Wolf Child Magick

Working with the Queen Archetype

Ashlie Season 1 Episode 2

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Archetypes are the original shape, kind, or form of what they symbolize. The Queen as an archetype symbolizes the power in grace, intuition, resolve, trust, stillness, expression, and divinity. Working with the Queen means finding your inner power, and combining it with the channel of divine guidance, to create a world that uplifts and benefits all. 

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Ashlie McDiarmid:

Hello there my dear dear listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in. It is the second episode of my podcast, the Tea and Tombstones podcast. I do apologize that it is coming up much, much later than I wanted. I'm still getting my scheduling figured out. I, shortly after I recorded and uploaded my first episode, I was out of my condo, I am now back in my condo, and I am having to move a whole bunch of stuff back in on top of getting school, getting enrolled back in school, and getting back in the swing of that, so apparently we are just flying by the seat of our pants, and that's okay. We'll get it figured out, but I do appreciate you tuning back in. Today we are going to be talking about the monthly cards and I may just talk about the archetype card for this month, um, the archetype card for this month. I may get into the tarot card as well. I definitely have recognized that through kind of just playing around with recording and practicing that I definitely talk, so I will try to keep this a little bit shorter, but if I start to go too long into archetype card, I may just save the tarot card for another episode. I really don't want to substitute quality for quantity, so if I realize I'm starting to go over it, then I will just do another episode and we'll just go like that. Again, I'm trying my little wings out here, so I asked for your patience. So the monthly archetype card for September is the Queen. Before I go any further in discussing the queen, I obviously need and want to mention that two things, two disclaimers here, if you will, before we get into the meat of the entree here, we're before we get into the finer details of the Queen. Number one, I am referring to the Queen using she and her pronouns, however; the Queen is for everybody. Everybody, she, he, they, the Queen is available, despite pronouns, so I am merely using those pronouns as a way to create a consistent narrative, but in no way is the pronoun of she, in relation to the Queen, meant to dictate or filter her energy, her use, and her medicine down to those who subscribe to she and her pronouns, so I obviously want to get that upfront and out of the way that if you use pronouns of he and him or they and them she is still available, there is still medicine, there is still energy to be tapped into, like a well and brought up to the surface, so I want to just make that clear. The second disclaimer that I would like to state is that this is the way that I see this card, the way I teach this card, the way I use this card, so if anything that what I'm talking about does not resonate with you, that's entirely okay. There is no way that archetypes, tarot cards, oracle cards, there's no way that the messages from these decks are going to be a one-size-fits all. It's not meant to be that way. It is meant to be embodied and used and co-created with you so that it works for you. So if anything that I'm saying is not registering not resonating, that's totally cool. Do you. Just dismiss what I'm saying? I am obviously going to be speaking about and teaching and referencing this card and the embodiment and the energies and the messages of this card in a way that vibes with me. So, now that those are out of the way, let's go ahead and jump right in. So we're talking about the Queen from the Wild Unknown Archetypes deck, and I just want to first reference what the book says because as much as I believe that we should be moving past the book and as I just mentioned, finding ways to embody and embrace the card, so I think it is important though to reference some of the messages that come from the creator of the deck. The whole Wild Unknown Archetypes deck is created by Kim Krans, illustrator and author from the Tea and Tomb.... I'm sorry from the Wild Unknown, hello....and she also created the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck. She has, uh, the bones... I believe it's called the Bones and Blossoms book. She has created so much stuff now, and her decks are just beautiful. They stand on their own. I love them so much. The Wild Unknown Tarot deck was the first deck I ever learned on and I couldn't be more thrilled that that was the deck that initiated me into such a sacred space. But her... Kim Krans's definition I should say, of the

Queen says:

"Like her, like her counterpart the King, the Queen has a dualistic nature. Either she presides over the realm with grace and eloquence that comes from the heavens to uplift the spirit of others, or she falls into petty contemptuous moods casting a shadow across the land. The queen is seated in her rightful and righteous place. She is patient and forgiving. She waits for the grace of gods and goddesses to move through her, striving and grasping for nothing. To be the benevolent leader, to embody the queen is to settle into deep trust, resolve and power. The royal Queen fears nothing for divinity itself cradles her heart." And I love, I love that narrative so much. Let's first kind of break down the dualistic nature here. There is such a beautiful reverence to power that comes with the Queen. And with the Queen, power comes through her and moves through her, like the guidebook