers: You know it.

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Philip Sellers: There are

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Philip Sellers: security, conscious customers that

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Philip Sellers: I, I think, feel better about having it in their data center and not extending their perimeter

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Philip Sellers: to a third party is me, you know someone might be, and we're hosting it for them.

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Philip Sellers: But that model is pervasive. I mean you. You see it throughout the industry with not only this type of you see delivery, but you know

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Philip Sellers: lots of cloud based

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Philip Sellers: Internet security products, and particularly in kind of the sassy or Sd land space you start to see the customer's perimeter starting to expand in the cloud, anyway.

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Philip Sellers: So there's really not a lot of arguments. Why, you shouldn't do it. But again, there are political factors and just customer comfortability with with the concept of of having a third party host it for them.

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Andy Whiteside: let's see next one on the list is the gateway. This magical gateway thing again Question for you. Is it something that

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Andy Whiteside: people are putting on premises, or they're putting in the cloud, or do you need in the cloud?

00:12:42.450 --> 00:12:48.890
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So this is an interesting one, because I can actually make stronger arguments for the access gateway

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Philip Sellers: for things like latency. So you you can talk about putting an access gateway at your edge and and allowing customers in.

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or your users in through your edge at your.

00:13:03.700 --> 00:13:06.860
Philip Sellers: But really, you know, as long as you're well connected

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to wherever the unified access gateway is fully.

00:13:11.710 --> 00:13:15.769
Philip Sellers: you're gonna have a good user experience, You know this is

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Philip Sellers: this is your edge device. This is the thing that that stands between your network and the world. And so this is your termination point for your micro Jpns. This is where all of your external clients are gonna come in, and you know.

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Philip Sellers: authenticate, and then.

00:13:34.530 --> 00:13:38.310
you know, transmit their traffic into your network. So

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Philip Sellers: these are kind of the

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Philip Sellers: the keys to the kingdom. I guess you know these are the most important to me

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from a security perspective. So

00:13:48.270 --> 00:13:57.309
Philip Sellers: you know, when it comes to getting the best latency or or the fastest connections. Perhaps you would put an access gateway at your

00:13:57.460 --> 00:14:10.780
Philip Sellers: your co-locate, but you know they can be hosted in the cloud. It is something where we can bring in the traffic and let it your first down from the Vmware services back to your own prem data center.

00:14:12.490 --> 00:14:13.270
Andy Whiteside: Okay.

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Andy Whiteside: horizon connection servers. What do these things do?

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Philip Sellers: So the connection servers are really just that

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Philip Sellers: brokering aspect of of connecting users. So

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Philip Sellers: this is the primary place where

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Philip Sellers: you've got your control plane, your connection servers, and the

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Philip Sellers: the what was it? Management

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Philip Sellers: Scroll up just a bit. It was I'm. I'm blanking on the the name here. But the yeah, it's the control thing that that's all. I'm looking for. Your connection Servers kinda covers that all of those things together, at least in an on prem deployment. And so these are kind of the the primary place where

00:15:00.610 --> 00:15:13.859
Philip Sellers: you're you're checking for capacity and brokering where a users session should terminate. You know what applications are loaded, where what farms, all of that configuration information you've done in the other layers

00:15:14.040 --> 00:15:23.300
Philip Sellers: that's gonna terminate here, and the connection function is is what's going to help you get routed to the correct resource. Whatever you happen to be

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Philip Sellers: requesting on the back end.

00:15:25.970 --> 00:15:26.670
Andy Whiteside: Okay.

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Andy Whiteside: And how does that differ from a cloud connector, then?

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Philip Sellers: So Cloud connector, is

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Philip Sellers: it? It's a little different. It's an appliance that works with and brokers to the horizon Cloud service. So

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Philip Sellers: for things hosted by Vmware, you you will

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Philip Sellers: be able to use this device to basically

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Philip Sellers: orchestrate other cloud services that Vmware is providing to you. So

00:16:02.230 --> 00:16:03.560
Philip Sellers: you know it. It's

00:16:03.940 --> 00:16:10.860
Philip Sellers: a variety of different public cloud vendors that it supports. But this is

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Philip Sellers: this is Basically, how you can. So I I guess it's better to give an example. So workspace is core from Aws

00:16:19.220 --> 00:16:34.050
Philip Sellers: leverages. This cloud connector. So it basically helps with the orchestration of cloud native platforms and allows you to consume those as resources within your horizon farm.

