Wolf Child Magick

The 10 of Pentacles and Aletheia (November forecast)

Ashlie Season 1 Episode 5

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For November, our monthly cards are the 10 of Pentacles and Aletheia (the personified spirit of truth, sincerity, and unconcealedness).

These cards invite you to deepen your actions into your personal truth, to cross the threshold of spiritual embodiment, and gain a perspective of the journey you have gone through to get to this point. The 10 of Pentacles tarot card is about how you embrace new beginnings by acting with mindfulness and intention, transformed from the journey into a new and growing self. Aletheia invites you to remove of the parts of yourself that you hide away. This oracle card from The Wild Unknown Archetypes deck is asking how you can be sincere and upfront in your personal truth?

The Wild Unknown Archetypes
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Ashlie McDiarmid:

Hello there beautiful souls. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to the Tea and Tombstones podcast. Tea and Tombstones is a platform dedicated to meeting both the haunted and the hallowed of life through tarot and spiritual counsel, and I welcome you here. Oh, hauntings...Hello. It is so good to be back recording. I am trying to get my schedule a little bit more nailed down, and we are coming at the... I should say this episode is going to be the monthly cards so that you still have a little bit of time to work with these cards, embody these cards, and connect with them however you see fit. The monthly cards for November are the 10 of Pentacles and Aletheia; I hope I'm saying that name right. We're going to first begin with the 10 of Pentacles. The 10 of Pentacles, or I should say all of the Pentacles cards I would like to make clear, at least in, in referencing where I come from in working with the tarot, how I learned to embody and embrace the invitations from these cards, I do not see the Pentacles in relation to finances, money, jobs, promotions. They are definitely of the earthly realm, so material aspects can come into that, and there are times where the Pentacles can be in relation to something regarding money, but oftentimes, I have found at least within my own workings for my own personal readings, readings with clients, that often the Pentacles cards when it comes to money is in relation to our attachment to money, or in how money affects our... affects our behaviors, our coping abilities, or even just how we show up in a state of being in this world. So it's not so much all the time that the Pentacles cards relate to money and finances directly, but sometimes through an indirect course of action, it can... that that topic can come up, but I would also like to make clear that the Pentacles cards can show up in no relation to money, in no relation to any sort of material, financial, capitalistic mindset. And I think that that's important because when we are looking to embrace the tarot, when we are looking to embody the invitations, when we are looking to really step into these cards in a way that is of service, I think that we do ourselves a disservice if we constantly reduce the Pentacles to the material realm, to tangible objects, to finances, to money, to jobs because that promotes a very capitalistic narrative. But it also is limiting. It's limiting in how we approach this card. It reduces us and the invitations that this card brings forth down to reducing everything to currency, to worth, to wealth, and that's just not.... I don't vibe with that, and there's a lot of people who do not vibe with that. I am not the only tarot reader who reads this way. I highly recommend as always listening to Lindsey Mack's Tarot for the Wild Soul. She has some great insight into the Pentacles and how in her narrative, the Pentacles are how we live out, I'm paraphrasing here, obviously, the Pentacles are in relation to how we live out and embrace the spiritual purpose, the spiritual path in the physical world. How do we take [inaudible] it's the Pentacles are all about how we bring out this- the drive and the passion and the fire of spirits into the earthly realm, and I think that's a beautiful narrative. I also think that the 10 of Pentacles relates to how we are in a state of being. So for me, this is all about how our behaviors, our coping abilities, and our sensory reactions, or our sensory digesting things of the physical world translate into brain chemistry or into physiological pathways of emotion. So there's a lot to unpack with the Pentacles and it's not merely about jobs, finances, wealth, or things like that. So let's go ahead and jump into this card and what I think this card really means. All of the 10s speak to moving us towards completion, moving us towards a new layer of embodiment, moving us to a new threshold, and the core cards that precede- I should say- that follow the 10s are ways in which we grow and adapt and rise through that layer of embodiment and through other layers of embodiment, in this complex weaving, of potential and possibility. And as I said, the Pentacles, having nothing to do