Carol ReMarks

Celebrities Turning 50 and Curbside Pickup

August 09, 2020 Episode 7


Celebrities turning 50 this year, top 5 things I am into right now, and the early bird special. All of these topics are on today's episode. I had to mark this episode as explicit because I say the word a$$. Oh, and I am learning to edit! So much fun!!

Ghost Town Podcast

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Exit bumper Not A Democracy Podcast Network made by @FuryanEnergy

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I'm always nervous to hit record and start. I have my notes kind of have a format. We'll see what happens.

Well, hey, hey welcome welcome to life after 50 podcast. Before we get started, I wanted to share with you a podcast I am currently listening to while I'm at work. Now I listened to a lot of podcasts while I'm at work fortunate that I have a job where I can listen to anything I want to all day long in my little earbuds. But this next thing I'm going to tell you about called ghost town, you can get your next bench fixed with the podcast called ghost town, hosted by Jason Gordon and Rebecca Lieb. Get ready to travel back in time with Jason and Rebecca as they explore haunted hotels, abandoned malls, deserted amusement parks, look Have infamous true crimes and revisit weird historical and cultural events, riveting storytelling podcast called ghost town. Here, I'll let you listen to what they have to say about it themselves.

Pause the podcast you're listening to right now and subscribe to ghost town. Ghost Town is me Rebecca Lieb and me Jason Horton. And we explore all kinds of weird history True Crime hauntings, paranormal events and more. We cover the Slenderman stabbing Tesla's death ray at the DB Cooper copycat the cheerleader murder plot Heaven's Gate, the Lars mmotank mystery and Tuesday's child least first day tadek magazine just to name a few. You can find ghosts on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Is that not cool? Or what? Yes, I have been enjoying their podcast for a little while now and hope they continue to make more Okay, it's August 2, Sunday 2020 and yesterday MTV turned 39 years old. Man. Come back to me when they turn 50 I take it they're still on television. I'm sure they are. But I wanted to ask Do you remember the who the first original five DJs were? But before you answer that, I know you know Kurt Loder? Kurt Loder is 75 years old y'all let that sink in. Huh. 75 years old. Kurt loaders when they did all the news on MTV 75 years old right now. Oh, anyway, back to the have got to stop saying anyway.

I can't stand that.

Which is part of the reason I like podcasting. To try to improve my speech in my articulation. Okay, original five VJs. Can you name them? Nina Blackwood. Mark Goodman, JJ Jackson, Martha Quinn. Alan Hunter. Yes. Now JJ Jackson. He is no longer with us. He passed away of a heart attack in 2004. But he was original. It was one of the original five VJs on MTV. You'll find the rest of them. I think the rest of them are given Nina, Martha and Alan all over as Sirius XM now. They are they are on a couple of different channels over there. But speaking of birthdays, I wanted to go over some celebrities that were turning 50 before we get too much more into the podcast. I kind of went down a rabbit hole with this on one person in particular and we We will get to her in a minute. But first who is turning 50? This year in 2020. I wanted to pick some celebrities that you would recognize from the 80s. Some celebrities that I looked up, they became famous, like, you know, 2000s. Before they were in other words, they were not famous back in the 80s. The celebrities that I have chosen for you today, we'll start with Lara Flynn Boyle. Do you remember her? I only know her from this TV series, Twin Peaks from back in the day and even then, I didn't watch the show. But I remember whenever I was in a group of people, and there were more than one guy in the group, they would always talk about how hot she was. Happy birthday, Lara Flynn Boyle. I understand she's kind of quiet and reserved and liked To be private these days, welcome to the 50 Club. Next up is Debbie Gibson. I know you know who she is only in my dreams. I had to look. I had to look up her hit song, because I'd really I mean, I knew she I knew who she was. I know who she is. I knew she was famous back then she had hit big hits. But I had to look it up because I just wasn't into music back then. Not like I really not I mean, I like music, but I was never into it. Like you could play a song and I'd be like, I know that song but I don't know who sing it. I don't know the title. I had to look at it. So forgive me Debbie Gibson but happy birthday. Huma Thurman, Uma Thurman turns 50 she was in the mid late 80s. I guess her her first. breakout was on the cup be as a model of course because she's beautiful. She's drop dead gorgeous on the cover of British Vogue.