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Philip Sellers: And you know it it Also.

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Philip Sellers: you know it helps us build a more

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available sort of scenario

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Philip Sellers: for our customers, you know, because we're not forced to keep everything in a single data center or location, we can start to scale out the infrastructure across multiple geographies or multiple different

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hosting providers.

00:17:02.280 --> 00:17:03.570
Andy Whiteside: So.

00:17:03.840 --> 00:17:07.829
Andy Whiteside: Philip, on that note, right? So that's where we can bring in

00:17:08.050 --> 00:17:13.479
Andy Whiteside: all these different technologies and go connect to Amazon's Data Center, Aka: the Cloud

00:17:13.730 --> 00:17:20.470
Andy Whiteside: Microsoft Data Center Azure Ak: the Cloud, its integral data center customer data center

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Andy Whiteside: it. It's really just this great big aggregation of somebody else's servers

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Andy Whiteside: or platforms.

00:17:26.990 --> 00:17:28.820
Philip Sellers: Yeah, it is. And

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Philip Sellers: it it it's the piece that translates what we do natively in her iphone on our on-prem servers. So

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Philip Sellers: you know, one of the things that connection servers are gonna do is they talk to the hypervisor manager. They spin up and make phones of the virtual machines.

00:17:47.710 --> 00:17:59.210
Philip Sellers: We have to have something that does the same thing. But it speaks cloud, you know it talks the cloud Apis to do the same orchestration. And that's really the role of this. That's probably the best way to describe it.

00:17:59.260 --> 00:17:59.890

00:18:00.550 --> 00:18:08.200
Andy Whiteside: Okay. The next item here is called the Vmware Horizon agent sounds minimal, but extremely important part of the solution.

00:18:08.480 --> 00:18:16.670
Philip Sellers: Absolutely. It is the thing that runs on our pool servers. So whether it's a remote desktop farm running a server OS

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Philip Sellers: for a a desktop OS running in the server farms. This is the piece that talks back to the connection servers, and it's how we know that the host is healthy. It's ready to receive

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Philip Sellers: connections. How are the connections running?

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It provides all those metrics and things. But

00:18:36.690 --> 00:18:38.859
it is the primary

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Philip Sellers: in the point that

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Philip Sellers: that our hosting servers

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Philip Sellers: talk back to the rest of the horizon Infrastructure

00:18:49.200 --> 00:18:52.159
Andy Whiteside: Great question for you here, my servers power, and up in the background

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Andy Whiteside: I don't hear it. You've got good microphones and

00:18:57.170 --> 00:19:05.550
Philip Sellers: good noise cancelling there. Got a good microphone, and it's directionally pointed where it's supposed to be. Not at the server. All right, so

00:19:05.740 --> 00:19:09.889
Andy Whiteside: help us understand what Vmware workspace One access means. Then

00:19:10.330 --> 00:19:26.210
Philip Sellers: Yeah, this is a little bit of, so that this was the identity piece that has existed. So Vmware's identity manager. Also kind of pieces of the air Watt portfolio brought in. But this is really around

00:19:26.550 --> 00:19:45.479
Philip Sellers: establishing. Who is the user. What are they at rights to? You know it is a modern authentication platform. So it's meant to be able to to tie up the active, direct azure, active Directory, or on Prem Active Directory, or any of the other cloud

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identity providers.

00:19:47.390 --> 00:19:54.460
Philip Sellers: And then you can basically use this to then create that app store. You know this this was the

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Philip Sellers: substrate where where you were able to to create all your links to your Sas applications, your horizon desktops and apps, and and get to them all from a

00:20:07.860 --> 00:20:21.690
Philip Sellers: a web browser and and a launch point. You know it's. It's also one of the features that that could be cloud hosted. And so you know, we're talking about that that choice. We can deploy workspace one access

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on-prem, or you. We can consume it as a Vmware service right

00:20:26.790 --> 00:20:39.319
Andy Whiteside: to to me. This is the the key element that takes these really valuable usable components and brings it into a digital workspace that allows you to have that high fidelity secure access from anywhere, including the office.