with finances, in my opinion, relate more to how we embrace our bodies, and how we embrace our spiritual bodies, the the etheric body, the spiritual body that resides and is housed within our skin, through our senses and our capabilities and behaviors and our coping habits in real time. So the 10 of Pentacles is all about connecting us to what has come before us, and the people that we use to be as we move through this space of completion and move towards this new layer of embodiment. The 10 of Pentacles relates to how we can almost like stand on that plateau at that summit, that mountain peak, and look out at the landscape of the path that we walk to get there. It's actually quite beautiful to see where you started when you're on this big beautiful hike, and you get to where, you know, even if you don't get to the top, you get to this space where you can look out and kind of survey the landscape, and you see all the rises in the depths of the surrounding the trees, the.... you know, the browns and the colors changing right now, and then like maybe in the distance, you see a tiny little parking lot, a tiny little black square, and then you can see this even smaller dot that's like your car and you can kind of survey the path that you've walked before. That to me is really 10 of Pentacles energy- that in real time we can actually see, embrace, and connect with what has come before us. We can connect to what path we have been walking, and we may not have noticed this, the change in scenery with each step along the way, once we get to that space where we can look back and see the trajectory and more completion, or in more fullness, more wholesome fullness, we allow ourselves this space to move towards a new layer of embodiment that is deepened because we actually have perspective. We have the scope. We have the landscape. We have the surveillance of not each path, or I'm sorry, each step in particular, but we have the totality of the path that we've walked to that place of completion. And in doing that, and connecting to that landscape, and connecting to that surveillance, and seeing the trajectory and totality of all that has come before us in our senses and our capabilities, our behaviors, our coping habits, and how we are in a state of being each and every day and how that has led to this point, we can therefore make spiritual offerings or offerings to the future. We can really allow ourselves to plant a new seed and provide a gift, provide an offering, provide service, and provide counsel and wisdom and potential to the future because of the fact that we have seen where we have been. We have seen and walked the path and then we were able to look at the path in a new way. In doing that we can make offerings, spiritual and physical, to the future, and give out our gifts, give out what has served us what has strengthened us, what has not contained us. When we're not describing... describe that landscape, we're not talking about each and every step that we took. We're going to talk about the areas that were so beautiful, and then we're going to talk about the areas that we were out of breath and that we felt we couldn't continue, and we're going to talk about those things as pillars and pinnacles. So we're able to make spiritual offerings to the future in a way that is built on those pillars and those pinnacles both...[mumble] both good and bad-excuse me. So it's not about[mumble..]. Oh, like you've reached the 10, here's a bunch of money be on your way. It's, it's, it's so much more than that, and I am going to have once I post this, once this episode is posted, I will also have an my Instagram, I will have a picture of all of my 10's. I always like to work with the 10s for the card from all my decks, so that I get a little bit of a more full or a more diverse perspective of the cards, and I'm not sticking to one narrative. Now there is like a DNA strand that runs through each and every tarot card because that's that cards identity, but I fully allow the cards' images to contribute. Not always like not, not every card image is as resonating for me, but I like to at least get that diverse perspective, so I will have...um... I will have a picture in my Instagram that you can go check and see the images that I work with, and then maybe you can see or connect to some of what my narrative on the 10 of Pentacles is, and you can also see how it differs from your 10 of Pentacles, or how it differs from your embodiment or interaction with this card. So one other layer of meaning that I see with the 10 of Pentacles, or I should say another interpretation that I have with the 10 of Pentacles is that safety, security, abundance and provisions allow us and lead us to the product or the proffering of creativity and play. This interpretation, or this understanding of the 10 of Pentacles really came from two places. One from the Ostara Tarot image of the 10 of Pentacles, which again, you will see in my Instagram post, but another was from a book I was reading years ago by Abraham Maslow. The title of the book was called Toward A Psychology of Being, and in the book, there's a part where he