Mariah Carey turns 50

Happy Birthday Mariah Carey and Queen Latifah also happy birthday. Now the next person I want to talk about, this is the person that took me down a rabbit hole. Her name is Naomi Campbell. I know you know who she is. She was one of the big six supermodels back in the day when supermodel was a term back in the 80s. I think in the late 90s Time magazine decided to make everybody stop using the term supermodel. I don't know why. I don't know why. I don't think there's anything wrong with the term supermodel. But Naomi Campbell was part of the bigs there was a big six supermodels back then in the 80s. And they were Linda even evangelist. I can't pronounce her name. evangelist. Duh. Cindy Crawford, of course. issue for Christy Turlington and Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell. Now, the reason I remember Naomi is because she was a bit of a bad girl. A supermodel when I heard of her back then I wasn't into, you know, I wasn't into music. I also wasn't into much fashion back then. I said it was in the music. I mean, not like some people were, I loved MTV. I loved MTV. And that's where I found out who all the stars were was from MTV, and Naomi Campbell. I remember her because number one, she's beautiful walk in the runways, but she was a bit of a bad girl. She apparently treated people horribly, so much so that her modeling agency decided to fire her later on and she was also convicted of for accounts or accounts.

I'm convicted four times for assault.


convicted for assault four times. I think one time she and it was his I think she threw a blackberry at her assistant or something like that. Naomi Campbell bad girl. But the one thing I did not know about her was in she when she first studied ballet, and the Italia Conti of theater arts, her mother was a dancer and traveled with a dance troupe when she was little. And I don't think maybe we knew her father on purpose, because I think the father ran off when the mother was like four months pregnant with Naomi. But then Naomi was born and the mother, I guess, to take care of them. She was a dancer she traveled. And so naturally, Naomi, studied ballet. I did not know that. She still looks great. Yo Why and I noticed that the women they look better and better and better and better as they get older man they look good, especially the supermodels. People that are in entertainment. They always look a whole lot better as they age. Ah, she's still walking the runway, I think. And her latest work where she plays herself in. I guess Beyonce has a new short film, video music something mount called Black is king. And she has a lot of stars appear in it. And Naomi Campbell is one of them. And I think too, she recently walked the runway to celebrate one of the designers Versace or something like that. Happy Birthday Naomi. Happy birthday. Welcome to 50 and we'll give some honorable mentions to Ethan Hawke, Matt Damon,

Melissa McCarthy and Tina Fey

Happy Birthday one and all. Maybe I'll make that a regular opening segment on the podcast you know I'm still trying to figure all this out this whole podcast thing and formatting I'm just having fun I'm having a ball doing this y'all. And I wanted to share a recent purchase that I have done for myself and I want to share it with you guys. It's called the keeper. It's fun and fashionable standby for my homemade commercial. Let me tell you about a recent purchase I made called the keeper ke y p er. The magic of the keeper is in its versatility. It's more than a key chain and more than a wristlet it can hold your big bag to their patented design clip can hold more than 20 pounds attaching your bag to anything and keeping it off the ground and safe from theft. designed in a variety of textures, colors and patterns. Snow Leopard is my favorite by the way. The keeper plus it bag offers the perfect clutch purse and key ring. In full leather, genuine leather canvas and stadium approved clear. You've got to look for every occasion. Never lose your keys again. Shop it, hang it, wear it love it proudly made in America. If you go to my show notes, I'll have an affiliate link there for you to save 15% off. And thank you for supporting the show. Oh my gosh, y'all, I'm having so much fun doing this. It's ridiculous. I just have to laugh at myself. I you know, I'm not taking myself real seriously. And this is the first time that I've really edited an episode. I guess you could say I don't really know what the heck I'm doing, but I'm having fun learning. I'm having a ball learning all of this. Okay, I have a I have a top five list of things I'm into right now. First thing is cardio workout. Now I have my own garage gym. And that's how this public Cast first started was going to be about my garage gym that I have named back alley wad because when you open the back door, it faces the back alley. And it was named back alley wide garage gym was the name of this podcast originally and then I said, you know, I've narrowed it down too far. I need to open open the horizon for topics and cardio workout. I have a barbell bumper plates and you know, I would do CrossFit for a couple years, you know, go into boxes and stuff and competition and a cup of coffee. Well, I did want competitions. Well, no, I did the CrossFit open. I have stopped lifting heavy weights there. I said it. I said what I wanted to say. I think my body now that it's 53 years old is really starting to catch up with me. I mean,

it wasn't that many years ago. A couple years. Again, I was lifting pretty good.