00:20:39.330 --> 00:20:49.159
Andy Whiteside: including, you know, one of the other company locations, including your home, including the airplane, including wherever you're at and feel like you're doing it in a way that's a modern approach to having that connectivity.

00:20:49.680 --> 00:20:59.060
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I agree with that. And and I would take it one step further and say, this is the piece that presents that consumer type view that you know

00:20:59.960 --> 00:21:03.519
Philip Sellers: apple app store type experience to our users

00:21:04.790 --> 00:21:05.620
Andy Whiteside: for sure.

00:21:06.110 --> 00:21:12.350
Andy Whiteside: All right. We're going to the old school for a minute and talk about our d s 8 remote desktop session host.

00:21:12.540 --> 00:21:14.169
Andy Whiteside: Why does that still matter?

00:21:14.460 --> 00:21:22.029
Philip Sellers: Well, you know as much as we try to get away from it? We talk about proprietary protocols.

00:21:22.420 --> 00:21:38.479
Philip Sellers: the underlying technology for delivering these applications on a window server is still windows or is still remote desktop. So it's the old terminal server, protocols and functionality. Inside of windows we may layer on

00:21:38.540 --> 00:21:41.929
Philip Sellers: a different protocol. We may layer on our own

00:21:42.070 --> 00:21:44.250
Philip Sellers: agents and other things, but

00:21:44.380 --> 00:21:49.890
Philip Sellers: at its core. This technology lets us take a windows server and run

00:21:49.990 --> 00:21:55.709
Philip Sellers: 2030, 40 users and their sessions on a single host.

00:21:55.750 --> 00:22:01.650
Philip Sellers: and that's critical to the the windows server side of the virtualization.

00:22:01.790 --> 00:22:12.449
Philip Sellers: But Microsoft is also leveraging that same technology even in a one to one mapping on a desktop or so, even if it's a windows 10 or windows 11.

00:22:12.620 --> 00:22:19.420
Philip Sellers: We're still using remote desktops underpinnings to be able to deliver user sessions over to it. So

00:22:19.580 --> 00:22:29.320
Philip Sellers: at its core. This is where we've been since the Mt. 4 days. You know we we've innovated on this for the last 20 years.

00:22:29.420 --> 00:22:35.310
Philip Sellers: and it's still the primary underpinning that let's this. You see the Vdi.

00:22:35.590 --> 00:22:37.719
Philip Sellers: This is really where it all starts.

00:22:38.260 --> 00:22:44.120
Andy Whiteside: Philip. How often do you see people deploying a desktops on top of these multi-session server host these days.

00:22:44.510 --> 00:22:49.220
Philip Sellers: It it really varies. You know.

00:22:49.380 --> 00:22:57.219
Philip Sellers: Most people care more about the apps than they do about the the desktop, but it still happens.

00:22:57.380 --> 00:22:58.240
Philip Sellers: you know

00:22:58.320 --> 00:22:59.770
Philip Sellers: traditionally.

00:23:00.220 --> 00:23:05.640
Philip Sellers: that was a a very useful method in the health care industry.

00:23:05.790 --> 00:23:23.590
Philip Sellers: Some of those have continued, but most of those have have moved over to one to one type desktop experiences because the management has become significantly easier. It's easier to box in the resources when you're using a a one to one mapping.

00:23:23.750 --> 00:23:30.370
Philip Sellers: You know the downfall we have publishing a desktop from a remote desktop. Server is

00:23:30.770 --> 00:23:40.550
Philip Sellers: your noisy neighbor, you know. If if i'm on a session host in a session running my application, and someone else is trying to run Photoshop.

00:23:40.800 --> 00:23:46.890
Philip Sellers: They're taking all the resources Every time they they make a change and i'm starving.

00:23:47.100 --> 00:23:55.500
Philip Sellers: We avoid that by doing that one to one mapping. So i'm seeing less of it, but it still exists out there, and it's still got a viable use case.

00:23:55.520 --> 00:23:58.319
Philip Sellers: You know. There are some places where

00:23:58.430 --> 00:24:03.629
Philip Sellers: maybe you're only hosting a couple of applications, and from a resource perspective.