says. Through this guidance, through this intuitive initiation, and from this intuitive threshold from the liminal space into the physical space. And so power comes through her because she is strong enough to contain it. However, at the same time, she is power, the power comes from her as well because she is the one that can draft it, narrate it. She's strong enough to hold it, to contain it, and to move it into a space where it is of service for others, so power is moving through her, but yet at the same time, power is of her, of her creation as well, and of her containing as well. And so, there is that dualistic nature with the King, but it's very different. With the queen there's this interconnection and this wide expanse, that she moves and is guided from the liminal space, and that is what allows that channel of, that river if you will, of power to come through her, and yet she is strong. She is contained. She is of power herself, and so power moves through her in a way that is of service and then connects her to the physical world. So it's... there's this wide, embracing expanse that comes with the Queen. And whereas the King may move in a more linear, the vision is more linear, the action, the trajectory, the narrative is more linear, the Queen is more embracing and containing. It's more spirolic, or cyclic if you will because it's coming from the liminal space through her, but it's also hinged upon her. I hope that makes sense. So with this dualistic nature of power, coming through her and being of power unto herself, there is this reverence and this energy of humility, that being a channel and being a river, being a highway, a road for this guidance, for this power, and for the beautiful elegance and for the beautiful gift that comes with guidance, that comes from that liminal space. There's the sense of honoring, and being humble. That when we talk about being guided by intuition, even if that intuition is not coming from a specific god or goddess, if that intuition is just the voice that speaks to you, and calls you to your higher self and moves you into your higher light, there's still a space to be humbled to that. Because what that is, is that's the higher self. That's the higher space of deep wisdom and a deep embracing, and of deep containing of wisdoms that we do not know we possess and yet we do possess them, or being humbled to the space of inviting in a specific god, goddess or spirit that you want to work with, even if that's just higher spirit - capital S, or if that's a very specific spirit, working with a particular ancestor, or an animal, or nature. Any of these things, there's a space and a need to be humble to that, and the Queen invites that, and oftentimes we.. when we think of sacred feminine energy, which the Queen does have, she also has on the other side again, with that dualistic nature, her sacred masculine that this power is coming through her sacred feminine, but it's also unto her sacred masculine, there is a need to be humble, and that humility, and that recognition of the bigger picture that recognition of the interconnected energy on both the liminal and the physical and how these two are woven like hands clasped together, and at the same time, they can stand alone as hands apart, there is the space to be humbled to all that is present and all that has come before and may eventually or may not eventually come into space, into the containing. Speaking of humility and containing, with the Queen energy there is also this space and this need to be humble to the fact that there is a container here. There is containment. and that containment is not always a boundary as in, "I am defining this space. I'm defining this line. Everything within this line I contain, I'm a part of. Everything out of it, I am not a part of.." It can be that again, we're talking about dual energies that float in and out, that cycle through, but really with the space of container, it's more like I invite in, I embrace in, and I encourage in so that this container can be filled, so that this container can do what it was meant to do, which is hold and see and witness and express the needs, the wants, the beauty, the messy in all forms. That the sacred... and the sacred feminine is such beautiful energy. I am not in any way taking from that narrative, however; one of the key elements that comes with sacred feminine is this all-embracing and acceptance. And so when we talk about containing everything that is within the container, that is within her grasp, her sense of awareness, or her cognizance, acuity to her surroundings, to her environment, even if that is through social media, even if that is through a story or mythology. No matter where it is when something is... comes in, it's embraced in a way that can be very hard. If you haven't ever listened to the podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul, I highly recommend it. Lindsay Mack is such a beautiful teacher. I love the way she teaches the cards and the way she teaches the cards has greatly influenced my tarot readings as well and just the way that I embody and embrace the messages that come through. One of the things that really struck me though, with her teaching was something that I felt but I couldn't name it or give it words until I listened to her podcast, and she was going into an episode on the Queen's of the court, the High Priestess and the Empress, and she mentioned that while these are beautiful cards, really embodying that sacred feminine that we've been talking about, they're also some of the hardest cards to embrace and accept, because there is this encompassing, embracing, this finding stillness, this listening, this receiving that is beyond the comfort zone. That is beyond ...it is beyond what we feel, and what we sit with on a daily basis, and there is this

