Carol ReMarks

Bucket Lists and Reviewing My 2020 Predictions

Episode 11


*Labeled explicit due to some small and occasional curse words.*

Join me as I talk about some of the things on my bucket list, some of which I have already accomplished. I also review my 2020 predictions that I made back in December 2019. 

I share about the Buzzsprout Facebook Group and their support with their topic ideas. 

And at the end of the episode I give you a preview of weekly BONUS episodes that consist of cool down walks with me as I take you with me to discuss the workout of the day. 

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Hey there, welcome. On today's show, we talk about my 2020 predictions. And we go over a shorter bucket list.

All right, well, welcome back. Welcome. Welcome. My name is Carol. This is the life after 50 podcast, my own personal podcast, which is one thing that was on my bucket list. I wanted to create my own podcast and here we are. We will go over that shortly. But first, I guess I want to talk about

the format

of the show a little bit. I

tried to come up with something but I don't know. First time as catch you up for the week. I have been working a lot of overtime at work, which is really good. I love my job. Love, love, love my job so I do not mind signing up for overtime to do it. And it's not a whole lot of overtime but it's enough. It's enough. The overtime I have to do though is in the morning, I have to get up at 230 in the morning and be there at four. My normal working hours are from six in the morning until 230 in the afternoon, and there's a second shift that comes in at three and works till 1130 so we can't stay late to do put in overtime. That's why we have to come in at four o'clock in the morning. And then of course they give the option to do it on the weekends too. And I did work yesterday for about five hours. And gonna like that paycheck coming up. That is for sure. The husband and I have we sat down and made out a plan. So I will be doing a lot of overtime. We've set up a short term I call it a short term financial plan for the next four or five years to To help get this house paid off, gets the renovations done and then maybe perhaps move into our forever home shortly after that, so we will and there's some travel in our future too. We're going to have some little getaways here and there in between in that four years, but we're gonna buckle down these next four to five years and get the job done.

Oh, so other

than working overtime, I've been working out in the garage gym. Love it. I thought I was kind of worried that I might be too tired to work out. But I'm actually doing okay. Especially since I've changed my nutrition. meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar. Now, I don't stick to that. Totally. But for the most part this past week, that's what I've stuck to. I have cut down, way down, down On the sugar I remember I think I had mentioned before that I was drinking two of those Starbucks double triple shot energy drinks, you know, I cut them out, went cold turkey cut them out. I drink as drink coffee, but it's black. I drink one small Yeti cup of it, and then I switch to water. And I've had you know, I'm eating a lot more vegetables, salads, meats, and I feel so much better y'all. And I know I know my brain knows what to do. It's just sometimes my appetite and my tastebuds want something else. But then I get in trouble and I start eating crappy like crappy instead of work properly. I start eating unhealthy. And my body tells me so because I swell up or something. I get bloated, swell up. I can't breathe. It's a Start wheezing. I don't know if the my inside organs are all swelled up. I don't know what is happening but now that I'm eating right I feel 100% better. Okay The other day I had I belong to the buzzsprout community Facebook group, because my podcast is a buzzsprout platform hosted. I love buzzsprout go to the show notes. Click on the link if you ever want to start or thinking about starting a podcast, I highly recommend buzzsprout they are fantastic. It's easy it look if this 53 year old, technically challenged person here can sit down and figure out how to do it. They are very helpful. Their Customer service is wonderful too. I've contacted them a couple of times and they are great to work with they are on it. And I transferred my daughter and I we have a podcast that we do together. And called more remarks since our last name is Marks, and she's my daughter, and it's called more remarks. I was on another podcast platform. We had like 23 episodes or something like that. Well, I finally sat down and transferred everything over to buzzsprout. And it was so easy. Alright, I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic here. But anyway, the bus brown went to the bus route community on Facebook, and I said, Look, I need topic ideas for my show. And let me tell you people showed up and they gave me a bunch of topics. And so then we just go down the list here. The number one topic, the first reply I got, I loved it. It was dating. Now, I've been married for 12 years, but I still think I could talk on this I could like pretend I was single. And what I would do now if I was single dating, like tips or advice or something like that. I think I could still speak on this even though I'm married, the empty nesting and it would be funny to get the Jets. Take on that too. We should do that together, we will do a podcast together on that. It would be interesting to hear his take. Empty nesting is another one that came up quite a few times a whole new chapter, which is true because empty nesting is kind of like a whole new chapter. Your kids are grown out of the house. It does kind of go hand in hand. But one of my favorites they came up with the importance of physical exercise and healthy food. Hello. Yes. And I think it's helping me transition through menopause to this physical exercise because I do work out a lot. And now that I've changed my eating habits, I think it's going to help me transition through this menopause. Which I still have hot flashes, which we may talk about later. bucket lists was a good one. And let me say I did start a bucket list.

