The Marketing Nomad Show

5 Best Strategies to Skyrocket Promotion Sales

The Marketing Nomad Season 1 Episode 78

In this episode, I talk about:
✨  why your strategies need to be different during promotion time
✨ 5 best strategies to skyrocket your promotion sales

If you're reading this and you'd like to skyrocket sales during your promotion time, then this episode is for you!

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1. Episode 61: Where do you start with your Marketing plan?
2. Episode 65: How to Figure Out Personal Touch Points in Your Funnel
3. Episode 60: Content Creation with Intention - What's That All About?

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What's up everyone? Welcome back to the marketing Nomad show. It's your favourite marketer and podcast host. My name is prit. Welcome to episode number 78, where I'm going to be giving you five best strategies for your next promotion. Alrighty, now before we get into today's podcast episode, let me first let you know how I'm going to go about this episode. So I have five strategies for you. And those cover the main marketing strategies. But inside each of those strategies, I'm going to give you some tips and tricks to make sure that you are sort of fine tuning each of those strategies. All right, so let's get into the five strategies that I do have for you for your next promotion. Now, especially when it comes to promotions, you definitely want to increase the demand for your products, especially during a limited period of time, that is your promotion duration, right. And especially when you really want to jack up the demand for your products or services. Of course, there are certain ways to go about it, or it definitely needs a more fine tuned strategy in order to drive up the sales during your promotion time. Because on another ordinary day, your your kind of your intention or your thought towards sales is not going to be that hyper focused as it is, during a promotion time like you actually have your promotion duration, because you really want to push at least two to 3x times the sales that you do have on a normal timeframe. Okay, so these strategies can also be used on a normal day to day basis. But they are extra helpful for you to focus on, especially during your promotion time. Okay. So I just wanted to put that out there. In case you were confused about whether you can use this on any other normal day or normal timeframe. And yes, absolutely, you can. But these definitely do require a bit more fine tuning, especially when it comes to your promotion duration. Okay. And another question that I do get asked, especially around this time is, you know, can I use all five strategies? And I say that actually heavily depends on your resources at the moment. If you can hire people, I would, I would say yes, absolutely. Go for it, go for all five of them. But if it's only you handling your promotions, then take a look at how much you can handle. Okay, that's usually a good starting point. So I don't think I have like a cookie cutter answer for you, I can just tell you that this is heavily dependent on your strengths at the moment, the resources that you have the resources that you can afford the investment that you'd like to make as well. Okay, so yes, that's just I wanted to put that disclaimer out there as well. Okay. Now, the first big strategy that I do have for you is your content marketing. Okay. And now as much as possible, I think that when it comes to content marketing, there are versions of it, where you would probably have to pay for it. And there are versions of it, where it is completely fee free, sorry, but it still drives up your promotion sales, okay. And those can come in the form of blog posts. Now, now's where I'm actually giving you tiny, tiny tips in content marketing, so that you can jack up your promotion sales, okay. Now, when it comes to blog posts, okay, especially during this time, during your promotions, the blog posts that you do want to put up should be around your product or service. Okay, it should make sure that it instigates that desire for your product or service. So blog topics that you choose around this time have to be super, super crucial. Okay. And once the blog post actually instigates that desire, you have to have a call to action, letting them know that this is promotion time. And it is absolutely important for them to check out your promotion, your sale that's going on and the product that they require, because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's a really awesome offer, and they shouldn't miss out on it. Okay, so the topics that you choose at this particular time is very, very important. Okay. Yes, you will probably be doing blog posts for the rest of the time. But especially during this time, try to figure out topics that do lead to your product that do end up selling your product or service because you really want to increase your sales it is important that you actually do sell during this period of time. Okay. Now, another tip that I do have for you when it comes to content marketing is with respect to the lead magnets that you do have, okay. And for me, I have found that, especially during promotion time, for either me or my clients, I find that when my audience is super, super targeted, what do I mean by super targeted, I mean that I know exactly what they're looking for. And I've even segmented my audience into two or three groups. And I have lead magnets for each group. Okay, now, let me give you an example. During my promotion for my membership programme, which was a one year membership programme, it was called the instant savvy tribe. And I had segmented my audience into three groups, the beginners who had absolutely no idea about Instagram, because that was what my membership was about the people who had a business already, but they weren't sure on what to start with Instagram, or they were just, you know, they had their business on Instagram, but there was no strategy at all in place. And then the third group of people were people who had some sort of strategy in place, but they needed some fine tuning to that. And I had six lead magnets, if I'm not wrong, I still