sense with those cards, again:

the High Priestess, the Empress and the Queen's from Lindsay Mack's podcast, one of the reasons why it's so hard to embrace these cards and sit with these cards is because we are not in a space to consistently and constantly be in a state of receiving. We are also not always in a space for stillness, or for all encompassing, embracing and bringing forth, and I loved that she said that because I have often felt that the Queen's, the Empress, and the High Priestess are some of the hardest cards. For me, in particular, perhaps one of the most challenging cards of the tarot for me personally is the High Priestess, and I love her energy and I love when she comes through, but it presents a lot of challenge for me as well, and I feel that exact same way here with the Queen from the Wild Unknown and that's why I'm mentioning and referencing Lindsey Mack's podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul, because the queen is a very challenging card to embrace. At least I see her that way, that she's beautiful, she's organic, she's elegant, she's compassionate, she's embracing, but that also presents the challenge that we are being asked to contain, in a way that perhaps we've never had to contain before, or we're being asked to contain in a way that maybe goes past our comfort zone, or goes past maybe some boundaries that we hold to like....like, we're being asked to hold these in a way that maybe challenges our ego or challenges our sense of protection. So I highly encourage you to also listen to Lindsey Mack's podcast. One because it's just fucking gorgeous. Two, because it also really speaks to this energy, and I want to reference that that is where a lot of my teaching for this card the Queen from the Wild Unknown Archetypes has, in a way stemmed from or branched from, because I already feel that energy. And that is why I love those cards, but they are also some of the cards that really challenge me. They really challenge me and invite me into a space that I'm not always comfortable. And that is because I sometimes, and I honor this and I own this in myself, that sometimes I cast a boundary as part of a coping mechanism or a defense mechanism, and I'm separating and creating the separation. I'm defining that line, that hedge along the river, I am defining that river's edge, saying nothing can come past this because it's a form of protection. And the Queen in her highest form is saying go across the river. She is saying sacred feminine is fluid. Sacred masculine is stoic. Move across the river. Because when you open your container, when you invite in this space, to broaden, to expand to go into this interconnection, this web that is woven, and you are part of that co-creative weaving, but you honor and respect and bow to and are humble to the weaving that has come in for you from other sources, whether that's from guidance, from intuition, or you had no control over that part of the web over there. You had no control over that section down there, and yet, it is still as if you wove it because it is within this container that is...that is a threshold and it's an invitation to embrace more, to witness more, to express more, to step into your power more. That's why when we talk about Queen energy being in shadow, it There is this space of working with the Queen in a way, that... can fall into petty, vengeful, rageful, jealous because there is this seeing and witnessing, and not honoring that within the that is all about sovereignty, but that sovereignty is again,because there is this reference, this connection, this understanding, this witness of everything else that makes the Queen, not sovereign, that she is sovereign as she sits on her throne, but she has only sovereign on her throne, because she is overlooking overseeing, and in the space of power for a kingdom, for a domain, for... for all of these other energies, people, animals, nature, politics, philosophy, art, all of these things are part of that. So when working with the Queen, it is very important to, I think, at least, it is very self. Seeing beauty over there and not honoring the beauty of important to remember that this energy, it is about sovereignty, it is about humility, and it is about duality. And those can be very, very hard to explain, to tap into, or to to move from when you're moving with this card embodying this card, and you're moving from the seat of self to move from a space of understanding, it can feel quite hard. And if we even look at the card, we see there is this red border, which I love, I love that the border is red. And there's this moon, but also these like light rays coming out again, speaking to expansion. And then there is at the top, we have this hand holding the serpent or a snake. And what I love about that image is that what it says to me at least is that there is the sense of the self. Seeing the connections off in the distance and not holding transformation, there is the sense of connecting with magic, connecting with the liminal space connecting with the unseen but palpable energies of this world even doesn't have to be liminal. There, again, we're still honoring physical here, that we're honoring that growing and that expansion, and as a snake grows, it sheds, it's whole self, so that with each new day, each new cycle, each new reflection, each new spiral, or intention or action, or cause and consequence, whatever you want to put in there, so with each new [blank] for you, comes this understanding that you are growing, and then at some point, you will have to shed your skin. The hand also represents to me feeling into the connections or into