talks about how, when we look at- he's also the one that has the um...... Abraham Maslow is the one who has the hierarchy of needs, and at the base of that pyramid, at the base of that hierarchy is physiological- like that is biological, that is things like food, water, shelter, and sleep. And then we move on to things like security, health, finances, safety. And those are all kind of within the basic needs. Here I'm looking at an image from the professional Academy, kind of laying out the hierarchy of needs, and then once we get past basic needs, we move to psychological needs. So these are things like friendship, intimacy, family connections, and then to respect status, recognition, strength and self esteem, and then at the tip of the pyramid, at the tip of the hierarchy of needs, is self actualization, meeting one's full potential in life, and this is different for every person. But I see this really in relation to the 10 of Pentacles, and again, to this idea that when we have safety, when we have security, when we have abundance, and again, not just abundance of the house, the car, the white picket fence, the you know, the boat, everything like that, really more abundance in terms of being abundant in our daily lives, connecting to... connecting to others, connecting to friends and family, and then having that abundance of having our connection or having that having that work, that spirit drive be met with positivity, be matched with and encouraged by others, and making a change and making a difference, then we can get to the self actualization. And I'm not saying that when you pull the 10 of Pentacles that you are just immediately in the space of self-actualization and that there's no..... that there's no spectrum or layering from all of those levels. Really, what I see though, is when we have the things like safety, security, abundance and provisions, we are allowed to move up the hierarchy. We're allowed to move up the ladder, and more towards our, you know, and more towards this, again this connection to all that has come before and then offering it to the future. Because when we do not have basic needs met, and this is kind of the theme of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is that when we are not fulfilled or satiated in that hierarchy of needs, we will always return to the next level down. So, if we are in a space that is triggering, that is unhealthy, that is toxic, that is traumatic, we will constantly return back to the basic first level in our in our hierarchy of needs, which is things like safety, or like the first one to two levels in our in our hierarchy of needs, which is like feeling safe, and meeting very physiological or biological needs. So again, returning to things like safety, security, and having the energy to make sure that we are fed and that we are maintaining, or at least trying to contribute to a level of fulfilling our basic needs. Now, obviously, this can also be part of a, a toxic or a triggering dynamic, but in black and white terms, I should say, or in just terms, a little bit of contrast that when one layer of our hierarchy of needs is not being met or is not met, we will continuously return to that level, to make sure that those needs are met before we move on to the next level in our hierarchy of needs. So when we are at the 10 of Pentacles, and when we are making that connection to all that has come before us and allowing that to further drive and further satiate our spiritual selves and make spiritual offerings to the future or physical offerings to the future, or making promises or casting out our manifestations or our power through our positive force of will, really what that is, is that we are moving up that ladder, we are allowing the abundance that we have in our life, the security, the safety, the stability, the provisions and the guidance, and again, that... that spectrum and that perspective of the trajectory that has led to a standing here in this moment. We can use that, allow that, to lead us into those spiritual offerings to the future, through creativity and play. We can use creativity and play and joy and the dynamic of what it means to be unbridled by responsibilities or what it means to be untethered from responsibility as a distraction, maybe I should say it that way, is that we are allowed to be more in the moment, we're allowed to step into this beautiful merging of our self in the future, again, in real time, because through creativity and through play, the dynamic is growing, it's changing, it's shifting, it's strengthening. And at the same time, it's releasing the distraction or the the saddle of responsibility where there's still responsibilities. And in fact, with the 10s, we have to make sure that we're not choosing comfort over stagnation, and that can be a shadow aspect of the... of the 10s is that when we're in that space of safety and security and letting us.... and letting that help us create and play in new ways so that we can move into the future more vibrantly, more in alignment, it can be hard not to want to stay there. But the 10s again, about completion means that this is the