do. And if you download one lead magnet on my on my website, basically any of the resources, you get access to all of them, it's just a side note that I do have for you. But yes, I had a total of six lead magnets. And there were two for each group of audience. So when they downloaded that particular lead magnet, I was pretty sure that they were maybe a beginner, and then I lead them to more blog posts more resources, to help them with the stage that they were in. So it's really, really crucial at this point, especially just before your promotions, to segment your audience to make your lead magnets even even more targeted than you normally do. Okay, so maybe for example, if you have one lead magnet for your entire audience, now might be a good time to actually think about how to segment your audience how to make it a little bit more specific, what are their needs, wants and desires at that particular stage that they are in? And how can your lead magnet? You know, help them with that? How can it cater to their needs, wants desires at that stage that they are at. Okay, so this is definitely a huge pro tip that I do have for you. And even on a normal basis, I have found that this tip really, really helps. It has worked really well. For me, it has also worked really, really well for my consultation clients as well. Okay, so as much as possible, try to target be more specific in your target audience and segment them as as properly as possible, especially according to their requirements based on the stage that they are at. Okay. Now, the next tip that I do have for you in the number one strategy, that's content marketing, is hop onto the latest trends or topics, okay, for example, there's a hot topic going on in your industry, it might actually be really helpful for you to either maybe tweet your opinion on it, okay. Or you could even do an Instagram post, whether you are citing with the controversy or against the controversy, so many different ways that you can go about it. If it's an industry news, that is super important, and it's a win for your industry, you might want to be one of the first people to actually congratulate or acknowledge or even celebrate it. Okay, so hopping on to the latest trends, the latest topics is a really, really good example. And I think it's a really good way to connect better with your audience. Because around this time, because those are hot topics. You never know, people could be looking for information on Google search, people could be looking at the tweet hashtags, because these are such popular topics, naturally you are going to be found. And when you are found, then yes, you know, people will automatically look at the fact that you have your promotion going on. You have your sale going on and all of those things. So hopping on to the topic, the latest topic, the trend, and taking a stand as a business owner as a business as well can be super, super helpful for you in terms of your content marketing during your promotion time. Okay, now, let's come on to the second strategy that I do have for you. And the second strategy is email marketing. Okay. And I know that the umbrella of email marketing comm super, super huge But especially during promotions and your promotion time, it is super, super important that you rely on your email marketing. Yes, you're probably going to be, you know, list building the rest of the year. But at this time, even if you haven't been second sending regular emails throughout the year, during your promotion time, you definitely do have to invest time to make sure that a you're letting them know that a promotion is on its way be let them know in the promotion is live, see, let them know what they're missing out on. Talk about your products, this is the perfect opportunity for you to sell. You also have to let them know when your promotion is ending. Keep reminding them until your promotion has ended. And you will also be letting them know, you know, addressing any objections that they may have, you might also want to let them know the benefits and the transformation that they can find when they use your products or your services. Okay, so especially during promotion time, it's okay if you've not been very regular with your emails throughout the year, but especially during your promotion time, you have to increase the frequency of your emails. Okay, so I'm just going to rehydrate so that you can write it down, you can even pause this podcast episode. But this should definitely be a few emails that would be important for your entire email marketing campaign. Okay, so the first one is letting them know that your promotion is coming up. Okay. The second one is letting them know when your promotion is live. And also let them know when it ends, if there's a deadline. And then, like a really good tip that I do have for you at this point that has worked really well for me is using a timer in my email. Okay, now I use Active Campaign. And you can use any of the email marketing software's and automation software's that are available. I personally like this, this website called, it's s e n, d It gives you free timers, it gives you like an HTML code, and then you just have to put it in the segment of your email, and then the timer will just show up. Okay, it's awesome. It's really, really awesome. And it's free, you just have, I think, have to just sign in, if I'm not wrong. And yeah, it's perfect. You can even customise it to your brand colours. I personally really liked this, I use this a lot, especially during my promotion time, my launch times all of those things, okay. So keeping the timer can definitely fuel that urgency that you need as well. So you can use the same timer on all your emails, okay. And then the third email that is super, super important is letting them know the benefits of your products, letting them know of the features of your broad products, and then letting them know of the transformation that your product or service can bring them about. The fourth email that is also super, super important is letting them know of the possible objections that they may have and your replies to it. Because they might not come up and tell you that this is my objection, I