the gratitude of the creation, however, the hand also represents maybe a little bit of control, that we are within the space of holding transformation, manipulating it, if you will, but also honoring the fact that it can't be fully controlled to so controlling it, but also giving it freedom again, dual energies, and then we have the gem that sits at the base of the snake's tail, which speaks to I was gonna say beauty at first. But really, if you think about it, going back to this space of having the Queen be very hard to channel to understand at times, it's like when you think of a gemstone, or crystals or diamonds, that what's very hard connections that are with you in the present. So Queen energy is to understand about these is is how these substances are formed through time, and pressure, and darkness. And that can be really hard to visualize, you know that there's these like carbon atoms, and that sits in the earth and there's pressure on top of it, and it's sitting in a dark space. And then over an incredibly long period of time, those carbon atoms become something else, and they become something like diamond or crystal or gemstone. And that can be very, very hard to visualize that process because it's so slow. It's so minut. And it's also so unseen. It's so foreign. And so when we think about clean energy, there is this space of honoring that it is all about time and pressure and darkness. Not to say that very embracing. It's very containing, expanding all at the feminine energy has to be within the dark. It can't be in the light to the light is the male energy. Really to me with the gemstone, it speaks to the fact that it takes multiple elements to create and bring forth something new. And so again, we're talking about interconnection that it can't just be time that creates the the crystal or the diamond or the gemstone. It can't just be pressure, and it can't just be darkness. It has to be a very specific set of elements in balance with each other that created the way it's created. And when it's not in balance for that gemstone it might be in balance, or if there's any other elements present, it will create something else. same time. Again, that's where this dualistic nature comes in. And so, that also again speaks to this element of power coming through, but also being sovereign unto themselves as well. And then finally, we have the Lotus at the bottom, again, that's speaking to this beautiful coming forth into bloom from something that is not of itself originally. That with the Lotus there is this gracefulness, this tenderness, this beauty, but there's also this element of coming forth. So with the lotus flower, there's this element of water, we also see water with the moon, so there's this element of water, and with that comes the narrative of enlightenment, rebirth, some will say purity. But what I really want to invite in with this image being part of the Queen card itself is that There's this liminal space and this physical space, and so if the lotus is all about coming forth from something that seemingly doesn't seem like it would create, you know, it would be nourishing, like when we look at lotuses, they are an aquatic plant. And yet, we're just so used to seeing, you know, plants and bloom come from a space of dirt and sun. And yet the Lotus Blooms in slow moving waters, slow rivers. And so there is this element of finding ways to bloom. And that's one of the beautiful things about the sovereignty of the Queen. I also want to speak about how when we talk about sovereignty, and when we talk about... when we talk about the Queen, and as the book said that there is this element of compassion and you are just like, "I don't even know how to process all of this, forgiveness and using the guidance that comes from the liminal space, or the intuitive space to be of service. And I fully honor that, and I see that and again, that's one of the reasons why the queen is so challenging is because there is this sense of embracing, in health, or in sickness, in our divinity, and in our absolutely human messiness. We are embraced and we are contained, and yet we are also expanding and bright, when we invite in clean energy. But I also want to challenge a little bit that the sacred feminine is all about service to others, giving to others... like that is obviously apparent with feminine energy, I'm not denying that, but there is also this element of service to self, that with this container, this I don't even know where to go with this, believe me, you are embracing, as I mentioned before, one of the challenges for me was that there is this protection, when I separate and isolate, as a defense mechanism or coping mechanisms. Sometimes, one of the biggest challenges that I have, sometimes and working with these cards, and perhaps you can relate is that, in reality, it's when we are of service to ourselves only, first and foremost that can... that we can be of service to others to another person to another living thing to nature to a cause to a higher purpose, to the embodiment of the energies that we want to invite in for ritual or spellcraft, or deeper knowing. It's only when we come from a space of being of service to the self, which again invites, in service to the bigger picture or not alone. Working with the Queen has been quite a challenge service to the interconnected, bigger picture, I should say. And so there is this element, again, speaking of sovereignty, and autonomy. And yes, the sacred feminine energy is it's giving, and it's motherly and it's nurturing, but there is also this element of being very protective and very established and very proud, even if we can use that word which I absolutely think we can, that with the queen energy. It is also