back squats, snatches, power cleans overhead squats, front squats, that kind of thing. But I think I'm slowing down on that I need to lose some fat is what I need to lose. So I want to concentrate on the cardio, burning some of those calories while still using some weight. So I'll be using my dumbbells which I love my dumbbells. I have a 25 pound dumbbell set and then I also have a 15 pound dumbbell set. So, you know, depending on what the workout is, I can fluctuate there and still be able to move fairly quickly. I have a jump rope. I have a rower. I have a sandbag that I love, love my sandbag. I'm talking about unbearable, or kind of unsteady weight to work with that is a good thing to do. And I have my wall balls and stuff like that. I just need to I can I can still do my front squats my back just not do as hell. As I used to do I need to get my heart rate up and cardio going. So that's one thing that I'm into nowadays. The other thing I've been to second number two number two is wearing no makeup. Thank you coronavirus pandemic and mask wearing. Yes. I used to never go out in public without a face on and I used to be in sales so I always had to have a face on always had to look you know, look better than I think I look or try to put on something I don't know. I don't know what I was doing. I mean, I felt like and then I also worked in the beauty industry for a little while in cosmetics. So yeah, the I did wear makeup. And then the pandemic came along and or I actually quit my car sales job before the pandemic came on. I quit my car sales job because I already knew I had another job lined up but I didn't know when I was going to start it. And it was actually a few months but my husband was like Okay, you know what we'll handle it. I know you don't like where Go ahead and quit you know you got this other job coming up you know you've got it you already already had the offer and all that stuff I was just waiting for security clearance and months months months months stay at home never so therefore I didn't where do you make I started not wearing any makeup and I liked it. And then I started my new job which I started back in April actually when the pandemic became into full force full swing, I actually went to work started my job, and I still didn't wear any makeup. I tried wearing even well I say I even I would put on makeup and I would have to wash it off immediately because I did not like the way it made my skin feel felt feel. So I have become accustomed to not wearing any makeup from being home for months and months before I got my other job. And then the pandemic hit. And then you know you had to wear masks. All the time and I thought you know what, I'm just not gonna wear makeup because what's the point of wearing makeup if you had to wear a mask, it's just gonna rub everything, rub everything off. And so I just I'm not wearing makeup but I'm going to work more working out. Um, I love the feeling of my skin now. I've always been into skincare so I definitely do a skincare routine of course. Even when I wore makeup I always took my makeup off at night and moisturizing plans that very important. Very important. Never too late to start. Okay, I just like not wearing makeup. I wore just tinted moisturizer for a little while, but I don't even like that anymore. They don't know mascara. I don't even do my brows. That one thing I'll wear some chapstick now. And that's okay, I still moisturize Of course. Yeah, I kind of like not wearing the makeup. I love not wearing to make it my skin feels so much better. Alright, enough about that. Number three, okay, this is like such an open First thing that I'm starting to do. I say oh person I, I think is an old person thing. It's an old person thing. And I'm not Oh, nobody's Oh, when you're 50 I'm sorry, I just have to make fun of myself. I like taking

I like taking close up photos of nature with my iPhone.