crossing. This is the crossroads, and we have to go forth in the direction that we choose to go, or we are guided to go. So we can't stay there. But it is beautiful to recognize and to relish in the fact that the safety and the security of abundance, all of that is allowing us to contribute to sacred play, is allowing us to create and be in that creative space that actually also aligns us more to our honest spiritual truths- that we can really step into that offering that we are making to the future by honoring the truth that is in us now. Another interpretation or meaning of the 10 of Pentacles is that through that, again, that safety, that security, that sustaining of resources, it really opens us to and through that perspective that we have of the landscape by being able to see it with a little bit more, with a little bit more color, with a little bit more fullness, with a [stumble] with a little bit more totality. It's deepening our wisdom. We can really again, look to those pillars and look to we may not, you know, call back to every step that we took on that journey, but we can really see the pinnacle moments, and use those pinnacle moments to deepen our wisdom. And in deepening that wisdom, we are then more capable, again, through creativity, through play, and also responsibilities that hasn't been shed it just as approached from a new way, we are allowed to be more or maybe guided or open to being of service to others. That through our wisdom, we create this shift in perspective for others because we have the experience. We have the memory. We have the narrative. We have the creativity. We have the spirit drive in the fire. All of that combined equates to wisdom. All of that combined equates to deepening and layering our knowledge, our perspectives, and also having a way of shifting our own behaviors, so when we come from these spaces, and we shift ourselves to better walk on this path and we speak to that for others, it- and we speak on it passionately with conviction with that force of will that has led us through each step on that journey, we're able to create that energetic shift and that opening for others. So we're able to use the guidance that was gifted to us and pass it and transgress it or transcribe it to others so that they can be guided to seek or to more fully embrace, to let down their guard or to step into that space of completion, and then to that across that threshold or across that crossroad of the 10s themselves because it's not... they're not in the dark on it. We're there to help hold a candle to their journey. As I mentioned, one of the shadow aspects or the haunted elements of the 10s is that oftentimes, the 10s can feel really, really good because we are in this space of completion. We're in this space, again of being able to see and perceive in a new way and really be able to sense that, especially with the 10 of Pentacles on our physical body. We're really able to sense and perceive the shift that has come and stand in or in this glorious joy, this glorious state of being. Where we are now from where we came from, even if where we came from was, you know, beautiful and full of love and light and all that jazz, like, we're still able to really connect to a beautiful, gorgeous space within ourselves, that invites us to really feel how far we've come to really feel and become more intimate with our place in the bigger picture. We are a speck of dust in relation to the size of the cosmos. But still, that speck of dust is space. It's matter, its energy, and it's part of the tapestry. It's part of the timeline. It's part of the unfolding of all things. And so again, oftentimes the 10s can feel really good. Maybe not so much the 10 of Swords. There is a lot of beauty and a lot of gifts that come with the 10 of swords, but it doesn't always feel like that. But the 10 of Pentacles like, yeah, that that card feels good. Like damn, it feels fucking good to just stand there and perceive yourself and be more intimate with yourself and connect to yourself in a way. It's like, "Yeah, I did that. I walked that path. I created this change. I opened this threshold through my choices through my behaviors through my actions. Through my state of being I am now standing at the crossroads of this space. And I did that. Yeah, I was guided I had support, I had resources, I had tools, but I still did it and that feels damn But again, the shadow aspect of the 10 of Pentacles is that it good." can feel so good that it can actually lead us to stagnation because we get caught up in the narrative or that velvety comfort, that velvety narrative of comfort, that we forget that the 10 of Pentacles, as are all 10s, they're a crossroads. They are an intersection, and it is at that intersection where perhaps the greatest leap is yet to come. So even though we have come so far, and it feels damn good to do that, we may still not have taken the greatest leap yet, and whether big or small, whether it's a small leap, a gigantic leap, the 10s, are inviting us to cross that intersection, and to go forth, boldly, beautifully. And... so we want to make sure that with the 10 of Pentacles, we