00:24:03.980 --> 00:24:10.739
Philip Sellers: it just makes more sense to consolidate everything onto a server host

00:24:10.970 --> 00:24:13.940
versus having to stamp out the

00:24:14.350 --> 00:24:21.499
number of desktops that you would need to compensate for the same users, You know, in an occasional use type scenario

00:24:21.660 --> 00:24:24.390
Philip Sellers: where the users not in all the time.

00:24:24.410 --> 00:24:26.790
Philip Sellers: I still see it there.

00:24:26.930 --> 00:24:32.219
Philip Sellers: but for true, pure play, Vdi, like in our health care customers.

00:24:32.250 --> 00:24:38.480
Philip Sellers: I've seen this shift to that one for one desktop OS, and away from published desktops.

00:24:38.580 --> 00:24:45.570
Philip Sellers: Primarily. What I'm, seeing within my desktop servers at this point is at delivery, and and that's much more

00:24:46.010 --> 00:24:47.970
Philip Sellers: occasionally use. Type apps.

00:24:48.180 --> 00:25:04.500
Andy Whiteside: so I I may take you down a path that you weren't here to go, but like now you have azure, and avd, you know, hosted whether you're using vmware to broker to it or not, where it's multi session again. I see people now find renewed interest in that. Do you see they're gonna have the same issues with the noisy neighbor?

00:25:05.230 --> 00:25:14.159
Philip Sellers: I think you can. And I mean. That's just. I think, one of the things that we combat, and we did a really good job of it, and we've done this for years, and

00:25:15.510 --> 00:25:27.760
Philip Sellers: you know, when we have it, we we we have ways to compensate for it. But yeah, I mean it's always possible when you're in a multi session environment. You You may have this noisy neighbor problem, and

00:25:28.350 --> 00:25:31.350
Philip Sellers: you know a a These are great example. That's

00:25:31.430 --> 00:25:36.060
Philip Sellers: to my knowledge, the only place we can get windows and multi-session today.

00:25:36.220 --> 00:25:39.909
Philip Sellers: But you know it's that desktop OS. So

00:25:40.170 --> 00:25:44.820
Philip Sellers: you know the thing that it solves is compatibility issues so

00:25:45.340 --> 00:25:51.580
Philip Sellers: windows server and windows 10 it's sort of the same. And yes, there's a a version

00:25:51.750 --> 00:25:54.460
Philip Sellers: match between the 2.

00:25:54.670 --> 00:25:59.099
Philip Sellers: So 2,016 to windows, 10 kinda deal, or 2019 to windows. 10

00:25:59.430 --> 00:26:07.590
Philip Sellers: certain builds, you know those those match. Those are the, you know, equal sort of platforms. But

00:26:07.680 --> 00:26:12.759
Philip Sellers: there's always a little difference, and we've always had to contend with that on a server OS

00:26:13.200 --> 00:26:21.290
Philip Sellers: and really what abd and the multi-session windows 10 windows 11 allows us to do, is that's a true desktop OS. We're not

00:26:21.500 --> 00:26:25.749
Philip Sellers: trying to take a desktop app and put it on a server OS, where

00:26:25.810 --> 00:26:31.110
Philip Sellers: maybe it wasn't quite architectural for it. But we definitely do have

00:26:31.210 --> 00:26:44.069
Philip Sellers: where it's not just not supported the vendor Doesn't know what to do with that scenario.

00:26:44.200 --> 00:26:48.280
Philip Sellers: They just have it certified it. So they they're gonna look at you and go.

00:26:48.410 --> 00:26:52.349
Philip Sellers: I can't say it's not gonna work. I can't say it's gonna work.

00:26:52.700 --> 00:27:02.970
Philip Sellers: But I haven't tested it. I can't support it for you.

00:27:03.740 --> 00:27:16.070
Philip Sellers: Yeah, and and certainly have played finger pointing and enough support sessions to know we. We try to stay in the support matrices for a reason, and that's really to protect the customer at the end of the day.

00:27:16.230 --> 00:27:16.900

00:27:17.530 --> 00:27:31.669
Andy Whiteside: Okay. Final one on here is this magical thing called Vmware, v. Sphere, Esx: Something, i'm Sure, you've got a lot of your career based around. Why, why is it important that that's part of the horizon stack?