about using and utilizing the guidance, the energy, everything that is within the container to build upon for the greater good, but it's also there to build upon so that we are more of for me, and that is because I often find the easiest way to service to others and to ourself, and that is where the queen and the king differ greatly. The king energy brings in a lot of utilizing structure, strategy, and this and the Queen does use that too, but again, her energy is coming from this and containing this all embracing, and that's where it can feel quite hard and like it has to be given out and given away because some of this is coming from a place that is not of us. It's coming from our patron deities, it's coming from nature, it's coming from other people, it's coming from our own intuition, which is the thread of our deep knowing, from generations past, still cycling through us through ourselves and through our sense of self. And so I also want to invite in when working with queen with break something down is to.. and to work with it, to understand Queen energy, excuse me... that the only way to be of service to others is to be of service to yourself. First, you cannot pour from an empty cup, you cannot sit at the throne for others if you are diminished, and not unto yourself first. And that is again when she's in her in her bright light and not in shadow. But we're not talking a ton about shadow right now, I mentioned it a little bit. But really, there is this space to be wholesome and proud and vulnerable for the self and be of direction and of guidance and of humility for the self first so that this bigger interconnected, bigger picture can come in. Finally, one of the last things that I want to talk about is how the queen is the expression and the embodiment of it, to invite it in... is to compartmentalize it, to give it the righteous place we all move from and if you remember what that what the guidebook says, excuse me, it says If I can find it here, hold please. Here we go. "When the Queen is seated in her rightful and righteous place, she is patient and forgiving. She waits for the grace of God and Goddess to move through her striving and grasping for nothing." So what that means to me, in relation to this righteous and rightful place, is that there is righteousness in all of us that we are all queens and kings unto ourselves. But again, it's also in relation in witness and in this container of the bigger picture, so there is this need to just trust. Again, the queen a little box and a little note card that has a definition of is not grasping for anything. She is not seeking or trying to make the square peg fit in the round hole, she is waiting for the round the round peg to fit in the round hole because that is the only way it works. And so when we come from a righteous place, it's not about coming from a place of entitlement, it can be entitlement and get in shadow, but really when we step into the space of rightful and righteous, we're stepping into the space of wholesom. We're stepping into the space of cyclic. We're stepping into the space of enlightenment, and wise and nurturing and compassionate and loving, that when we honor our righteous seat at all that we wish to create and all that what's in the box and the box is placed in a specific space so I we wish to accept it. When we accept and invite in that manifestation is part of our birthright, intuition as part of a birthright. You don't have to be psychic to be intuitive. You are an intuitive person. You are an intuitive being, even if you don't feel like you're intuitive, you in fact are because when you sit at the righteous seat of yourself, that is part of what is ordained to you because you are divine. So it's really about seeing yourself again and this dual energy of the messy human and the divine spirit. So it's not about again, being titled or being owed things, having everything just being planted at your feet without any work put in without any awareness put in or any humility put in or can find it, and I can make sense of it, and that is a very, gratitude. It's really about understanding that when you are working with Queen energy, you are saying I am divine. I am a divine spirit. I am a divine human. I am a divine mess. I am a divine sacred space. I am a divine lover. I am a divine, whatever you want to put there. It is basically declaring yourself sovereign and saying, I sit at the throne of myself every single day. But that throne is also part of a bigger domain, again with this container, and there's so much in there. And so it's about recognizing that when we sit at the throne of the self, and we step into that righteous place, we are doing such a service to, to the universe. We are doing I don't want to say that's completely a patriarchal such a service to the world and to the bigger picture because the world needs us to declare ourselves divine, to declare ourselves sovereign, because it is through that, that we can be humble. In the light, we can be humbled to the fact that we are divine creatures, we are part of all other witness and living, breathing embodiments that are here in front of us, around us, surrounding us that have been before us that will come after us. And so when we step into that space of righteousness, we are actually giving the world a gift, we are giving ourselves a gift. And that is some of the most beautiful, beautiful ways narrative, because there is perhaps some feminine qualities to honor the Queen energy. But again, it's not always easy, because there is this sense of embracing and filling that container, and letting that container float with energy so that we can invite more in. So this container is always moving, and breathing, and in cycle itself.

