Carol ReMarks

What’s In My Garage Gym?

Carol Maks Episode 2


What's in my garage gym? How I got started as well as discussion of pros and cons having a garage gym. Also, what you may need to get started on building your own garage gym. 

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It is so good morning, right? Yes. 1030 Saturday morning. Welcome to back alley WOD garage gym, YouTube channel. And I'm doing my podcast at the same time, because why not? Episode Two. And I thought I would talk about what's in my garage gym. I'm actually sitting in my garage gym for the podcast this morning. And I thought I would tell you about what's in my garage and how I got started. Since last episode, I told you why

I guess. And

how I got started wasn't anything I did on purpose. It just kind of morphed into that.

It's not like I decided, Okay, I'm going to quit

the CrossFit box. I'm going to go home.

I'll set up my garage. It's not something I did on purpose. It just kind of developed over time


and which is unusual for me. Because normally I want to do something and I'm like planet or I'll impulse it or whatever. And I'll do it on purpose rather than letting it happen on its own.

And this happened on its own.

I will see what do you see,

the first thing I think I acquired was a barbell and I got it on Craigslist for I think $120 and it's first time I ever bought anything from Craigslist and I was scared to death to do it.

But luckily, it was another

woman who was selling it and we met in like, the target parking lot and whatever. So I felt good middle of the day, I felt okay.

But that was my first purchase from Craigslist.

I bought some things brand new, some things used.

And I just acquired it over time. The first thing I felt

like I had I wanted to add was a barbell. I didn't start off with dumbbells because I had never really worked with dumbbells before in a CrossFit box. I think when I was in the CrossFit box, they were just starting to introduce the dumbbells in the CrossFit opens. And so they started getting dumbbells in and but I had never worked with dumbbells on a regular basis. I was familiar with the barbell. So that's why I got my barbell and I got a couple of bumper plates from a local


seller, I guess retail for place here. I don't even know the name of it. I know where it's located. It's off the parkway, but I don't it's in the rosies complex there. I just can't

think of the name of it.

Am I also got a couple of horse mats. I have two horse mats from the Tractor Supply place.

So I did buy those new I felt like

I had to have something on the concrete. They're they're really smaller like three by twos maybe. or five by three something they're not that big. They're not that but I've got two of them. That's what I started off with. And I think I got a kettlebell for Christmas was a one year so I had a barbells remember plates horse mats and a kettlebell. And that's all I had to begin with. And then like I said, I got the kettlebell for as a gift when I bought the horse mats and then the barbell was used, but that's what I started off with in my little garage here. Yeah, just give me I'm drinking my pre workout as we talk. Because I do plan to workout later


All right, so, um, what Gosh, what do I have now in my garage I have for 25 pound plates, to 10 pound plates, a note for 10 pound plates and 215 pound plates. So if you do the math on that, you know, you can figure that out. I sort of figured the math that before I got here anyway for 25 pound plates for 10 pound plates to 15 pound plates. I have an ad mat. I have a foam roller. I have 225 pound dumbbells 215 pound dumbbells and a 35 kettlebell. I have a sandbag that will hold up to 75 pounds or you can break it down to 25 pounds or 50 pounds.

I have two ball balls one is 12 pounds and then I

won a 14 pound

wall ball from online Instagram.

And then I have a rower

that my husband bought me for Mother's Day at concept to rower I have the squat rack that I purchased used slightly used from a workout

place here that they were selling

they didn't want it anymore. So I bought that

sort of a squat rack it has a pull up bar on it too which is nice And then my former boss have these definitely floor mats that you would find in a CrossFit box. These are hardy Hardy. I guess I don't know if they're rogue or not, I don't know where they came from but you would find them in a regular CrossFit box. These mats, they're thick and heavy, heavy. I have 12345 of those that laid out in my garage and I have a whiteboard to write my workouts on. And finally Not in front I have a box to jump on or step up on.

I haven't done

box jumps in a very long time. It kind of scares me now. I haven't practiced them a lot. So when you get out of practice doing something, you know getting back to it is kind of for me, the scary I'll step up on it and use it for other things, but it's a 20 inch box, you can make it 24 two Do you what else was I gonna say something else what else was I gonna say? Oh well it'll come to me later. a whiteboard that write my workouts oh I have to jump ropes. So that's what I have in my garage gym now a bunch of banners I need to put up what I want to do before the summer really kicks in. As I want to get my kids over here and help me clean out the entire garage take everything out, clean it trash or stuff I don't even use or needed anymore. And then organize it and then re rearrange in here and then I can put all my banners up the way I want them.