00:27:32.100 --> 00:27:39.730
Philip Sellers: Yeah. Just a few years yeah under my belt. With that, you know. I mean you. You need somewhere to virtualize. And so

00:27:39.750 --> 00:27:53.140
Philip Sellers: within the vmware horizons. We, you know it's it's expected that it's going to be on on the sphere. There are optimizations and things that you know. It's built to the top directly to be center. It's orchestrated

00:27:53.170 --> 00:27:59.150
and it uses technology like link phones and things like that under the covers to

00:27:59.230 --> 00:28:03.589
Philip Sellers: to be able to give efficiencies and super bad.

00:28:03.620 --> 00:28:08.380
Philip Sellers: a really good operational experience to the administrator.

00:28:08.440 --> 00:28:13.409
Philip Sellers: And so those are the pieces that horizon is tapping into.

00:28:13.510 --> 00:28:19.079
Philip Sellers: But yeah, I mean it's. It's your hosting platform. So that's where all of these workloads are going to be.

00:28:19.170 --> 00:28:20.809
Philip Sellers: Now.

00:28:20.830 --> 00:28:28.029
Philip Sellers: you know, I I say, that is an absolute, but it's not really an absolute anymore, because, you know, as we talked about with the

00:28:28.290 --> 00:28:35.119
Philip Sellers: cloud control or the cloud connector. You have the choice now to consume

00:28:35.360 --> 00:28:43.109
Philip Sellers: desktop services and and other resources from public cloud providers as well. So

00:28:43.140 --> 00:28:48.560
Philip Sellers: you know it's not necessarily a given, but certainly for your own prem servers.

00:28:48.750 --> 00:28:56.209
Philip Sellers: You you kind of get that these for your substrate saying you could do the the An on premise type deployment of this

00:28:56.250 --> 00:29:02.129
Philip Sellers: in the cloud on Dmc. So i'm beingware cloud with either aws or azure.

00:29:02.200 --> 00:29:05.979
Philip Sellers: You could do a very similar type horizon before that

00:29:06.190 --> 00:29:09.090
Philip Sellers: and have full control just like you have on print.

00:29:09.290 --> 00:29:09.980

00:29:10.420 --> 00:29:26.599
Andy Whiteside: yeah. There was an argument at 1 point that, having that hypervisor was key. Now it's not key, and then, I believe now it's key again, because you don't know where that workload is going to land, and with what Vmware is doing to have the V sphere platform available in multi clouds, as well as native cloud integration

00:29:26.610 --> 00:29:31.099
Andy Whiteside: it's. It's certainly a powerful position to be in when customers need choice.

00:29:31.640 --> 00:29:46.420
Philip Sellers: Yeah. And and it's also an easy one to avoid. Lock in in a lot of ways. Certainly you're locked into their platform. But now you have choice of you know whichever multi cloud, or whichever cloud hyper scalar.

00:29:46.530 --> 00:29:55.150
Philip Sellers: I guess it's the best way to say it. Whichever hyper scalar you would like to work with as well as a lot of other, you know. We we talked about the High End

00:29:55.280 --> 00:29:59.619
Philip Sellers: hyper scalars, but there's a lot of utility clouds out there where

00:29:59.790 --> 00:30:04.890
you know they may be specific to a vertical or an industry.

00:30:05.000 --> 00:30:11.529
Philip Sellers: And and so there's a huge space with Vmware Cloud compatible hosting

00:30:11.590 --> 00:30:16.559
Philip Sellers: across a lot of other providers as well. So

00:30:16.660 --> 00:30:22.279
Philip Sellers: it really does give you the ability to migrate your workload where it makes the most sense

00:30:22.350 --> 00:30:23.730
Philip Sellers: and

00:30:23.860 --> 00:30:26.549
Philip Sellers: at the right economics for you as a customer.

00:30:26.710 --> 00:30:27.330

00:30:28.860 --> 00:30:39.129
Andy Whiteside: All right, Philip. We've covered the administrative benefits, the user benefits Still, in the video we didn't watch. I got to go back and watch that, because it seems like it'd be very valuable. We talked about a different components.

00:30:39.180 --> 00:30:42.939
Andy Whiteside: and now we've got this one little bitty paragraph with the conclusion.

00:30:45.260 --> 00:30:47.659
Andy Whiteside: Help us understand where horizon

00:30:48.450 --> 00:30:52.419
Andy Whiteside: horizon is the right answer in the right scenarios

00:30:52.640 --> 00:30:55.869
Andy Whiteside: for many, many scenarios and many customers

00:30:55.940 --> 00:30:59.109
Andy Whiteside: today versus maybe when it was niche product in the beginning.