I walk my dog, you know, in the mornings in the evenings, whenever we go on, sometimes we go into long walks. And every once in a while I will go on a two mile walk on my like active rest days when I'm not working out in the garage gym. I'll go on a two mile walk, just a leisure walk, nothing, nothing strenuous. But I take my phone with me and I find stuff along the way. And I like to take odd angles, close up pictures of like grass growing, or a closeup of a water droplet on the leaf. It's so corny. I know. But I enjoy it. And I was posting them on Instagram. And speaking of Instagram, I think I'm going to delete my Instagram account. Maybe I'm thinking about it. I don't really use it. I thought I used to post on my workout videos on there but since I'm not doing that anymore, it takes too much time and i'm not i'm all into podcasting and I that's my focus right now and I just may get rid of my Instagram account. I have an Instagram account Carol remarks but I also started one for life after 50 I don't know if I'm going to use it or not. I'm just going to wait and see on that. All right, number four thing that I am into since I'm not into makeup anymore. I'm into this humidity shield by living proof. It's a hairspray and I went to my salon. A couple weeks ago, my hair trimmed, I have alopecia. I have some major bald spots going on. So I've grown my hair out long and I will not wear it back. I can cover all that up. But I like to spray it down because I have some very fine and thin hair. And when you go out in this Alabama heat man is like just pop Everywhere my hair just pops up everywhere. And so I wanted to get a hairspray that was more gentler, more gentle on my hair because I had been buying the store brand cheapass hairspray. And I would have to know glop it on and it was really bad for my hair. It was so bad for my hair and I've noticed a difference in my or since I've stopped using that brand. And I've gone to this other brand called Living Proof humidity shield. And I'm going to come back to this for in a minute but I wanted to go on to the last thing and then I'm into because these last few things, the living proof humidity shield in this last thing I'm about to tell you kind of tie in together. The last thing I'm into is curbside pickup, because I am lazy, not because I'm fearful of the virus but because I am lazy. I'm so thankful for curbside now I just love it. I order food. I'll go pick it up curbside And I ran out of my living proof humidity shield. And I called my stylist and said, Hey, come by and pick it up, but I need some more. She said, oh, we're not selling it anymore. You'll have to go buy it at Ulta. So I'm like, okay, so I went online looked off. It's like, okay, they have curbside pickup. I'll go pick it up. I'll order it online and go pick it up. So I'm order placement order, and I noticed for the location that I wanted, yes, they offered curbside pickup, great placement order, boom, bought. Leave work, drive by Ulta pull up look for their curbside pickup area. Sure enough, they have two spots available right in front of the store. Yay. Pull up, call the number that was on the email. I get the voicemail, and I get directions. You know, if you're looking for this, if you're looking for the slot, dial one for all other calls, hit four. So hit four Nothing happens. In fact I think I get some kind of message saying you nothing has been selected. So I hang up dial again go through the same routine get the same message I'm like great. So hang up, obviously I'm gonna have to go inside. So get out of the car put on my mask go inside. I see where there's an area for online orders. But there's nobody there to man it to help people that come in. But I see the line to get for regular checkout. So my God, I don't want to but enough for all these people. So let me go get in line. So I'm getting line I'm like the third person in line and I don't know what takes people forever to check out but they take forever to check out so I'm waiting waiting 15 minutes probably waiting in line. I know that's not a lot of time. But it was more time that I was willing that I wanted to spend that's why I ordered curbside I finally got up there that I have to hand over like my my ID my passport, my driver's license my receipt my firstborn. No just kidding. But she did want to see some ID which Okay, fine, I understand. I'm glad I'm glad they're looking security for makeup. Perfect

shawerma id sure my email receipt she has to scan it in punching a bunch of numbers.

Long story short, I finally leave. And I should have just gone inside to begin with not even ordered online curbside because it defeated the whole purpose of it made me mad. not mad mad but you know it was kind of inconvenience when I become accustom to curbside pickup.

Speaking of curbside pickup,

now we're going to go to another affiliate link, so stay tuned for that. I would like to introduce you to instacart Hey, I know you're busy living your best life after 50 that you're tech savvy, hip and happening now and know how to order your goods online. groceries are no different. Have you checked out instacart yet instacart connects you with shoppers in your area to shop and deliver items from your favorite stores as fast as an hour or later in the day or even later in the week. It's all to fit your schedule. They also offer pick up options instacart will pick the freshest fruit and keep your eggs safe to click on the affiliate link in the show notes to get your first order over $35 delivered for free. And thank you for supporting the show. I am cracking myself up doing those things. It's fun, it's fun. It's fun to learn and edit and learn new stuff. It's just so much fun. I hope that you enjoyed hearing from the gent last week in episode I think it was six Where I introduced you to the jint my husband and he and I are always making fun of ourselves. Especially lately because we like this is what we're making fun of ourselves now for. We go out to an early bird dinner. And you know when you think of early bird you think of the blue hairs going out to dinner early, you know getting that getting in there getting that special discount limited. There's there's no more discounts for early bird specials. And we go early because of our schedules. We have to get up at the crack of dawn and be at work. I hadn't been worked by six o'clock in the morning. He goes in way, way before me to where he goes. He I think he gets down there for like five or 530 to where he works. So when we get home, he gets home. I'm home by three o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm pretty hungry so we like to go out to dinner early.

