Hearts at Rest with Sarah Keeling

Advent Week 2 - Faith Prayer

December 07, 2021 Sarah Keeling

Join us for our second week of Family Christmas in the Psalms and a short prayer and refection time about faith.

If you feel like it is hard to explain faith to your kids, this episode will be really helpful to you.


But I trust in you, Lord;

I say, “You are my God.”

Psalm 31:14-15a (NIV)

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Define Hard Words

*Faith - Believing and trusting in God even though you cannot see Him

Faith is a gift of belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior from God

Faith acts on belief

*Trust - confident, sure, secure

Ask Your Kids

*In what area of your life do you struggle to trust God?

*What can you do to help you trust God more?

Engage Your Kids

*Let your kids blindfold you and walk you around the house.

*Explain that you have to totally trust them with your safety since you can’t see anything.

*If they bump you into a wall, share how that can hurt trust, and if they walk you around safely, explain how that can build trust. 

*Share about how having faith and trusting God feels like we are walking around blindfolded, but He is lovingly guiding us.

Connect the Verses with Jesus

Say, “we have faith because Jesus, God’s son, came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for our sins.” 

Say, “God gives us the gift of faith when we trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.”


Access all the Advent study resources here.