honor and embrace all that we have done to contribute to that space, and contribute to that path of getting us to the intersection, but we don't want to stay there. We want to stop at the stop sign, embrace ourselves, and then keep going. So we want to be an unstoppable force, we want to keep going and be part of that spirit-need or that spirit-fire, to keep climbing towards desire, purpose,- if you want to keep the narrative of Abraham Maslow going towards that space, or that summit of self-actualization. We want to make sure that we are crossing the intersection, embracing all that has come before us, that lies behind us at that intersection. But we have to keep moving. We cannot let the 10s lead us, even like the 10 of swords, which again, doesn't always feel the best, we do not want to let that.... we do not want to let.....that card or the 10 of Pentacles, or any of the 10s keep us from crossing the intersection. We have to cross. We have to keep moving. We have to be an unstoppable force, and with the 10 of Pentacles that means we need to be an unstoppable force towards that state of being that is calling[mumble] that is calling to us. We need to be an unstoppable force towards carving out the pathway, inch by inch if it needs, for us to be in alignment between body and spirit. For us to connect, and deepen and align with the guidance and service that we give to others because once we are of service to others, that doesn't mean that we are no longer of service to ourselves. It also doesn't mean that we have given everything we can give to others. Everything is growing... deep, deepening, layering, it becomes more complex and nuanced. So with the 10 of Pentacles, we are really being asked to be an unstoppable force for that state of being that is part of the landscape of our desires, the landscape of our purpose, the landscape of our state of being in real time. That can be hard. And sometimes the pausing at the intersection may require a return to like the ace or a return to a little bit of self-investigation through again, creativity and play. So that we can really say okay,"I'm at this intersection, do I want to go left, right, or straight down the path in front of me?" So sometimes the path can be can require us to really, again, navigate, check our mapping, check our... check our GPS, if you will, like our internal energetic GPS and say, "Yeah, is this is this the direction I want to be going down, because I'm here, I've come this far. But I really want to make sure that I'm staying on the true path." So it can create, there are times where we need to carve out that space, again, for self-investigation for checking in with the... with the map, if you will, so that we can make sure that we're on the right direction. But we don't want to stay there, and we don't want to digress either. So the 10 of Pentacles, as all the 10s are, can be quite lovely but they're also... they're also a little bit of that transition can be hard, and sometimes when we come to that intersection, when we are invited by the 10s or the 10 of Pentacles that intersection we're like "Yeah, I know. I know. I know that I have to go left here. I know that this is the way I have to go. Because I just know it. I know that this is the direction I am meant to be headed. Other times, we may need to check in. We may need to again further investigate and further see if this is truly the path that we are meant to continue down at, and if it's not, then we need to make adjustments and rearrange ourselves so that we can...so that we act in a way that we take ourselves down the path that is going to provide us even if not in that moment, what we need it to provide down the road. So sometimes those.... that can be a shadow aspect of the.. of the 10s. It can be part of the haunted element of the 10s, and the last thing I want to say on the 10s before I move to The Wild Unknown Archetypes is that kind of again in relation to that self-investigation and that mapping, and also in relation to that... you know, to the.. to the pinnacles, to the pillars that are memory and remembrance of the path that we have walked, we want to also honor and see and embrace and invite in stability based on the ups and downs of the path that we have come before. This, again relates back to wisdom that it is carving out a space of deeper wisdom for us. And also just a space for more stability, to more... cultivates a sense of stability within the seat of our.. within the seat of ourselves, within our state of being because we've walked that path. And even if what we walked, even when we walked over, even if the knowledge that we gained is no longer true, at least we have the capability and the capacity to say, that no longer works for me, this isn't it, this is no longer in alignment. So even if I have to change directions at that intersection because this isn't the path that I want to go down anymore, we have the capacity and the stability to move in a way that is more unjudged. We're not as judgmental or in doubt within ourselves. We're not moving again from a place of fear, but we're more moving from a place of awareness