TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
19. John Loftus – America’s Nazi Secret
John Loftus (former Army intelligence officer, Justice Department investigator, U.S. government prosecutor, and author of “America’s Nazi Secret”), with security clearances many levels above Top-Secret - worked on CIA and Nazi war crimes cases. John’s goal: discover who fixed Nuremberg (where certain Nazis were set free).
Young Richard Nixon blackmailed the Dulles brothers about their laundering money to the Nazis. Dulles used Prescott Bush to help Nixon enter politics. (Their sister, Eleanor Dulles, was a spy for the Zionists. With her help, they blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller into reversing the votes in the U.N., to allow the creation of Israel. The test votes were against it.)
Prescott was on the board of many firms that laundered Wall Street money to the Nazis before the war, and laundered it back after the war. (Brown Brothers Harriman, where Prescott worked, is the only banking company in NY history that was allowed to destroy its World War Two files. George H. W. Bush enlisted in the military because he feared his father, Prescott, could have been indicted for treason.)
The Dulles brothers were idiots to use Nazi Reinhard Gehlen to spy on Russia. He was incompetent. His organization was infiltrated by Soviet communists. Every U.S. secret got to Stalin.
Teddy Roosevelt forbade investments in countries involved in trusts, cartels or monopolies. But in 1918, a new law allowed them to be formed overseas, so Wall Street money rushed to Russia, Germany, and Arabia, and multinational companies funded right-wing groups (the House of Saud in Arabia, the Bolsheviks in Russia, and the Third Reich in Germany).
We are subjected to psychological warfare, news that isn’t true. How much is Kabuki theater, and how much is real – that is the question.