00:30:59.530 --> 00:31:00.410
Philip Sellers: Yeah.

00:31:00.450 --> 00:31:02.070

00:31:02.760 --> 00:31:08.419
Philip Sellers: I would say, horizon fits those use cases of your traditional client server software

00:31:08.570 --> 00:31:25.830
Philip Sellers: delivering things that do not run well over the land in an efficient way to your customers, anywhere, on any device, you know. That's a huge saying from Vmware. You know any cloud, any device in the app? I probably botched that. But you get to just

00:31:25.920 --> 00:31:41.599
Andy Whiteside: i'm gonna i'm gonna add one word to that because I had this conversation I think it was you and I talked about earlier. I don't have been a couple of podcast with my brother in law. Okay? Yes, yes, yes, access. Yes. All I need to network works in the office works at home security securely delivering a good user

00:31:41.640 --> 00:31:48.700
Andy Whiteside: and yeah around a laptop with a VPN, or or even you know the local data, you there's no such thing. Security, then.

00:31:49.070 --> 00:31:55.789
Philip Sellers: Yeah, no. This this is completely different than that so no wide open. VPN: we're talking per at VPN.

00:31:55.850 --> 00:31:58.539
Philip Sellers: You're talking very curated access.

00:31:58.640 --> 00:32:14.510
Philip Sellers: But you're also giving a a user enablement, and I think that's the thing that most people probably don't think of when they think of this suite today, and it really is around the access gateways and that

00:32:15.060 --> 00:32:15.840
Philip Sellers: that

00:32:16.080 --> 00:32:18.210
Philip Sellers: app portal, so

00:32:18.750 --> 00:32:24.949
Philip Sellers: you can use vmware, and you can use the horizon suite not only to solve your

00:32:25.020 --> 00:32:42.760
Philip Sellers: delivery issues of traditional apps, but you can use this as a central point of enablement for all of you users, for all of your new cloud native apps, your Sas products. It's a one. Stop shop where your users can pop off and get anything that they need.

00:32:42.780 --> 00:32:47.750
Philip Sellers: and further to that it integrates with your identity strategy. So whether that's

00:32:48.100 --> 00:32:54.709
Philip Sellers: you know as your AD, and you want to do that if it's off 0. If it's Octa.

00:32:54.770 --> 00:33:07.270
Philip Sellers: it integrates with any of those providers, so that you can get that seamless user experience, single sign on, and and that's a key to keeping secure access. Knowing who's accessing what?

00:33:07.410 --> 00:33:09.170
Philip Sellers: When, and from where.

00:33:09.350 --> 00:33:10.740
Philip Sellers: and

00:33:10.830 --> 00:33:15.660
Philip Sellers: this is really about a a bigger story around that secure access.

00:33:15.700 --> 00:33:16.410
Andy Whiteside: you know.

00:33:16.610 --> 00:33:27.290
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I think i'm a little jaded in this world, because I've I've worked at companies that provided a digital workspace with Vdi as one of the answers or solutions is subset of it. For 20 years now

00:33:27.610 --> 00:33:28.470
Andy Whiteside: I

00:33:29.060 --> 00:33:37.100
Andy Whiteside: just I struggle when I run into people that just Don't get it, and I have to explain it in multiple facets for them to even start to warm up to the idea.

00:33:37.140 --> 00:33:39.279
Andy Whiteside: To me this it's just how you work.

00:33:40.350 --> 00:33:42.640
Philip Sellers: Yeah, Well, in. So

00:33:42.840 --> 00:33:45.970
Philip Sellers: I I think there are many organizations that take

00:33:46.160 --> 00:33:49.449
Philip Sellers: user productivity a bit for granted.

00:33:49.850 --> 00:33:53.200
Philip Sellers: You know they they're thinking about security, for sure

00:33:53.440 --> 00:34:03.959
Philip Sellers: they they have no choice but to think about security. You know Audits compliance, and even their cyber liability coverage. It requires them to think about security.