think your price is too high, or I'm not sure how this is going to help me all of those things. So it is on you it is your responsibility to actually get to them and let them know that hey, these are some objections that we do get. And oh, yeah, this is what it is. You know, if they are concerned about the price, maybe you want to talk to them, you want to send a few client testimonials, you want to send a few customer reviews of your product of the you know, the transformation that your product or service brings about so many different ways that you can go about it. But addressing the objections is like super, super important, especially for this face. Okay. And then lastly, you want to remind them when the promotion is ending, I recommend one hour like on the day of your promotion ending send them an email, then one hour before then 15 minutes before and then when your promotion is live. I mean sorry, when your promotion is no longer live, I would recommend giving them a small coupon. Just if you know they've opened your email just as a thank you for not unsubscribing to your email list or you know just being a part of your community you can just send them a small coupon. So even though the promotion has ended, you are sort of guaranteeing yourself a sale sometime in the future okay, you can probably give a deadline for that coupon for about a month or something like that. Okay. So, that is basically what you would do for email marketing. When it is like towards the end of the promotion you definitely Want to increase the frequency of the emails that you are sending. And if at that, if at this point, you feel that, you know, you're probably going to scare them off, or they're probably going to get annoyed. The thing is that especially during your promotion time, people do expect you to sell, okay? People expect you to sell, they expect to get those emails. And you can even give them a heads up in the first email that you send that we will be sending about 10 emails throughout the course of the next week. And stuff like that. So you know, all of those things, as long as you manage their expectations, it's going to be all right, okay. And I do get that hesitation that you probably would not have sent them emails all throughout the year. So or if you if that's the case, okay. And if you're worried about that, just gently let them know of your expectations. One trick that I do have is to keep a separate list for your promotions. And when your customers like you let them know that if this is getting too much for you feel free to unsubscribe out of the promotion, email sequence, okay, so that way, they're only subscribing, they're unsubscribing from your promotion list, but they're still going to be subscribed to your main list, which is all the other emails that you send. So this is a little trick that I do have. And I think that it would work wonders for you, just keeping a separate email sequence and a separate email list for your customers so that when they unsubscribe, it's only to that list and to that sequence, okay, so that is in case you are worried you can just let them know in advance, hey, we're going to be sending about 10 emails over the next seven days. If this is too much for you, you can unsubscribe from this email sequence. Okay, and then you can also mention, you will receive other updates, and important announcements from us. Okay, so that is one way to go about it. Now, the third strategy that I do have for you is referral marketing, I, this is not the number one thing that I recommend to all my clients, okay, because the return on investment, when it comes to referral marketing is just phenomenal. Okay. And, yes, it is a little bit of an investment in terms of your time, your resources, but it is absolutely worth it, and it can pay off. So during your promotion time. And even otherwise, I would highly recommend keeping a referral programme where the referee server and the referee V, yes, got a little bit confused, or they're both of them, they actually get a discount or some sort of goodie, some sort of mutual benefit, I would say for both the customer who is refering, as well as the customer who is being referred, okay. So that would be number three for you. And you can be creative, you know, you can be as creative as possible, you can give them an Amazon gift card, you can give them a discount, for the next time they want to purchase at your store, both of them can get maybe I would say, like money in their wallet, when it comes to your business account. So many different ways that you can go about this. As long as you know, you are making both the referer and the referal feel like they matter and that, you know, you're happy to have both of them on board. That's just how it is, you know, that's just the best thing about it. And, you know, I personally don't like to keep any, like restrictions on the number of people someone can refer because the more that they can refer the more return on investment you are going to get right. So I personally don't recommend keeping a cap on it. But I do recommend having a set of legal I guess I would say terms and conditions to make sure that you aren't being scammed. And of course, you would have to consult a lawyer, I do not have any legal expertise in this matter, but it is important to keep your terms and conditions very, very crystal clear, especially when it comes to referral marketing. Okay. So I would recommend investing in a good lawyer and, you know, getting your terms and conditions out. Absolutely. Right. So the legal side, you know, aside I guess I would say the entire concept of referral marketing is one of the best strategies that I have ever seen and it will works really, really well. So highly recommend it. Okay, I'm gonna come to the fourth strategy that I do have for you, and that is social media marketing. Now in social media marketing, especially when it's promotion time, you definitely want to focus a little bit more on letting your customers know that you have a promotion going on, this is the time for you to sell. I know that a lot of business owners, you know, they're a little hesitant to sell, but especially during your promotion