Hearts at Rest with Sarah Keeling

God is Good - Psalm 34:8 Meditation

Sarah Keeling

Join Mack and me for a few minutes thinking about how good God is, and what that really means for us.

God is good, which means that He is kind, loving, and gracious. He always does the right thing.

We can experience His goodness when we know Him, when we read the Bible, and when we talk to Him.

Mary Poppins says that she is practically perfect in every way. God is perfect in every way. He is perfectly good. He is ALL good. There is nothing bad in Him. All good things come from God.

In this episode we spend a minute thinking about how good God is and thanking Him for the good things He has done for us.



Psalm 100:5 NIV

Taste and see that the Lord is good;

    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.


Ask Your Kids:
How have you experienced God’s goodness in the past?

What is one good thing in your life right now?

Engage Your Kids:
Share a few of the good things God has done in your life.


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