through that self-investigation. And again, that's... that's self-investigation can also include that creativity, and play because those are great ways to learn. So through the transgression, up to the 10 of Pentacles, and through the state of being we can cultivate and So now we turn to Aletheia again, I hope I'm saying that ground and [mumble] and satiate the body and say, "We're good. We got this. I'm stable, even if I have to change my path, even correctly. Aletheia is a card that was pulled from The Wild if through investigation, I realize I'm not on this, I'm not going the right direction anymore, and I have to switch. Unknown Archetypes deck and the category that she resides in the We're not as... we're more... we're not as malevolent to ourselve. We are more forgiving. We are more part of the pinnacle same as Thanatos, which was the archetype card for October, are and the pillar and the strength of what has come before us, and that allows us to be more stable as we move forward, either staying on the path or redirecting ourself to the right in the initiations, so again, we're already seeing this path. So I hope that makes sense. connection between the 10 of Pentacles and the archetype card because the the 10s, as I've said, are about completion or about the crossroad, the intersection, and there's this new initiation. This initiation into what comes after we go through the 10s, and after we cross that crossroad, we cross that intersection, there's this initiation that comes with cards like Thanatos and also Aletheia. Aletheia is a Greek goddess and her Roman name is Veritas. She is the personified spirit of truth and sincerity. Also in relation to being unhidden, unconcealed this, and I will have a link to the resources that I used basically with her, with this card I should say I just use the guidebook that comes with the deck because I always find Kim Krans is guidebooks to be actually quite informative. A lot of times I don't like the guidebooks that come with the decks that I purchase, but Kim Krans always has such a beautiful narrative and a beautiful story with each card are a beautiful way of expressing the limitations of each card that I always find her guidebooks very useful. So I used the guidebook that comes with the Archetype deck and then I also used a website, the motherhouseofthegoddess.com. we're in the space of initiation, and we already can kind of feel or feel a little shaken and feel a little bit confused or disconnected if you will. But that's kind of the purpose. The purpose of Aletheia is that our spiritual house or our spiritual body that is housed by our physical body, and in relation to the concept of truth as is, is just that, that our spiritual truth, our soul truth is in this process of both completing and initiating, remembering and forgetting, we're in this constant threshold, and hopefully through that threshold, we're able to align more with our truth. And this is again, where the where the Pentacles aspect of it can really help us in relation to working with Aletheia, because when you... it even says in the guidebook, when someone speaks the truth, a cool wave of relief washes over the room, and that is because when we are around people who are more in alignment with their own personal truths, or who seek to be part of the communal collective truth, and use their own internal truth, as part of crossing that intersection, to into communal truth, we notice those people. We notice the people who are also on the exact opposite of the spectrum. Those people who are false who put up a facade. Now everyone puts up a sort of facade to some degree, a little bit. No, I mean, unless like you, it's very, it's actually quite hard to speak your truth all the time. I know that there are some times where people ask me, you know, how are you doing? And I'm like, "Oh, I'm fine." I even do that with my boyfriend. Sometimes I do that with Grizzly. He's like, "Oh, how was your day?+ And I was like, "Oh, it's fine." And in reality, the truth of it is, is that it's like, I'm holding on to fear. I'm holding on to judgment. I'm holding on to doubt. I'm at the gates of imposter syndrome, if not fully in the garden of imposter syndrome. And sometimes I just don't want to have that conversation out loud. I just need to as much as I recognize I'm going through that physiological spiritual process within my internal structures. I don't want to have that conversation physically. So I just I'm like, oh, yeah, it was fine. And I'm not doing that in to like actively, not be truthful. But sometimes it's just part of, again, our coping mechanisms. It's part of the way of coming to the space in a way that is as authentic as we can be, but also of service. And sometimes that's a really hard balance. And so, when we are working with Aletheia, it is really about seeing where can I be more in alignment with my truth? Where can I be more sincere with myself and others about what I am feeling what I am processing? What I am crossing at the intersection, and what am I leaving behind at the intersection? And what am I stepping into? How can I be more sincere in that? It's not, at