This Week in Black History, Society, and Culture

Critical Race Theory: The Basics

Black and African Diaspora Forum United (BADFU) Season 4 Episode 4

In this episode, Dr. Hettie V. Williams discusses the basics of critical race theory with her Monmouth colleagues Drs. Anwar Uhuru and Manuel Chavez. Dr. Uhuru is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Monmouth University and Dr. Chavez is a Professor of Philosophy in the Department of History and Anthropology at Monmouth University. Uhuru specializes in African Diaspora literatures, gender, sexuality and critical race studies while Dr. Chavez is a Lecturer of Philosophy who specializes in the philosophy of race, gender and decolonial theory. This conversation focuses on the basics of critical race theory (CRT) including the core principles of the theory: the social construction of race, intersectionality and interest convergence.