The KickAss Show with Michael Anthony

Is The Middle Class F*cked? - Ep #28 The Contract CFO Show (WATCH ON YOUTUBE)

Michael Anthony Season 1 Episode 28

“If you’re going to have to choose a hard, choose the ‘hard’ with the money”

Welcome back 🎙to episode #28 of The Contract CFO Show! I have my ever awesome team of early entrepreneurs with me - the KickAssCrew! 

I introduced a new segment called “Ask Michael Anthony” wherein I allowed my team to ask questions from me. This led us to discuss important worldly topics related to finance such as cryptocurrency, inflation, personal opinions regarding wealth, and a whole lot more!

We even talked about highly influential business people and well-known top corporations as we dove deeper in analyzing the strategies they used to get to where they are now. After all, if you want to reach the top you have to learn the ways of the people who are already there. 

I'm excited for you to watch or listen to this episode!

To YOUR Success,

~Michael Anthony

PS- If you think this show is awesome, share it with someone 🤗 who can use it! 

Is The Middle Class F*cked? - Ep #28 The Contract CFO Show (WATCH ON YOUTUBE)

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