least for me, I don't think it's reasonable to say we just, we just need to be constantly.... I mean, yes, we need to be in a state of truth, I shouldn't say that. But again, that can, that can be quite hard, and sometimes it can almost be detrimental, and so we need to also recognize that we need to be protective, and we need to, not because we want to be living a facade, but sometimes we just maybe don't have the energy, and sometimes we are actively seeking protection, over truth, because it is, it is in our best interest to do so, and that's just an unfortunate part of life and being in the space of the self and other people. We just can't constantly be...we just can't constantly always be initiating our truth into a new spiral all the time, we would burn out. And sometimes we... sometimes....and sometimes we just need to be graceful with ourselves and accept that we need to choose something such as protection of facade or a state of concealing over truth, again, because it's just in our best interest to do so. So working with Aletheia is about recognizing, where not how much more but where can I step into my truth a little bit more, and that's the same thing that's coming through with the 10 of Pentacles. Where can I at this intersection and through this path, be more in a state of honest being? Where can I actually honor and embrace my state of being more truthfully, more honestly, more expressively more openly? There is a space to recognize that as we move through the 10, and as we cross that intersection, we may be allowing ourselves just through the sheer nature of going into that self-investigation and into that mapping, that we are letting ourselves be more aware and in balance with what's the honest truth of our state of being.. is truth as is, we are more able to be with our truth as it is by crossing that intersection in and going in the right direction and initiating to the next level on the path. The guidebook also asks, or says that the Alethia card requires us to step toward an act of truth. Whatever that is large or small, it does not have to be some huge proclamation. It could be just creating one different narrative with yourself. It could be creating, or engaging in a conversation in a new way with someone else, it could be using, again, that creativity and that play, to align ourselves with our truth in another way. So it doesn't have to be this huge proclamation of truth, but it really just has to unveil that which has been deepened through the path that we have walked, if there is a space of concealing, out of protection or out of need for our, for our higher, better interest at heart. Where can I shift myself so that maybe I don't have to do this in this way? Can I engage in this narrative with myself with others, with community, with my offerings to the universe or to the world, whatever big small on the spectrum, whatever? Where can I shift myself, so maybe I'm able to expose just a little bit more how that small or large act. And each act that follows after that is the initiation and progress it's also about reclaiming your truth or stepping into your truth, unveiling your truth, a little bit more or a lot more. So that as we walk through the intersection to the next phase after the 10s so that we are a little bit unencumbered. We're a little bit more unhindered or unbridled from superfluous, or unneeded distraction. We still have responsibilities. We still have this spectrum of truth as is and that includes the things that we don't want to carry with us, like responsibilities, some of those, and also the things that we have to embrace and acknowledge as well. Things like our shadow, things like our emotions that are not going to go away, the mistakes that we're going to make continuously and the failures that we are going to have to go through to learn in order to deepen that wisdom. So as we go through that unveiling, it's more about unbridled ourselves in a way that that speaks to how we show up a little bit more in the state of being, even if that's just for ourselves. It allows us to be both the traveler and the witness. It allows us to be the spectator in a sense, because we have the perspective of seeing in real time, what our actions, what our behaviors are doing, or how they are shifting the path before us, underneath us. But it also allows us to be walking the path more presently, more fully, a little bit more inviting in this combination, if you will, of the... like the spectator and the athlete. It allows us to be a little bit more engaged with our perspective. As we unveil and work to not conceal as much of our truth through either small or large acts, we create this combination that we're watching the progress on hold, unfold, but we're also the one doing the action. We're the one engaging in that which we are watching. It's.... I hope I'm making sense with that. When we unveil ourselves a little bit more, when we don't conceal ourselves as much, again, through small or large actions or states of being, what we are doing is we are creating a space for us to unfold in real time a little bit more deeply. It is through that wisdom