The Marketing Nomad Show

How to Be a Better Leader with Kevin Kepple

The Marketing Nomad Season 1 Episode 86

In this episode, I talk to Kevin Kepple on:
✨  What does it mean to be a good leader for a solopreneur
✨  What are some of the common mistakes people make in leadership
✨ How to have the right mindset as a leader
✨ How to connect people to your vision and cocreate with them
✨ Steps to take so you can be a better leader and help your business grow

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About our guest:

Kevin Kepple, lives in Texas with his amazing family. When he’s not with his family he is usually riding his bike or spending time in nature with Frank his dog. The rest of the time Kevin loves to help business owners and executives step into their hero’s footprint so that they can transform their businesses and lives into their version of amazing. As the world has shifted over the past months, many leaders are trying to shift and
leverage all the inherent power of their businesses and cultures. Kevin has the most fun (aside from being in the mountains) when he is teaching leaders how to become the heroes of their lives. Kevin has built his own successful business through dynamic leadership, leads a powerful and cohesive team, and has learned many of these lessons the hard way, so
anything he can do to help you avoid these pitfalls, he’d love to share.

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Prithvi Madhukar:

What's up everyone? Welcome back to the marketing Nomad show. It's your favourite marketer and podcast host. My name is Prit and today I have a very special guest with me, Kevin capital. Now Kevin capital is a transformational business coach who has built his own successful business through a dynamic leadership. He leads a powerful and cohesive team, and has learned many of these lessons the hard way. He lives in Texas with his amazing family. When he's not with his family, he's usually riding his bike or spending time in nature with Frank his dog. The rest of the time, Kevin loves to help business owners excited executives step into their heroes footprint, so they can transform their businesses and lives into their version of amazing so today, we're going to be talking to Kevin capital, about how to convert chaos into freedom so you can maximise your happiness, impact and income. Kevin, how are we doing today?


I'm sure I think Thanks. What's up? What's up, everybody?

Prithvi Madhukar:

It's going great. It's Friday when we're recording this podcast, and it's just starting to unwind for the weekend. So Kevin, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Kevin Kepple:

Sure, well, I think you did a great job. Breaking it down. But yeah, I'm a business owner and business coach and leadership educator and I get to work with usually successful leaders that are feeling a little overstressed, maybe disconnected, help them kind of aligned with their hearts, they can really maximise your happiness and start creating the impact they want to create in the way they want to do it. And you know, whether you're a leader of you know, just you or you're a leader of, you know, 10,000 Really, there's some common things you can do to really heightened heightened your joy, and heighten the probabilities of success. And, you know, without, you know, happiness, oh, what's the point and all this anyway, so, it's a great place to start.

Prithvi Madhukar:

Oh, that's so beautiful. I mean, I started this journey, because I think I was in search of happiness. So I think you're really hit a valid point that all of us as entrepreneurs, as business owners, we, we I think we need to find happiness along this journey. And I really liked that your entire focus is about how we can maximise our happiness. I wanted to just ask you, in the last couple of years, there have been some shifts in the entrepreneurial world, what do you think is the biggest shift in the in the entrepreneurial world over the last couple of years,

Kevin Kepple:

I think some of the really cool things that came out of you know, the, the chaos, so to speak, is that a lot of people made the decision to bet on themselves, and you know, really go out and start their own business or, you know, transition to something that they kind of always wanted to do, but haven't yet given themselves permission to do. And we are all so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for, you know, we come from an infinite intelligence and infinite, you know, by definition can't be defined number one, and it definitely doesn't have an end or beginning. And so we're unlimited by nature. And really, the only limits we have are those that we place on ourselves. And, you know, it's so phenomenal when you see massive amounts of people making new decisions about the way they see themselves about the way they see the world. Because, you know, the life we have now is simply a conglomeration of the decisions we've made. And you know, it's really beautiful, as a coach to get to be a part of people's journey when they, you know, go so far past the previous limits they've set for themselves. And, you know, that's what you do with the people that you work with, you help change the way they think about, you know, the limits that they have. And that's a really, really cool gift to offer people, because I've had really phenomenal coaches do it for me, and you know, I still get coached work, I've been a part of a mastermind, because I love to be around other professionals that are charging towards common goals, and really looking to make a positive impact in the world and help a lot of the people out in the way. And so it's just, like, that's a really cool, you know, byproduct of this shift.

Prithvi Madhukar:

I think that's really, it's I think that's very keen insight. Because, yes, I have seen an increase on people betting themselves reading on themselves, taking on, you know, this entrepreneurial journey, even though it's pretty hard, and especially in the middle of a pandemic. I mean, it sounds crazy, but there's definitely been an uptick in people heading over to the entrepreneurial world. And I wanted to ask you, you know, some of them most of at least most of my listeners, they are solopreneurs. How can they embody leadership for their business? Because when you say leader, it usually means one person, and then they have other people that they are leading, but when you're a team of one, what does leadership mean?

Kevin Kepple:

Sure, that's a great question. And whenever I was younger, I thought the same thing I was like, Well, I don't have a team. I'm not a leader. And that couldn't be farther from the truth because we're all leaders, somebody is watching all of us, you know, whether it's you know, a friend, brother sister wife, you know, parents, whatever, you know, they're just the community in general. Now people are watching you for how to show up, especially as a business owner. And you know, if you can't lead yourself, how in the world are you gonna lead other people because you can't give what you don't have. And so I think it's really crucial that you understand there's a pretty simple influence equation. And you know, John Maxwell was one of the most probably well written at least leadership experts out there, like 80 Something books by now, and probably probably working on 81, you know, as we speak, and, but I love the simplicity, the simplicity that he has, because, you know, if you can explain something really simply, it means you understand it pretty well. And, you know, he could influence his leadership. And our leadership is influence either way. And so the influence equation, if you will, it's kind of something that I like to really think about and help people understand, because it's so simple, but it's doesn't mean it's always easy. And it's really three things, it's trust, connection, and vision. But so many leaders, and again, myself included, when I was a young leader, you know, we start out at the back end of the equation, and we just start telling people what to do, like, you know, based on this vision that we have, if we even have a vision, sometimes not even a vision, but you know, like, Hey, do this and telling people what to do is not leadership, that's management, right? You know, empowering and inspiring people, that's leadership, and people aren't going to co create the division that you have, if you're just telling them what to do, they might for a little while, but they're not connected to it. So they're definitely gonna make the impact that could potentially make, and so they're really powerful, you know, where to lead is. And even again, if it's just leading yourself, like, you have to do this with yourself first. Like, you've got to build trust, you know, you got to learn to trust yourself. And you know, when when you do that, it comes, one of the easy ways to build trust is through authenticity, showing up the way you say, you're going to show up for yourself for other people. And, you know, that's a really powerful way to build trust, because then people feel safe, because they know what they're gonna get from you. And then they, if they feel safe, they feel safe not to be vulnerable. And if they feel vulnerable, that's the only time people go into the unknown. And unless people go into the unknown, they're not creating, if you're not creating, you're simply compulsively reacting to what's in front of you, and you're gonna recycle the past again, and again, and you might get a little bit better results, but you're not gonna get any those good quantum leaps down the road, to where you're just, you know, moving towards, you know, whatever your version of amazing is at a pretty rapid speed. But once you build trust, it's beautiful, because that leads to connection. And, you know, what I'm truly connected to myself are connected to the people around me, like, that's whenever people are going to happily co create the vision you throw out there. And when you have, you know, people co creating a vision, or even if it's just, you know, co creating your own vision, that's where you get co elevation, because any team, you know, the only way the team grows, is if you grow as individuals and you grow together as a team. And even if you're the team is one, you need to grow, you know, yourself individually, and then you need to grow your business, you know, the unit, the machine that your business at the same time, those are two different things. And, you know, the really cool part of that is, as you elevate yourself, you know, no one's ever gonna beat you in the world of being you, you have the market cornered on that. And, you know, you got to, again, give yourself permission to be you and be really unafraid to just charge forward into the unknown. Because, you know, I like there's no rules, all the rules are made up by us. So you know, why wouldn't you just go out and do it your way and only the way you can. And because you're unique, multi dimensional being no one's ever done it this way. And so it's gonna be messy, it's gonna be scary, it's gonna be hard, you're gonna get knocked down. But the only time you fail is if you get knocked down and you stay down. As long as you get up one more time, then you go down, like you cannot fail.

Prithvi Madhukar:

Or there's so many things that you just said, and I, you know, I've been noting it down. And I'm sure that my listeners that are noting it down as well. But yes, absolutely trust connection vision. I really liked how you said that a leader co creates with other people, I really wanted to talk a little bit more about that. First off, what do we mean when we say co create? And what are some of the actionable steps that my audience can take to co create either with their followers? Because like you said, there are people watching them, it's not necessarily their, you know, their employers that we're talking about. We're talking about people who are looking up to them as business owners as well. So how can they co create maybe with their followers with their subscribers on social media platforms? Yeah, well,

Kevin Kepple:

you know, it's really about inspiration. Because in order to be inspiring, you need to You Be inspired yourself, because you can't give what you don't have. And so, you know, like, what do you want? And why do you want it, I think, to the best questions you can ever ask yourself, you know, it's like, what do I want? Because I don't know what I want, how in the world would I know if I got it? Or if I don't know what I want? How do I know what action to take to go get it? But it's really beautiful. You know, when you really get clear on what you want, you know, the way you do that is like, you know, you find the passion like I'm not passionate about creating right now. And that's great. But passion can be fairly selfish sometimes too. And so the why is really important, right? That's your purpose. Right? And so the way you can get to that purpose is okay, this thing I'm passionate about creating and birthing into the world. So how can I mix generosity into that? And that's your why, right? And it's really cool. Because, you know, what do you want? What do you want it like, and everything flows from that decision. But ask yourself this right now, like, what do you what, and if you can't explain it simply, again, we talked about earlier than you don't understand. That's not you're a bad person. It's just you need to do a little bit of work there. Because, you know, hazy ideas of what you want the least hazy results. And for the longest time, I had no idea what I wanted, like, what do you what do you want? Like, I don't know, like for dinner, like, What do you mean? What about what, and you know that that's not very inspiring if the leader is not even really sure where they're going. And I've got this bad habit of reading stories on the Internet, right. But the good news is, they're all true. Everything you read on the internet, that's the rules, right? That's a joke, you guys. But that was reading about a study where they had people in the woods and they had people in a desert. And they they didn't know where they're at, they didn't have any landmarks, they could follow a compass or a map. And they set off this group of people like point A, and like go to point B, every time whether it was a desert of the woods, people just walked around in circles, without clear direction, because they didn't know where to go. And then they went back to where they started, even though that's not where they wanted to be, they reverted to what's familiar. And so to get people to co create with, you need to, like, have an inspiring vision that you can work towards together, that has clear benchmarks along the way that tell you we're going the right way. Or we're going possibly the wrong way. And you know, the way that you can do that more powerfully is like, it's so important that you include reflection in everything you're doing. Because when you stop and reflect, even if it's brief, when you reflect on your experience, that's really the only time you're going to get experience from the experience. Because when you're in any experience, you need to be in the moment, because if you're thinking about what's already happened, you know, generally stuck in the past is going to obviously take you to the present moment, but kind of guilt and depression are the big rewards for staying stuck in the past. And then if you're stuck in the future, like anxiety is your friend. And then like when you're anxious, you're definitely not going to be able to create from your place of power, because now you're in this place of fear. And it's going to cause like compulsive reactions and like more forceful behaviour. And I don't know about you, but I do not like being forced to do things, right. Like Same here. Autonomy is like one of the biggest fundamental desires, we all have, you know, the desire to create our life our own way. And that is so crucial that, you know, we let the people around us, you know, have autonomy. And Steve Jobs has created this phenomenal company with Apple, right, and thankfully did like because I would never get anywhere without my phone, right? That music, whatever, there's so much great stuff in there. But this great quote, he said, We don't hire smart people. So we can tell them what to do. We hire smart people, so they can tell us what to do. And that's how you empower people behind you. It's like, Hey, do this, do that, and solving all the problems for them. Because if you're solving all the problems for your people, then you have to solve all the problems for your people all the time. But you know, it's really powerful leadership, when you inspire people to solve their own problems. So that even when you're not around, they're still creating, and you know, you're creating in your way. And it's really beautiful. Because when you have two people, you know, and I together are much more powerful than two people because of the synergy we're going to develop. We both have ideas, we both have brilliance, and it's going to come on together. And when the sum is greater than the total this parts, you know, that synergy, and that's the power of a group of two or a group of 2 million.

Prithvi Madhukar:

Absolutely, I think you really absolutely nailed it, and especially about the fact about autonomy. I think that as entrepreneurs, there is that inherent desire in us to be autonomous. I think it's just ingrained in us from the very beginning. It's why we even chose this path in the first place. And I absolutely love the fact that you said that you have to be inspired yourself, if you really want to, you know, get people to follow your vision as well. And your vision needs to be some sort of a higher purpose. You know, why do you do what you want? Why? What do you want? And why do you want it? I absolutely loved that you said that. And one more thing that I really want to focus upon right now because it's a brand new concept on my podcast, and I personally have not talked about it. So I really wanted to hear your thoughts on it. And that was when you said reflect on your experience. And I I think you absolutely nailed it. Because when we are going through the experience, we don't think too much about it. I mean, it's only after that we have to give our site's ourselves the time to think about what exactly happened. And I really wanted to ask you how is it that you go about reflecting on your experience? What are the questions that you ask yourself? And is there something that you actively do? You know, maybe set a time aside just to reflect on your experience how you go about that?

Kevin Kepple:

Sure. That's a really great question. Because for the longest time, I simply didn't do it right. Like it was great then moved on. Right. But yeah, but I think it you know, Leonardo da Vinci said it best Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. And so simple is always the goal. And again like when you can explain things simply then that means you really understand it. That's really good, because complexity leads to confusion, confusion. Shouldn't leads to inaction right? A confused mind doesn't do anything, it sticks to what it knows. And so in reflection, keep it super simple. It's like, okay, you know, based on what just happened, you know, and there's different ways for different things like, you know, I have a different routine for working out for business, but it's all kind of the same, right? Towards the end of the week, I look back on the week, I look at everything, you know, like, hey, based on this, you know, event right here, what, what went, Well, what do I need to keep doing and evolve to the next level? And then based on this event, right here, what do I need to stop doing? Because perfection is attained was no more we can take away not no more that we can add? And then you know, maybe what do we need to potentially start doing. And it's really important that you do this from a place of love and grace. And you're really need to be intentional about being kind as opposed to right when you're doing this. Because we can always be right and have that sword of truth that we wield, and, you know, chop ourselves off at the knees with it or other people. And, you know, if you're gonna wield that sword of truth, just use it to point right and point to the truth that you do want, you know, again, nobody's perfect. And if you're doing big things of anything, creative is a big thing. Because, you know, it's fairly risky to go out and create, and now you're striving for uniqueness. But that's where you're gonna find all of your joy, that's when you're going to find your highest levels of performance. And the natural byproduct from that is going to be more money, more freedom in your life, better relationships, and then I mean, your health is going to be better. Because just like all of that stuff works so well together. And, you know, the way that you had kind of a jet fuel to that is through reflection, because you stopped wasting tremendous amounts of time. And just put, you know what, like, it's so simple, that that's why people ignore it. No, do it, like none. And I just thought that way more complicated. I need to get like a scientific calculator out here and an Excel spreadsheet, I need to get some some pie charts going, you know, it's like no, it really simple.

Prithvi Madhukar:

I think that's amazing. And I really, like I want to stress upon one fact that you just said, and you said, the byproduct of it is money. And, you know, whatever the success and all of that. And I really liked that you said byproduct because the actual product is you achieving your higher purpose. But all the other success, the money, all of those things, they are supposed to be byproducts. And this is definitely something that really resonates with me, because I personally think that the money, the success, the fame, all of those, if it is your main focus, then you're probably not going to be very successful in this journey. But if it is not your main aim, whereas finding your higher purpose is the main aim and all of this, it will come it will eventually come. And I love that you said byproduct is such an important word. I mean, I know that you just said it as part of a sentence. But that's such an important word that I really want to stress on. Because it means to me it means that you are so focused on your higher purpose that you know all of these Yeah, okay, they will come. I'm completely okay with that. But first, I've got to finish my higher purpose. And I absolutely love that. And I also, you know, like the fact that you added a little bit of mindset, and that is how to be kind to yourself. One, while you're reflecting on your experience. I think that's so important. Because there have been so many decisions that I've made. And then, you know, I look at myself and like, Oh my God, how did I do this? Like, why was I being so stupid? And then I have to remind myself, Oh, no, no, no, I can't talk to myself like that. I've got to be kind, I've got to be, you know, loving to what's myself regarding just take the experience as the experience. So I absolutely love that. And for me personally, just as a side note, I want to tell you guys that I journal, I have a Business Journal, that's how I personally reflect on my experience as well. But of course, you can take you know Kevin's way, my way, there's so many different ways that you can go about this, find a way that works for you. And as Kevin said, simplicity is just the best way to go. So Kevin, I also wanted to ask you, what are maybe some of the common mistakes that you see your clients making when it comes to leadership and, you know, having this trust connection vision in their business?

Kevin Kepple:

Sure, that's a great question. And it you know, these mistakes are generally come from personal experience. But, you know, I touched on it really quickly earlier, you know, some so many people get thrown into this young leadership position, now, you know, whatever age but maybe don't have a lot of leadership experience and, and then maybe the model or the example of leadership we have isn't the best. And, you know, for me, that was the case, the first leadership position I had, my vice president who was my boss at the time was really volatile and abusive, like verbally and borderline physically and it was just like screaming at people and their terror and fear. That's how he reigned. And I'm like, Okay, I don't feel like that's the right way. But that was like, you know, and I had great coaches and teachers and other mentors, but this was my first business leader and I, you know, there's got to be a better way and so instead of getting like really upset and sideways and be like, what's wrong with them because you know, what hurt people hurt people like he was struggling with something, obviously. And so I just really You learn to be grateful for the contrast, okay? Okay, this is not how I want to lead. I know that's not the way. And gratitude is so important because it trains your brain and your body to look for what's right. And there's so many like biological benefits to gratitude. But it's really crucial that you keep yourself in that positive space. Because, you know, when I'm grateful, I'm in that place of love. And if I'm angry, or whatever, then that's fear based. And you know, the right destination is never going to be achieved. If I start with the improper information, right? There's that law of sensitive dependence on initial conditions inside of chaos theory that says, hey, if I start with a map, that takes me to New York, but I'm trying to drive to California, like, I'm never gonna get where I need to go, but a simple tweak in my approach, simply starting with the right maps gonna give me the right place. So anytime I start from love, right, and that's not like woowoo love, it's just like, it's either love or fear, every single action you've ever taken, it was motivated by one of those two things, even if fear wore the hat of pride, anger, guilt, shame, apathy, remorse, whatever, like all those are fear based, right. And all those are going to create forceful behaviour that are simply compulsive reactions. But when you start from love, it doesn't mean that you're going to be slowing down rainbows on the way to work with a unicorn ranch every day. But things are gonna work out a lot better. Yeah. Because you know, you're pointed from the truth. And so I think it's really crucial that, you know, for one, you have grace for yourself as a leader, and then you have grace for the people around you. Again, it's not about being right, it's about being kind. And it's about treating people the way that you want to be treated. You know, that's the golden rule. And having respect for people. And the best thing you can do as a leader, is really two things is inspire and empower people. Because if you inspire, you're stimulating people to action, if you empower, you give them the knowledge of what to do with that stimulation. And that's really cool. Because basically, a lot of the time, as a really good leader or coach, you're just helping people see where they're wasting their energy, or blocking their energy or not using it, and helping them redirect it to a more powerful place. And, you know, I think that it's really about, you know, the transformational leadership. And that's your goal, you know, as a coach and a leader, you know, there's really three levels, the first level is like, say, somebody on your team, or somebody you're coaching or where the case may be, is not great with the people that they're around. Level one is like, hey, you need to be a better listener, because all you do is talk, right, and it's like, here's a tactic, we're gonna, like, keep your mouth closed, right? That's a tactic, you know, or whatever the case may be. And so level two is like, Hey, we're gonna be better relationships in general, like, we're gonna give you some strategies, you know, like, ask people about them, you know, and listen, and just be kind as opposed to right or whatever. And then level three is like transformation, right? Like, you're giving people a paradigm shift, and helping them change the way they fundamentally see the world. And you help them see kind of the truth of life. And that's a real gift as a leader, when you can give that to people. And you do that, not by telling them again, but by asking them questions like, hey, you know, like, what do you want? And why do you want it? Well, I want to, you know, move into a leadership role myself, maybe somebody says, okay, cool. What type of leader do you like to follow? And they say these things like, okay, so, you know, are you doing those things? Like, how could you be better at those things, and just helping them understand, you know, like, whenever your actions are out of alignment with your dreams and desires, you know, as that's what really good leaders or coaches do for us help you bring in alignment, like between what you're desiring and what you're doing.

Prithvi Madhukar:

Oh, that's absolutely fantastic. I love the fact that you said, you know, just be being a better listener, having strategies in place and creating that paradigm shift in people, letting them at least taking the time to understand where do they see themselves for how to get them there? I think that's one of the most important things. And I think that's so I guess, lost in the whole leadership world. I think that I guess I want to put this in a much nicer way in a very polite way. But I think there is a sense of competitiveness. And you know, that kind of shuts people from listening to other people and trying to figure out where they want to get to how do you overcome that competitiveness? That maybe someone's going to be vying for your job? If you're in a leadership position? How do you overcome that feeling?

Kevin Kepple:

Yeah, that's a great question. And, you know, competition is dangerous. And, you know, for me from like, pretty much since I was born, I was super competitive. And till I was 30, it was all about me winning. And if I didn't think I could win, I would even like, try, right? I'm like, I've got to be number one had step on your throat, you know, cool, right? But you go into just not as big as me. And, like, that's not why we were given these gifts, no competition. It also strives for like, sameness, you know, like I was always competing with other people and I was trying to win their way. And that's hard because you know, sometimes I even want to win their way. Like my brother is awesome. And were my heroes and best friend but like he loves to fish right? I think I just fell asleep while I was saying the word fishing. It's just not for me, you know, like, and, and I will try to be like the bass fisherman because I'm competing with him, and I find myself fishing and I want to be fishing, you know, or what, whatever, even in the professional world, and so it's really about creativity because I strive for uniqueness. And you know, that's why it's so crucial that you figure out what it is you do want, because, you know, that's going to point you towards, you know, the creative parts of you, okay? Like, how can I create this thing I'm passionate about, you know, with the gifts and the talents that I have. And you know, what talent is not rare. Like, I see people all the time that are super talented. What's rare is people who talk about their talents and the strings that they can use on demand. And that's one of the big things we really help people do is like, Hey, here's what it looks like, when you're absolutely lit up like a Christmas tree with your superpowers. Here's what it looks like when you give all that power away. And, you know, it's a really, really cool eye opening thing when you help people see that, because who in the world want to give all their power away. But you know, every time you know, we're being right, as opposed to being kind, we're giving our power away. Every time we're, you know, negative and nasty with ourselves, right? Like, oh, you're an idiot, you know, cancel clear, No, nobody's an idiot. Like, we're all beautiful expressions of love. And we also have the power to create this illusion that we're not

Prithvi Madhukar:

love, how have you changed the definition of giving power away, because I think that the common misconception is if if you give people advice, then you're giving your power away. If you help people, then you're sort of giving your power away. But I really love the fact that you said being nasty being unkind. That's actually the true meaning of giving your power away. That was phenomenal for me. And I also like the fact that you mentioned, you did not even want to win it that way. I actually laughed, because when I started this journey, I mean, especially in the entrepreneurial world, Kevin, it's just so competitive. And it's hard not to get sucked into that competitiveness that people have. And when I first started out, I had a vision for myself. And then slowly, I found myself competing for things that I didn't even want for myself. I mean, I don't want the eight nine figures thing, I have a very specific vision for my life and how I want to lead it. And I found myself getting sucked into other people's vision. And I had to keep reminding myself that No, no, this is my I'm going to lead it the way I want to, you know, lead, how I want to take it. And that's such an important point that you mentioned, you probably don't even want to go their way. So you know, you have to take, you have to pause and kind of take away that competitiveness and see, hey, do I really want this? Or, you know, what, what is it that I really want? And I absolutely liked. I think earlier on this episode, you did say that no one can be you, you know, no one can be better than being you. And I think that also works in to this conversation right now where, you know, even if you do help people and you know, you are a great leader, no one's going to be better at being you than you. So that's also one more way to remove that competitiveness, I guess. And I guess that also brings us close to the end of this episode. Kevin, if you have three tips for my audience, three actionable steps they can take right now, right after listening this to this episode, what would it be?

Kevin Kepple:

Yeah, sit down and ask yourself, what do I want? And why? And do not add the third question which I did not mention, which is how that's where people get tripped up every time. This is what I want as well, I want it but how, how well, if you knew how you would have already done it, you know, that's true. That the how is the mind trying to figure it out. And the mind is limited, the mind has a beginning and an end, your mind is simply a fraction of your being, you know, you want to access the infinite part of you, and you'll print is brilliant. She journals and writes and you don't need to be a prolific writer to sit down with a pen and write, just write just let the words flow. And you know what, like, the water is not gonna run until you turn the faucet on. And you know what, like, create the chaos. And then create the way forward. Because you know what, if you keep going, the Blizzard will clear and you're gonna be in a really cool place. But it's so crucial. Sit down, get clear on what you want, why you want it and understand this, everything looks messy in the middle, every single thing looks like a failure in the middle. Like if you stopped halfway through getting dressed and went about your day in the world, it would probably be pretty funny. The results, you know, look, she would get kind of like a failure getting dressed, right? Like why are you wearing one sock and like some shorts and that's it. Like I just quit in the middle you know? And then the third tip, you know what, like, just choose love over fear as a matter of habit. And that is one of the best skills you can ever develop. And if you feel any kind of like sideways like ask yourself cool. Where do I need to choose love over fear? And you know, embrace the chaos because chaos is needed for any complex system and human beings are complex multi dimensional beings. And chaos is simply there to alert us that maybe it's time for a change and that's okay. Without stress and tension. There is no change. And so I would not be afraid of the chaos I would not be afraid of the unknown. The only thing that I would be terrified of is waking up a year from now, five years from now and being the same person that you are today. Like that's it. So I love you guys. Thanks for great show. You're awesome. And

Prithvi Madhukar:

thank you. Well, those were fantastic points. One is sit down, reflect take the time to reflect what do you want? Why do you want it? Everything looks messy in the middle. Choose love over fear. Don't be afraid of chaos. That was amazing. Kevin, if people want to find you, how do they find you?

Kevin Kepple:

I can go to Kevin or Kevin capital on Instagram, or unlock your freedom podcast with me.

Prithvi Madhukar:

Well, thank you so much for helping on this podcast with us. We have learned so much from you, Kevin. I hope you guys are doing super super awesome staying safe and healthy. I will catch you guys in my next episode. Bye guys.