time, you have to sell, okay, you have to be talking about your products, you have to be talking about the benefits, you have to be sharing customer testimonials, or customer reviews, or, you know, the transformations that you your product or service have brought about to your customers, all of this, okay? Like everything that is needed to make you shine needs to come out, especially during this timeframe, not just that, you have to keep reminding your audience that your promotion has started, it is going on, and when it will end as well. Okay, another thing that you can do is you can even go live, you can have your audience ask you questions about maybe your industry about your product, so many different things you can even show behind the scenes, you can go live and show what actually looks like behind the scenes, is that something that you're comfortable with, if you are not, or if it is not something that you can do, like it's not feasible for your business, the whole behind the scenes live thing, you can pre shoot it, and, you know, get it recorded and posted as an IG TV, or even as a real, there are so many different ways that you can go about it, there's this new feature on Instagram, specifically where all you have to do is put the pictures, the video clips, and it will automatically sync the music to the beats of whatever you have put. So that's something awesome. Like you don't even have to, you know, figure out the music or whatnot, everything's just going to be everything is just placed for you. Okay, so that's definitely a good feature to take advantage of, especially if you feel that it's going to be too time consuming to create a reel. And maybe you don't have that many hands on deck at the moment. You know, you have your reasons, and I completely understand that. So this might be just a fun way where you just click different pictures, and then you just upload it onto Instagram, and then it will sync it according to the beats of the music. So that's a really good feature. Okay, not just that, you know, master the art of storytelling. Explain how your product came about. Explain how your product is going to make a difference. Explain why you decided to even come up with this product, explain the mission of your business, everything. Everything boils down to really, really good storytelling. That's, that's just the bottom of it, you need to tap into the emotions of your customers. And the only way that you can do that, or one of the best ways, I guess, I would say is through the art of storytelling. Explain how your product is going to help them in their daily life, if there's a way for you to show them how they can incorporate that product or service into their daily lives. And how are they going to feel after they've used your product or services. That's a really, really good way of incorporating storytelling into your social media marketing. Now, if you want an entire podcast episode on storytelling, tips for how to be better at storytelling, definitely let me know, either in the DMS on my Instagram page that is at the marketing Nomad, and I will get right to it. And yeah, I mean, storytelling is one of the crucial things about marketing and branding. And it works. It really, really works. So if you want an episode, definitely let me know. Okay. So we were talking about social media marketing as the fourth strategy. And another important thing that most businesses forget, especially during promotion time, because I mean, it's a lot of craziness that is unleashed during this time. So it is natural to forget, and that is to interact with your audience. Okay. Make sure that even if you know during the rest of the days, yes, I feel that you should be replying to every single comment that comes about but I know that sometimes it can get, you know, you can miss a few here and there. But especially during your promotion time, you want to be replying to every single comment, or you want to be putting up as many polls as possible on your stories. And a huge trick that I personally do is I reply to each and every single A person who has voted on my stories, you know, in the polls or in the question sticker, I make sure I personally thank each one of them for their response. And that itself kind of encourages a conversation in the DM. And I say, you know, thank you, here's a discount coupon for this promotion time, I hope you enjoy it, I really think this product is going to be super, super helpful. And all of those things, you know, it's an innocent way of you getting into their DMS. But it also doesn't feel like you the main intent of you DMing them was to sell which is, which is kind of nice, because you're making your customer feel like you valued their thought and their opinion and the response. And now you are just, you know, as a favour back to them, you're helping them out with the promotion, and all of those things, okay, like, the sale with the promotion, and you're making their life a little bit better, because you're giving them your product or service at such an unbelievable price. Right. So you have to be excited about that. You have to make them excited about that as well. Okay, another thing, yes, that I definitely do see, a lot of businesses missing out on is the excitement factor, you have to realise that you should be excited, I know that things are going to be a little bit crazy for a little while, especially during promotion time. And you know, it can be a little hard to be excited because you're there's a tonne of things on your agenda, and you're more in that nervous energy and stress energy. But remember to you know, relax, I guess I would say and also be excited, be happy. Keep that happy tone and excitement going on? And yeah, let let your customers also know how excited you are about the whole promotion. Okay. So yeah, I guess I would say that the excitement is definitely infectious. So you, you definitely as much as possible want to infuse them with the excitement as well, I guess I would say, Okay, the last strategy that I do have for you that works really, really well is collaboration with other brands, and they not necessarily have to be in your niche, okay, because I know that, especially