that.... that creativity, that act of truth, that we expand ourselves a little bit more in real time. We expand our state of being a little bit more in real time so that we're a little bit more..... we're more connected and more engaged, maybe a little bit more fully, not only with our act of truth and with what our truth is, but how that initiation progresses with each step. Some of the things that I loved about this website, again, the Mother House of the Goddess, one of the things that they said was that the goddess Aletheia has made her presence known and presents us with her unique gifts, the opportunity to live unhidden lives full of truth, remembrance of our woman roots and empowerment. And that's beautiful. And again, they go back to how the Greek word variously translates of Aletheia to unclosedeness unconcealedness, or disclosure or truth. The literal meaning is the state of not being hidden the state of being evidence. And it also implies sincerity as well as factuality or reality. And that's what I meant when I was talking about like kind of this combination, that when we are in this state of not being hidden, we feel in the moment the magnitude of that act of stepping into our disclosure. Stepping and living in a way that is unhidden, and as we remove the saddle of, of being hidden, of being closed off of being, not in a space of truth, and as we take that saddle off, what we are doing is that we are giving ourselves a gift of seeing in real time our own truth as we are in the act of unveiling it, so that's what I meant by like spectator and like athlete that like, we are seeing our own truth, being unveiled at the same time that we give it to others. So we are in the state of witness, and of giving at the same time, I think that makes a little bit more sense. Truth is Aletheia, but also wound into the meaning and entomology of the word Aletheia are the concepts of remembering and the state of being unhidden- implication is that the journey, that which we are seeking needs to be remembered and unhidden to connect fully with the goddess Aletheia and I think this relates beautifully to the 10 of Pentacles because again, as I've been saying, the 10 of Pentacles is about that crossroads, that intersection, that spectrum and that perspective of the journey that we've already walked where we have already been and how we are going to go cross this intersection and on to the next phase into the next layer of embodiment. And so when we talk about the journey and that which we are seeking that which we have offered to the future, that which [mumble] that which we are using to help us lead to creativity and play, and our wisdom and guidance to others, and being that unstoppable force again that that force that just keeps going. When we are in that space, we are fully stepping into Aletheia, so, one is kind of the other in a way that when we are stepping through intention into those concepts of being an unstoppable force, being of service to others, using all that has come before to offer out to the universe that which we, we wish to give, that's a tongue twister, we are at the same time unveiling our truth, just by happenstance, just by the sheer nature of seeing and gaining a new perspective. We are deepening and unveiling and shining a light on our truth just a little bit more. And then through intention, we can do other things to lead us into a space of remembrance not being closed off not being concealed. So we are already in a state of Aletheia. As we move through the 10 of Pentacles, as we move through intention and self[mumble] and self-investigation, into this mapping, or through this mapping, to make sure that we're going the right direction, we're already embodying Alethia, a little bit, but we can further engage with this energy of being sincere, of being [mumble] of being unhidden, of being in the light, of being in this engaging active truth by further offering and giving and also being part of the witnessing, of that progress. So we were really allowing ourselves and the act of truth to work to fold. It's like, you know, it's like a circle like one gives back to the other when when we're when we are aligned with Alafia. And we're in a state of clarity and being in the light, we're more able to choose and make sure that we're going on the right direction that as we cross that intersection, we're going the right way. And at the same time, as we cross the intersection as we gain that perspective of all that we have, that has come before us the path the journey that we have already walked. And as we engage with creativity, play wisdom being that unstoppable force, we're also honoring Aletheia because we are more engaged with both spiritual, physiological and behavioral truth in real time. And on that note, I wish to close out this podcast. Thank you so much for listening. I would also like to shout out and give things to my spooks patrons, Lisa Zimmerman and Bobbie McDiarmid, thank you for your continued support. I am so humbled and honored by your continued gracious pledge to me and to Tea and Tombstones. 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