There is this need to trust:

trust in the guidance, trust in intuition, trust in your environment, trust in your divine declaration, and trust that the container and everything coming in and moving out, and everything within the river and on the edge of the river, everything has a purpose, everything has a place, even if it is the most fucked up thing there is, it has a place, even if that is I never want to be like that, or I'm so glad that I went through that because I'm never gonna go through that shit. Again, that is part of within that as well, so I don't want to say it's completely a what Queen energy is that trusting everything comes in, has some sort of gift to give has some sort of service. There's the resolve that this divine declaration and that this seat that I sit on this beautiful seat that I sit at, which is the seat of myself, and I'm sitting in it all the time, all day, every day, even when I'm exercising, or when I'm moving or I'm doing something, I'm still seated at the throne of self. And in doing that, I resolve to continue to come back to the space when I feel like I don't deserve my throne. When I feel like I'm too good for my throne when I feel like I am all ego and not spirits, or I am all messy human and not divine spirits, I resolve to return so that I can continue this work. I patriarchal narrative, but there is this liminal energy with can continue giving this gift being of service and letting that power move through me because it is only through me that this power can come through in the way that it wants to come through. And I honor that the power coming through another person or another space or another living thing, like the power that comes from a tree can only come through the tree and the way that it can come through and it can't come through me that way. But the power that comes from me, and is of me every single day is only able to do so because it is through me I am the river that lets this power be what it is. And again, I witnessed I honor I see that. And I am interconnected and I and contain the power of others within my own power because that is that interconnection. It is that humility and that duality. Queen, or the Empress ,The High Priestess or the Queens of the And then there is also this ability to reflect an express everything that we just mentioned, which is so much I know. And I'm looking at my time and I'm going I'm not going to talk about Temperance today, because we have gone through so much. There's so much to unpack here, and I would... the Queen there is this energy that's taken in and maybe you feel this way just from listening to me speak that. There's this energy of fullness, that I have had my fill of speaking, and I cannot speak about Temperance because I'm just so full on Queen energy. But there is this need to reflect and express unwavering honesty, even when that's hard even when it fucking sucks even when it's doesn't feel like it's part of this interconnected, bigger picture. Even when it feels like it's de Court, there's this liminal energy of understanding without thronging us or when it feels like we are coming from a space of entitlement or righteousness and shadow. There is this space with the queen that honors this unwavering honesty because that is the only way to embrace intuition. It's like when you speak or when you are intuitively connected. It's not loud, but it is continuous spirit is is the long, winding road that runs through all things. Ego is not that. And I hope that makes sense. In reality, I think what I'm trying to say is that one of the things that comes through with Queen energy is that there is this, this return, there is the cycle there is this growing out of the old into the new and yet the old compartmentalizing. Embodying and embracing in the absence of outline. is how we got here. And so there is this energy that comes through that's unwavering, and its honesty and in its power, and in its breath, because it is through the Queen's, that the lineage and everything that has been, has created what is here now and will create what will possibly be in the future. So there is this understanding that when in the light, we can't cheat honesty, we can't diminish it, we can't ignore it, we can't undo it. And if we do, I mean, we absolutely can do that. But when we do that we are diminishing all the gifts that have come before and that are coming through us, and are of us to give out to the world and in this present space. So yeah, we can absolutely lie and cheat, and do whatever we want. We're seeing that now. In so many ways, like with politics, like we're seeing people actually, like, just diminish honesty, like it doesn't matter. And it absolutely does. Because what happens when we don't honor the lineage of honesty, or of truth, or