00:34:04.450 --> 00:34:17.020
Philip Sellers: but efficiency of how their user gets an application and works on a daily basis. Not always top of mind, particularly for us technologists, and and i'll take the blame for it, because

00:34:17.040 --> 00:34:19.649
Philip Sellers: we think in very tech-centric terms.

00:34:19.790 --> 00:34:35.170
Philip Sellers: But these have huge monetary impacts to a business, and if you can present them with a central portal where they can get to everything, and they can work from any device, and and truly be productive. And that's a

00:34:35.389 --> 00:34:43.620
Philip Sellers: incredible value proposition for a company. There's no hunting for your Hr portal or the Internet

00:34:43.750 --> 00:34:47.780
Philip Sellers: or you know, a partner, Portal or

00:34:47.820 --> 00:34:57.579
Philip Sellers: a Hr site. You You've got everything delivered to you right alongside your traditional application. So if if you needed

00:34:57.760 --> 00:35:11.130
Philip Sellers: to go in and access an Internet site that's only available on the corporate site, corporate network. You can get that access through a published browser. You can

00:35:11.390 --> 00:35:14.610
Philip Sellers: get any of these traditional client surfer applications. So

00:35:15.040 --> 00:35:16.870
Philip Sellers: again that

00:35:17.070 --> 00:35:18.979

00:35:19.140 --> 00:35:26.010
Philip Sellers: and and enable that being able to control identity is a huge value proposition for customers.

00:35:26.100 --> 00:35:42.469
Andy Whiteside: You're you're getting access to everything you're supposed to have access to signing in one time with multi-factor challenge. I mean, it really is the Nirvana. And then, when you watch a user. You know bounce around from the app to app to app signing in multiple times. You know you just don't understand why there's so many companies that still

00:35:42.500 --> 00:35:47.920
Andy Whiteside: do it that way. I I one of the things I do love about what happened with V, and we were getting in this space

00:35:47.930 --> 00:36:13.289
Andy Whiteside: 1015 years ago. Was that a lot of those hardcore server administrators started to see this as a potential type of solution, whereas it was the desktop. Guys kind of pushing this to some degree a lot of not but beforehand, all of a sudden, when it landed on Vm. Where it made a lot of sense to take that. You know that that virtual server workload and turn it into a desktop workload, give somebody Rdp. Access. And then, all of a sudden, a lot of those

00:36:13.300 --> 00:36:33.060
Andy Whiteside: challenges that have been present all these years, you know, got solved. But now, as something like view came out, that horizon is evolved, it's become more and more of a solution that solves more problems while still bringing that core desktop running on a virtualization platform to the end user to market.

00:36:33.770 --> 00:36:39.690
Philip Sellers: Yeah. And and you know, we we talked a little bit about what used cases here, but

00:36:40.010 --> 00:36:55.379
Philip Sellers: there's still a huge use case that that we really didn't talk about. I thought a little bit about health here, but there's a lot of contractors and contractor access, you know. This is one of the ones that that I go to as well, you know from an Euc standpoint.

00:36:55.910 --> 00:37:03.129
Philip Sellers: you you don't necessarily want the contractors to have cart block access to be able to download files and and

00:37:03.310 --> 00:37:08.949
Philip Sellers: you have to worry about. You know data ex filtration, you know. Can they get data? Can they

00:37:09.010 --> 00:37:11.660
Philip Sellers: use your data to sell your data.

00:37:11.750 --> 00:37:16.490
Philip Sellers: And particularly when you're looking at off the wearing some of those operations

00:37:16.560 --> 00:37:20.189
Philip Sellers: or task. Do you want to make sure that that's tied down? Very, very well.

00:37:20.300 --> 00:37:36.069
Philip Sellers: And in my opinion this is the only way to do that properly, it is to provide them with that sort of desktop experience. But then layer the security controls where copy and pinks don't work, and you're not printing, and you don't have USB access.

00:37:36.380 --> 00:37:43.410
Philip Sellers: It's really the only answer, in my opinion, for those offshore secure work used cases.

00:37:43.550 --> 00:37:44.250

00:37:44.990 --> 00:37:49.629
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I love it. I mean I I get excited when I see people finally get it

00:37:50.170 --> 00:37:52.770
Andy Whiteside: frustrated when people don't get it.

