Hearts at Rest with Sarah Keeling

God is Powerful and Glorious - Psalm 63:2 Prayer

Join us for a special time of prayer and reflection as we think about God’s power and glory and imagine God sitting on His throne in His sanctuary.


I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.

Psalm 63:2 (NIV)


Sanctuary - sacred, special place where God lives

Beheld - seen

Power - strength

Glory - worthy of our respect, admirable

From John Piper - God’s glory means that He is really really big, really really valuable, and really really powerful.

Ask Your Kids:

  • What do you think it looks like for God to be sitting on His throne in the sanctuary?
  • What might be getting in the way of you experiencing God’s power glory more?
  • Is there something that you could do that would help you experience God’s power and glory more today?

Engage Your Kids:

  • Have your kids imagine God’s sacred place and talk about what that might look like. 
  • Read Revelation 4:1-11 for more details about God’s throne.

Go Deeper: