The Marketing Nomad Show

How to Get Comfortable Talking About Your Product/Service

January 05, 2022 The Marketing Nomad Season 1 Episode 70

In this episode, I talk about:
✨  Why people are not comfortable while selling their products/services
✨ How to make the fundamental mindset shift 
✨Tips and tricks to get comfortable talking about your products/services

If you're reading this and looking for a way to start getting comfortable selling and talking about your products/services, then this episode is for you!

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Related Podcast Episodes:

1. Episode 61: Where do you start with your Marketing plan?
2. Episode 59: How to Get Your Customer to Understand Your Product Better

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1. 100 IG Story Templates for Engagement Boost
2. 365 Content Ideas and Content Calendar

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Hey, what's up everyone, welcome back to the marketing Nomad show. It's your favourite marketer and podcast host. My name is Prit, welcome to episode number 70, where we're going to be talking about how to get comfortable talking about your product or your service. Now, especially when I first started out, I was definitely uncomfortable talking about my products talking about my services given that I was offering both at the time. And I realised over time that it was actually a mindset problem that I had, I realised that I only felt this way, because I used to hear people, you know, being very uncomfortable when you started talking about products and services, I couldn't, you know, read their body language. And then I also thought that maybe people thought that, you know, if you were being too salesy, it was just going to put them off. So I definitely had a lot of hesitations when I first started out. And over time, I was able to, you know, revamp my thought process when it came to talking about my products and services. And I changed the way I approached talking about my products and services. And that's how I got more comfortable with it. Because the minute I changed my approach, people were much more receptive to me talking about my products and services. And the minute they got more receptive, it was kind of like a chain reaction, where I also got a lot more comfortable talking about my products and services. So that's exactly what I'm going to be getting into in this podcast episode, I'm going to tell you about the mindset shift that I had to make, and I have made so far, and how it has worked for me, and how you can incorporate it into your business as well. Because as you know, it is super, super important to talk about your products and your services. I mean, you are running a business, you need to make ends meet, you need to make sure that you are hitting your revenue goals for the year, you know, and if you don't talk about your products and services, then no one's gonna know that your product or service exists. And if they don't know it exists, then well, that's a little hard for them to buy, right. So all of that, you know, kind of equates to you having to talk about your product or your service. And for the convenience of this entire podcast episode, I will be calling it a product. But of course it means product or service, basically your offerings. It's just for my convenience, like because I can't keep saying product or service product or service. It's it's a little hard on me guys, so I'm just gonna stick to products. But of course, do keep in mind that I mean products and or services. All right. Okay. So before we get into today's podcast episode, a few updates on my end from 2022. I'm kind of having a commitment to my podcast where I'll be releasing only two episodes per week. It's a frequency that works for me, it's a frequency that I can be consistent about. And it's a frequency that doesn't drive me insane. So all in all, it's gonna be two podcasts episodes a week. And if I do have a guest on the marketing Nomad show, then those weeks will have three podcasts episodes. But for the most part, if there is no guest interviews that I'm putting on my podcast, then it's just two podcast episodes per week. All right. Okay, guys. So that's basically my update. And for those of you who are listening at the beginning of the year, well, happy New Year. I know that these podcasts episodes are timeless, but at the same time, I do feel like I want to kind of put a pin at the moment, this podcast episode was recorded, and it was live. So that's me wishing all of you listening a very Happy New Year. I hope that this year brings you much love much joy, much happiness, much success and much surprise as well. Okay, guys, let's get into what exactly was the fundamental shift that I made and how you can incorporate it for your business as well. Okay, now, the first mindset shift that I needed to make was that I needed to stop thinking of my products or my services as a means of growing my business. I think that when I was in that mindset that these products and services are actually going to be helping me. They're helping my business grow. They're helping me meet my revenue goals. They're helping me make ends meet for the next month or whatnot. I realised that I was focusing only on myself. When actually I had to put the focus on my customers. On my target audience, all right. So when you start thinking of your products or your services as a means to change the lives of your audience, it becomes that much more simpler for you to talk about it. All right? And here's the reason why. Because when your products or your services are meant to transform the lives of your audience, it makes you feel that you are actually helping them. Yes, the products are going to help you, yes, the products are going to help your business at some point, yes, the products, you know, do help you grow, all of those things are true. But fundamentally, those products or services are actually meant to transform the lives of your audience. And the minute you start thinking that way, it just get so much more simpler, because the focus is no longer on you. The focus is now on your customer how to make their life better, how to make their life much more meaningful, how to transform their life, how to get them to reach their vision and their goals for their own life. All right. So that was the first fundamental shift. I mean, that was the basic fundamental shift. Now, I'm going to tell you a few steps that I took. Fundamentally, I think I took two steps to help me cope with this mindset shift. And the first one was, I actually listed out different ways my offer, that is my product, or my service could transform the lives of my audience. And as time went, you know, as I got more client testimonials, I was able to expand this list to a lot, you know, because I would read client transformations, I read their testimonials, I'll be like, Okay, here's another way that my service has transformed their life. Or here's another way, my product has made a difference to their lives. And as I started listing them out, I was able to understand how my product or my service was benefiting my audience. And the minute I realised that it was not selfish of me to talk about my products or services, again, that was such a game changer, guys, it was such a game changer. Because the minute I realised it is not selfish of me to talk about my products or services, it was actually me being of service to my customers to my target audience, it just became so much more simpler. I mean, think about it, you know, every time you feel like helping your friends, okay? Aren't you that much more open about helping and, you know, just putting yourself out there, rather than when you were asking for help. There's always that little bit of hesitation, when you're asking for help. But when you you know, when you want to put yourself out there, when you want to give help, you're always much more open to doing that. It's the same concept that's being applied to your business. When you are, you know, talking about your products and services as a means of helping your business, you're actually talking from a perspective of asking for help, asking for help to grow your business asking for help to buy your product so that you can maybe, you know, buy a vacation to Rome, I don't know whatever your plans are, it's, you know, completely up to you. But for me, it's probably that it's you know, to save up for a vacation, or whatever it is. So, when you're in that mindset, it's obviously a little more difficult, right? However, when you are in that mindset of using your products or services to transform the lives of your customers, you are in that mindset of giving help, you know, you're readily giving all the help that you do have for your customers for your target audience. And that's where the difference is, okay? You're in a place where you are giving help, versus a place where you're asking for help. And naturally, when you're asking for help, it's a little bit awkward. It's hesitation all around, you're reading their body language. They don't want to help you, you're feeling it, you're feeling awkward. You know, it's a lot of messy feelings over there. Versus when you're like, Hey, I've got this awesome product and service and it's going to help you so you should take this because you are going to have your life transformed. You know, there's a lot of us over there and that's how it should be. The focus should always be on your customers versus I need you to buy this product because I need to you know save up money for vacation because I need to make ends meet. No, that's not the way to go. There shouldn't be any eyes when you are selling or when you are marketing, okay? It's always you, it's always your customer as the focal point of your marketing or your sales, right. So that was definitely one thing that I did I listed are different ways. And when I listed out, to be honest, it started making me feel a lot more confident. Because the minute I started listing out different ways that my product or services was helping my customers, I was like, Hey, I'm bringing this change. I mean, that's amazing. You know what my product or my service can do? These are the different ways that it can transform, and I got so much more excited, because I was like, Hey, I'm helping them, I'm helping them, you know, with my Etsy product, I'm helping them get creative, I'm helping them with ideas, I'm doing so much, I'm helping them save time, there are so many things that I am doing my like my product was doing. And that got me so much more excited to talk about my product and my service as well. Right. So that was one thing that I did. Another thing that I did is thinking of my product as a catalyst to help customers get their results. Now, of course, you know, maybe my customer wanted to get ideas for their Instagram page, okay, and my Etsy product does give 365 ideas, which by the way, if you're interested, I have the link to that in my description. All right, so that's what my product does. Okay, it gives 365 ideas now, my customer, okay, a potential customer, point A for them would be having no ideas at odd and point B were to have maybe a couple of ideas. Now, a customer can just do a Google search and find ideas, start making you know, a list of the ideas that they're finding, maybe you do a hashtag research, maybe look at other people's Instagram pages, they will eventually get to point B, that is true, you know, they will get ideas another way. But it's going to take them so much more longer than if they were to buy my Etsy product. So my Etsy product is actually a catalyst for them to get the result. Okay, it might not be the only thing that they need to get to point B. And that's okay, guys, but it gets them faster, it gets them easier, it's just a lot of time saving. And when you start thinking of your product as a catalyst to help your audience get their results, you become that much more confident about your product, you become much more comfortable talking about it. Because again, we are in the fundamental mind shift that your product is of service to them, it is helping them in some way, it's helping them get to their point B, their vision, their goal, whatever, it may be a lot faster. Okay, so if someone were to ask you, well, why should I choose your product when, you know, I can just google searches more, I can just do my own research, I can look at what other people are doing and figure things out for myself? Well, here's your answer. Your product is a catalyst to get them getting the results much faster, much better. And that's why they're paying whatever it is they're paying for your products or your services. Okay, so even I have actually received this question, guys, that's why I'm so confident in telling you that people do ask this question. And when they do, you know, you don't have to get stumped. Because yes, it is true. They can get to wherever they want to. But there is an easier way to get there. I mean, do you want to take 10 hours to get to point B? Or do you just want to do it in 15 minutes, and all that 15 minutes is, is putting my product in your cart? And moving forward with that maybe the payment process takes a little bit longer? Whatever that may be? I mean, do you want to do things in 10 hours? Or do you want to do things in 15 minutes? I mean, how valuable is your time for you? And that's a really good, you know, healthy mindset shift to have, especially when it comes to having a product or a service that people can do without, but at the same time, your product or service helps them achieve their results faster, better, you know, in lesser time and just more efficiently and in a more organised way. All right. So in conclusion, I guess if I have to wrap up this entire podcast episode What I would like to say is, when you are in the mindset of helping them achieve their vision, their goals, their desires, in a better, faster, more efficient, more organised way, whatever it may be, it puts you in the place of power. And you always want to be in the place of power. That's how you get comfortable talking about your products or your service. That's how you know you are not going to be affected or you're not going to think that you're too salesy, or whatever you may be feeling because in that moment, all you are is in the mindset of helping them get to where they want to be, it's not you asking for help to grow your business or to meet your revenue goals or to pay for your vacation in Rome, wherever, whatever it is. Okay, so, so yeah, make sure that you're in the mindset of, you know, thinking of your products and services as a means to change their lives. Now, of course, guys, if you need any more help from me, I do have one on one consultation strategy calls available. I have long term strategy consultations available. I do have an Instagram audit that's available. There's so many different ways I can help you. I do have Etsy products available for you as well. Definitely do check them out there in the description box. If you did like this episode, and it changed the way you thought about your product or your service. Definitely do leave me a review. It helps you know me help more business owners just like yourself and also it encourages the algorithm to show you more relevant materials of this kind. So that's about it. Guys. I'm signing off right now. Hope you are staying healthy. Hope you're staying safe. Thank you so much for listening all the way up until here. I will catch you in my next podcast episode. Buh bye.