Episode 7 – Underground Freight Transport: A REAL alternative to the Port Access Road

Save Rimrose Valley Season 1 Episode 7

In 2020, Sefton Council commissioned engineering consultancy firm ARUP, world leaders in sustainable infrastructure, to look at different ways of transporting freight containers in and out of busy ports in locations such as ours.

Among the options presented was Underground Freight Transport (UFT); a pioneering technology owned by Cambridgeshire-based Mole Solutions Ltd.

In this episode, we meet with senior members of their team to better understand the technology and to explore how this could be used in our setting. We hear just how many of today’s problems this technology would solve, the long-term benefits it would deliver and how, far from being a pipedream, this could become a reality.

Over the course of the last 4 years, we have repeatedly been told by National Highways, the Department for Transport and Peel Ports that their road proposal is the only way to address the problems created by the Port of Liverpool’s expansion.

It isn’t.

We believe that this episode represents the first, major step towards a brighter future for the Port of Liverpool, the people of South Sefton and our environment.


For more information on Mole Solutions Ltd, Underground Freight Transport and their other technologies, visit www.molesolutions.co.uk