of wisdom, or of embodiment, or of thresholds, or of invitations, or of the keeping of the knowledge that has ever come before is that when we don't honor the honesty, we are doomed to repeat it. We are doomed to keep regurgitating this, because spirit will not...again it is the long winding road that runs through all things. So it is the canopy, if you will, of all that is within that container is this sense of unwavering truth, unwavering resolve, unwavering compassion, but also unwavering protection that we have to protect and treat as sacred what has come before and the truth of what has come before. And if we don't do that, then the domain is not strong, than the throne is not of service. It is not of gift, it is not of humility, it is not of compassionate love. And I think that is what I want to say with the Queen. If you're having trouble finding a place to start with Queen energy, I highly recommend tapping into moon cycles. Because again, there is the sense of cyclic energy, of sacred feminine energy with the moon. But there's also this space of planning and intention and structure which which invites in the sacred masculine. So right now, as I record this, today, we are in we have just gotten through a new moon and we are in a waxing crescent, so this is a great time to bring in sacred masculine energy, also sacred feminine energy through the act of creation, and in this space of co creation, as well. We're building on and building into the things that we want. So that is a great place to start with Queen energy. Another great place to start with Queen energy is to really ask yourself, you can even journal this is how am I seated in the throne of myself today? How am I honoring the dualistic nature today of power coming through me, but also of me? You can also work with her in just seeing how you can deepen trust, resolve, or power within your space, and again, that's not always going to be clear cut, and it's not supposed to be. So maybe the trust is just being a little bit more vulnerable. I know that for me, oftentimes, when I am in a space of creation, I really tend to like I said, isolate myself, because creation is very sacred to me. It's very precious to me. And so a lot of times I will wait until the house is empty and it's quiet and I don't have to worry about interruption but I also don't have to worry about someone witnessing me and maybe seeing that I'm not as wise as I think I am, you know? There's this space of being seen and feeling naked in that and being vulnerable to that that scares me sometimes. And so that has been one of my biggest workings with Queen energy is really saying you know what, I'm going to record this podcast, and if the windows open and someone hears me, then they hear me. I'm going to film myself sitting outside, and if the neighbor looks down and sees that I'm doing that, I'm just going to own it. There's the sense of ownership that comes with that. So even just seeing where you can own something within yourself or within this interconnected, bigger picture today is a great place to work with Queen energy. I really hope that what I said makes sense. I had some notes written to talk about but I obviously wanted to talk about her fluidly and organically because that is how she moves and how I see her and how I work with her. I would really love to hear how you work with Queen energy, how she sits within you, and you can email me at teaandtombstones@gmail.com. I would also love to hear some, maybe some people, or some archetypes, you know, some pop culture characters or historical characters that really invite in Queen energy. For me, definitely one of the queens that I see in this world is Beyonce. I am such a Beyonce fan. I love her so much. And she just owns that Queen energy. It's unapologetic. It's not trying to narrow down to be easy to digest. It's not in fact. I think that as she has grown in her music career, it's just only gotten more sovereign and more autonomous. Thank you so much for listening. I like I said, I hope that this was digestible and easy to follow, and please let me know what you think. If you would, I would love for you to you know, give a review on iTunes or Spotify, wherever you got this podcast. It really helps me grow, and if it is constructive, just please be constructive. I am fully willing to hear any feedback. There's just no reason to be unkind. Until then I bow to you, I honor you and I honor both the haunted and the hallowed in the here and now and beyond. Thank you so much. And I will see you guys will not see.. I can't see you. I will be in connection with you for the next episode where I hope to talk about Temperance. But I would also like to talk about and bring in some other stuff to you, so we will see. Until then take care. Bye.