We just Do

there are some benefits to that super good event so early. Gosh, we're going to bed we crack ourselves up at this too because we go to bed so early, like 738 o'clock, the sun is still up, y'all. But we can't help but we're tired and we're older. We got to get up early. So we go to bed early. I like my sleep, especially working out. I like my sleep, my body needs recovery. I need eight hours of sleep and I usually get it. I like my sleep. And you know, we go out early you think when you eat you want to think about your digestive system digesting all of that food before you go to bed. So therefore since we go to bed at 730 or eight, we have to go to dinner like three or four hours before that. Oh, it's so funny. So funny. And I decided to look up the term early bird special use for the first time in 1904 For a clothing sale, not associated with food at the time, but the restaurant industry did pick it up in the 1920s. In they started using it, they implemented this because they wanted to draw people into the restaurants when the restaurants were normally empty. So why not started early bird special for the older folks who were not at work? Come on in have dinner get a little discount special from you know, limited menu items. So it was really for the revenue of the restaurant. Hey, nothing wrong with that. Right. So yeah, we think it's funny. We go there. Yes, we go early. We've been going out to eat a lot lately, too. We need to stop that. But you know, and yes, when we go out, we're usually the youngest couple. They're in our 50s. There are older people their gray hairs, but you know what, it's quiet. It's less crowded. You're served quick And there's no traffic. But there is no discount pricing anymore for early birds. And that's all right. All right, I want to end the podcast with something fun. I will I hope the whole podcast I hope the whole episode has been fun, but I want to end it with some hashtags moments. I am going to look up on Twitter, which by the way, you can follow me at Carol remarks on Twitter. I do not have a separate handle for life after 50 because that would be a pain in the ass. You can follow me at Carol remarks. And I am going to look at lie after 50 on Twitter. Hashtag Hold on, but I type it in I need a bigger phone. So I can not fat finger this all the time. Here's something from everything Jamie something. Let's see what we can find here. Okay, everything Jamie Dornan he tweets Jamie showing no signs of slowing down can't wait to see what brings us and executive producer Jamie Dornan life after 50 okay

let's see

what else happy Canada today from all of us at our west end and life after 50 Oh they kind of still is at a store what is oh there's a store in Canada named life after 50 How about that it's Canada Day Canada Canada's birthday West in okay. volunteer with Li f life after 50 we are in need of new telephone assurance, colors, assurance colors, colors. Volunteer life after 50 living our best life from on the bargain hunt living our best life life after 50 in McKinney, Texas.


From Susie Poirier Look at the little happy surprises we found in the garden today life after 15 they have some pictures. Oh, is that a little stone that says, Oh, it's a little rock. It says Happy on it. written on it. Here's something from Renee. Confessions of a crazy lady. Oh, this ought to be good. Renee Confessions of a crazy lady. All right, she says I got a sample of Miss Dior perfume in a magazine wrote that piece of paper all over, started swinging from the chandelier. And all heavy had to say was I am not taking you to the ER, when you break your neck. Hashtag life after 50 Okay, you know what, that's a perfect one. I'm gonna leave it at I'm gonna leave it at that. And you know what? I'm going to follow her on Twitter. Thanks, you guys. Have a great week. Bye. Oh wait. You have to stay tuned to the end and listen to the last one. The last affiliate link if you want to, with buzzsprout. Thanks. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that you can. I got the podcast fever at the age of 53. I did my due diligence like we season folks like to do when we find new things. And I decided to go with buzzsprout for my podcasting host. Oh my gosh, you guys. They make everything so easy. Look, if I can do it, so can you podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners. The team at buzzsprout is passionate about helping you succeed. By clicking on my affiliate link in the show notes. It lets buzzsprout know that I sent you. It also gives you a $20 amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan. And it helps support this show. So thank you and happy podcasting will know that I have learned to cut in and insert audio files. I need to figure out how to do a second track and insert some music, maybe some background music.

Thanks, y'all have a good week. Bye.

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