when it comes to your niche, there's going to be stiff competition and all of those things. Now a good way to approach this would be to try to think about your ideal customer profile. Okay, who are they? What do they look like? And what are some of the other brands that they like, Okay, I'm pretty sure that as a collective of your customers, there are going to be a few brands that they all go to, or they all resonate with. Now, for example, if you are an environmentally conscious clothing brand, maybe you would like to collaborate with an environmentally conscious jewellery brand. Okay, there are because the audience who are likely to buy from you are most likely also going to be buying from the other brand as well. It's not in the same niche as in you are not clothing brands, right? One is clothing, one is jewellery, but at the same time, you have common target audience, okay? When that happens, it's always a good thing to reach out to them collaborate with them, this should of course happen a few months in advance, because these talks can take time. And you know, the contracts between you and the other company, all of those things do take time. So I highly recommend planning this particular strategy in advance, reaching out to the business owners, you can reach out to them via email, or even their Instagram pages, let them know that you are willing to collaborate with them, there are a number of ways that you can go about this, you can do a mutual giveaway together, okay? Or you can do one where you offer a discount to their clients, and they offer a discount to your client slash customers. Okay, that could also work. And then you could also, you know, for every sale that you make from the coupon code, maybe you'd like to give them an affiliate amount. You know, there's so many different ways that you can go about this. I, though, would recommend going for a business who is approximately at the same level as you just because the more bigger they may be, I mean, it might be helpful to you, but at the same time, it might cost you a little bit more, you might have to shell out some money out of your pocket to collaborate with a much bigger brand. But if it is two businesses who are sort of on the same level, usually there's a mutual exchange, and there's not much of monetary resources. that you need to put in to that collaboration. Okay, that's just a small tip that I do have for you. But of course, if you do have the resources, and you know you are willing to invest, I mean, nothing like it, go ahead and reach out to bigger brands, you can also reach out to influencers, they are brands by themselves. So don't forget that. Okay, I know that when I say brands, people don't necessarily think of influencers, but they are a brand by themselves. So don't forget that they are a business by themselves. So if you'd like, you can also hire an influencer to talk about your products or your services, you can do a mutual giveaway as well, so many different ways that you can go about this, either, you know, you pay them one time for one post, for the influencer, or for every sale that somebody makes with their coupon code, you give a percentage of the sale to them. Like I said, there are so so many different ways to go about this, it really depends on your comfort level, it depends on what their demands are, it depends on the size of the business that you want to collaborate with, whether they're an influencer or another business as well. And it also just depends on the resources that you have at hand the resources that you are willing to invest as well. Okay, so that brings me I guess, to the end of this entire podcast episode, of course, you know, when it comes to collaboration with brands, you can also do a live exchange, where you hop on their Instagram stories, that also happens. Or you can go live with them talk a little bit about the common topics, like for example, in the example that I gave the environmentally conscious clothing brand, and the environmentally conscious jewellery brand, maybe the two of them, the two business owners could or the two marketing managers of those two companies can go together can go live and talk a little bit about five tips to be more environmentally conscious. Okay, so find mutual topics. And then you can go live and talk to each other about it have a conversation, because like I said, you know, you'll be tapping into their audience, they'll be tapping into your audience, it's just a better way to go about this, I would highly recommend planning this during promotion time. Because again, you want that extra boost in sales, like you need a sudden demand for like a sudden increase sorry, in demand for your products or services. And one of the ways to suddenly increase that product or services is to increase the number of people who are aware of your brand, right? So this would be a good way to tap into their audience. And of course, it is going to be mutually beneficial because they get to tap into your audience, which basically is the same audience, right. Okay. Yes, I think that brings me to the end of this podcast episode. If you do need more help with strategizing your promotion, or you just have a lot of questions about which strategy works best for you how to implement it the best way I am offering power hour sessions right now, it's basically 60 or 120 minutes depending on your preference, where you can sit with me one on one, ask me as many marketing questions as you can. And I will answer that of course in the timeframe of your choosing. These are super super popular with my clients as well. And I hope that I can help you this way as well. It's literally like 60 or 140 minutes depending on what you prefer to solve all of your you know, business questions and your marketing questions. It's like quick relief, and it's definitely quite popular with my clients as well. Okay, guys. Yes. I hope you guys are doing super super safe. If you did like this audio podcast definitely do leave me a review. That really helps me with my ranking. It helps me help you as well. Okay guys, hope you guys are staying safe staying healthy. I'll catch you guys in my next podcast episode. Goodbye. You