That's what I wanted. Oh,

I forgot to I also have ring rose that I did purchase those on Amazon Amazon ring the rings you know like gymnastic rings. I do have those as well. But that oh then I have a clock timer in my garage that my husband bought me for Christmas. That is Really nice to have. I love my clock. My clock timer. That's nice. I think that's everything. I think that's everything I have and that was all acquired over time either bought used bought new or they were gifts and that's what I have in my garage gym and I love my little garage gym. It is named back alley wide because when I opened the garage door, it faces our back alley.

And yeah,

I think the essentials if you wanted to do something and starting at home yourself, I would just get a pair of dumbbells and that's it. That's all I would get if you if you wanted to try this at home and start get a pair of dumbbells and that's all for now because you can do a lot with just your dumbbells. You could do


lunges burpees overhead thing you can do lot with your dumbbells, a lot of conditioning, that kind of thing. You can do a lot I'm telling you, you can do sit ups with I mean, you can do everything with your dumbbells. If you wanted to start something and do it at home, and you don't have a lot of money or even a lot of space,

get a pair of dumbbells and start

that way.

The next thing I might get would be a jump row. And then the next thing I might get,


I don't know get after that.

That's, that's really all you know, I wouldn't get a whole bunch. If you wanted to set up your garage and get some mats to put down. And then if you want to get a barbell with some bumper plates, not

I don't get metal plates unless

they're the little ones like the two and a half pounds or the five pounds to add on that's not going to actually touch the ground. But I get bumper plates because I like to drop my weights. I don't know if that's etiquette or not I don't know but that's what I Anyway, so let's talk about some advantages and disadvantages of the garage

gym because there are some pros and cons.

Let's talk about the pros first. Obviously, you can work out whenever you want. It's very convenient. You can just step out your front door or your back door and go to your garage. Or if you have a room in your house, you don't have to even leave your house. It's right there whenever you want. That's, I guess. When I first started doing this, it was kind of part of how I guess I started was because the job I had at the time in the CrossFit box I went to their schedule was not

on my schedule, I suppose

which you know is fine. I had an

odd job,

a weird job with weird hours. Not a weird job. We just had different hours and They weren't, I could not get to the CrossFit box

when they had classes.

And I think that's part of the reason why is like kind of migrated to just doing stuff at home. And so convenience is a good reason for the Pro is a good reason to

do it at home.

You have your own, you can work at your own pace. You don't have to worry about sharing the equipment with anybody. You can do what you want work on at your own pace, listen to your own music, if you wanted to, if that's the kind of thing that you're into no judgment, you don't have anybody watching


or gawking at you or judging you or thinking Oh, you're doing that wrong or whatever. And I think those are the only pros obviously convenience mainly just convenience. Now the cons. It can be expensive if you do it all at once, but if you slowly grow gradually get things it's not so bad as but you know what, it's just as expensive to go to a membership. So there's one pro you don't have to pay a membership to go. Another con for gratian I've experienced this a lot is the weather. I know I'm in a garage with sometimes an album and get really hot. I have a fan that I can sit up it's still really hot, which is not so bad. It's better than the cold because in the cold it is frickin freezing cold and it's hard to get warmed up in a garage gym. It's cold. I've thought about just going to like a membership Planet Fitness during the during the winter months just so I could be indoors somewhere because it's cold. Another con is there's no one to push you as far as like if you're going like when you went to the CrossFit box in the classes in the classes. It was a group community and so people would cheer you on that kind of thing. And there's no community no in person interaction. There's no community in a garage gym. When you're working out by yourself. I like the community of CrossFit and I always will. In fact, when I go to second shift, I may join a CrossFit box over in Hampton Cove.

Maybe we'll see a

lot can happen between now and then.

But that is mainly it. That's what I wanted to talk about today is a short episode 12 minutes, but that's fine because it's short for YouTube too. I hope you've enjoyed this information if you have any other thoughts or, or reasons why you started grush and please comment, or how you got started while like what was the first thing you bought? What would you suggest someone buy for starting out what would you suggest they get?

I recommend just a pair of dumbbells

for now,

but tell me in the comment section Please Like and Share and Subscribe. Thanks, you guys have a great rest of your weekend and hopefully,

I will be back next weekend with another


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