00:37:53.220 --> 00:38:02.109
Andy Whiteside: but but definitely see it as the path forward as we continue to have legacy. X. 86 apps, and X 86 needs around the desktop, and

00:38:02.340 --> 00:38:06.600
Andy Whiteside: you know future needs around sass and other platforms as a service.

00:38:06.780 --> 00:38:10.390
Andy Whiteside: Without a doubt something like horizon is a true enabler

00:38:10.600 --> 00:38:16.709
Andy Whiteside: of that solution in such a way that it should be easy for the user just to log in and get going and not have to have.

00:38:17.040 --> 00:38:19.749
Andy Whiteside: you know, days of training to understand what's happening.

00:38:20.500 --> 00:38:22.729
Philip Sellers: Yeah, you know. And and

00:38:23.340 --> 00:38:27.360
Philip Sellers: we we talked about the the security aspect of it. But

00:38:27.440 --> 00:38:30.110
Philip Sellers: your banking is another great example, too.

00:38:30.790 --> 00:38:35.929
Philip Sellers: Sometimes you need peripherals that only kind of work well in this environment. And so

00:38:35.980 --> 00:38:49.759
Philip Sellers: you may need check printer scanners. Things like that where you want a very curated access while having that security. So yeah, there there's so many different things that that this can solve. Is it for everything?

00:38:49.970 --> 00:38:57.719
Philip Sellers: No, probably not. But there's so many use cases where it's, additive and great. You know it's

00:38:58.230 --> 00:39:05.169
Philip Sellers: It's one where I i'm like you. I love him. I see the light bulb go off for people.

00:39:05.280 --> 00:39:06.470
Philip Sellers: You know it. It's

00:39:06.600 --> 00:39:13.380
Philip Sellers: it's fun to get to have those conversations and and then help people explore how they can help

00:39:13.530 --> 00:39:24.660
Philip Sellers: their users, how they can help the bottom line frankly, and you know whether that's saving on a insurance renewal because they're doing security better or

00:39:24.920 --> 00:39:29.159
Philip Sellers: or some other factor. You know it's it's a great place where

00:39:29.510 --> 00:39:34.329
Philip Sellers: technology can intersect with that user experience and make something better.

00:39:35.290 --> 00:39:41.420
Andy Whiteside: Well, and and part of that for me is seeing someone who gets it just enough to go out and pilot it in a certain use case.

00:39:41.430 --> 00:39:59.000
Andy Whiteside: and then, when that's successful, move forward, and that's one thing i'm most proud about what we do. Here is we help people solve for that current use case to the point where their position for the next use case and the next use case After that you know it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be. We're going all in or not. And as a

00:39:59.010 --> 00:40:04.180
Andy Whiteside: you know, as an integrator, that hope is open minded to a customer for life. It's

00:40:04.220 --> 00:40:11.009
Andy Whiteside: It's something that we can do where others are, you know, trying to maximize profits off each customer every time they interact with them.

00:40:11.660 --> 00:40:12.399
Philip Sellers: Yeah.

00:40:12.660 --> 00:40:16.790
Philip Sellers: yeah, we definitely believe in that customer for life. So I mean, that's

00:40:16.850 --> 00:40:20.589
Philip Sellers: That's our email. When we go out, we want to make sure

00:40:20.820 --> 00:40:28.260
Philip Sellers: that we do things the right way, and that we future proof as much as possible where it makes sense. And

00:40:28.300 --> 00:40:32.830
Philip Sellers: beyond that we educate, we share that knowledge and

00:40:33.120 --> 00:40:39.929
Philip Sellers: help users discover new opportunities. For you know, taking this technology to the next level.

00:40:39.960 --> 00:40:40.640

00:40:41.660 --> 00:40:50.999
Andy Whiteside: Well, Philip, I appreciate the time and the coverage of this topic over these last 3 podcasts. It's it's just you know, just what we like talking about, and

00:40:51.300 --> 00:41:04.630
Andy Whiteside: certainly gives us a chance to have that voice, and hopefully, we get some listeners that they get valued at what we done here. I don't know what we knew next time, but we'll pick another topic and start continuing down the road of Vmware workspace. One horizon

00:41:05.490 --> 00:41:08.110
Philip Sellers: sounds great, Andy. Thanks for having me today.

00:41:08.160 --> 00:41:11.399
Andy Whiteside: All right, sir. Thank you. We'll do it again next 2 weeks.