Last year sometime it was Yes, I think it was last year or the year before. And I'll just go through a couple of things that I had written down. I want to go back to Italy. When the gent and I got married. We took a Mediterranean cruise back in 2008. And we went to four Greek Isles. We went to Rhodes, Mykonos, Santorini and Athens. And then we went to Naples, Italy, we went to Rome, Italy, we went to Turkey. Turkey was not my favorite place, but it was interesting. We went to the Grand Bazaar and the spice bazaar. That was very, very interesting, to say the least. But then our last stop was in room and that's where we got off of the ship and we stayed in room on our own for Couple of days after the cruise ended, and I loved it, I did not want to come home. I loved Italy and I would love to go back. I felt really at home there. I want to my bucket list was live on a boat. I think I still would like to do that. The jet says it's a lot of work and maintenance in money. I don't know. I just think it would be kind of cool to live on a boat. I want to get a handstand walk still. Man, I've been working on that forever. You know, I'll work on it for a few months. And then I'll stop I think at the beginning of the year towards the end of last year, towards the end of 2019 the beginning of 2020 I was working on it really hot and heavy my handstand walk and I was getting there. And then my daughter got married and then COVID and then I just kind of stopped worrying about that. I want to go on well my bucket list. I on here and keep in mind this was written last year that I wanted to go on another cruise. I don't know that I would like to go on another cruise right now. Maybe sometime in the far out future once everything settles down gets fixed if it gets fixed, I don't know. I want to retire eventually, someday. That's a few years down the road. I'm only 53 I've got a while. I want to do another tough mudder. I did one last year with my sister and her husband and my daughter. It was so much fun. And I did way way better than I ever thought I would do. My sister kind of wrangled me into it and she said we wanted to do a race together but we didn't know what so she came actually what have we signed up for something else. And then for some reason, they went out of business or something. I forget which one it was. I forget which one it was we signed up for. But they they stopped doing it. They couldn't do it and so tough. mudder stepped up and said we'll take all of the registrations over So whatever you paid for will take over and I'm like, okay, I was thinking it was kind of the same kind of race. Well, my sister about a month before sent me this video of a tough mudder and how to train for it. Or, you know, on YouTube, she sent me some of the she sent me a YouTube link about this tough mudder and it had some of the obstacles on there. And I started watching this video and I thought, holy hell, what have I gotten myself into? There is no way I'm going to be able to do any of these things. You know, run up a half pipe, grabbing a rope and swing yourself up over going through huge mud pits climbing up over mud walls. I mean, this was ugly. There's no way but you know what? I did every single one of them and got through it. Thank god though for my brother in law. My sister's husband who helped drag my heavy ass up over that half pipe to get me over the wall. Thank you, Dave. He said he thought he broke my arm he had grabbed So hard. It was pulling, but it was all fun. I had bruises all over my legs from rocks crawling through mud. Oh my gosh it was so much fun and I'm so glad I did it and I want to go do another one. Either another tough mudder or perhaps a Spartan Race next time. I want to vacation in Miami. I want to visit out west. I want to rent an RV and travel. Here's one that I've already done. start a podcast of my own CrossFit competition. I've already done that but I would like to do another one maybe I want to visit Ireland and Scotland. I want to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Had down here that I want to do Christmas in New York but not anymore. Not anymore. I would like to vacation in Key West. Want to get more tattoos? Oh my gosh, you guys, you have no idea. I want to get way more tattoos. Way more. I have ideas for my tattoos.

I would like to be an actor in a movie or a TV show that is on my bucket list. I want to visit Lake Tahoe. I want to visit Russia. I want to do the great loop in a boat. You'll have to look that up Google the great loop. It's you go like down the coast and then you up through rivers and stuff like that. You have to just google it the great loop. I would like to try that. That's a big bucket list item right there will probably never happen but you know.

I put it down anyway.

Let's see. Oh, I want to attend to Billy Joel concert. And guess what I did. That didn't surprise me last year in October with a trip to Dallas to see Billy Joel in concert. We had fantastic seats right in the middle. Center, like 19 rows back. Oh my gosh, I was in heaven. Fantastic. See, when we visited Maine, we vacation in Maine. So that was scratched off our bucket list. Visit Vegas, we've done that visit New Orleans. We've done that. We've been to the Vatican. In fact, on our honeymoon. Again, we like I said we were in Rome and we attended mass. The second Sunday that the second week that we have been married, we attended our second mass together as husband and wife at the Vatican.

Pretty cool.

And I wanted to eventually move into our forever home. I think I talked about that earlier where we have a plan, financial plan where we're going to buckle down and do that will probably stay here in Huntsville. That is another Don't worry that will be for another pod for another episode sometime. How? Wow, I've tried to figure out how to get out of Huntsville, because I don't really care for it that much. But now that things are happening all over the nation and I've settled down a little bit now in a Huntsville, it's not too bad. It's a good base home base for us. And plus, the kids are like I said, a whole nother episode for that. One to take an Amtrak trip. I think that would be fun. I've traveled Amtrak before as a teenager because just I had to go just because I had to go back and forth between family, but it was fun. And I would like to do that as an adult. Take a long Amtrak trip somewhere maybe do it with my daughter or of course the gin but I don't know maybe, maybe in our future, retire travel plans. I don't know that the jet would like it though. And then of course Graceland This was I want to visit Graceland which we did? Actually we did that a few months ago. We went out to Tunica we go to Tunica. Every once in a while we have a future Tunica Tunica trip plan and I will be podcasting from the hotel room when we do that. But the last

trip before a

couple trips in the past, we went to Graceland. And it was, it was a loved it. Oh my gosh, I love his house. I loved his house. It was like an ordinary house now, like now would be an ordinary house, but back then it was probably a huge mansion. It was it was cool. It was cool. But that is my bucket list. Let's see what else was I gonna Oh, the Facebook ideas. That's right. We were on the Facebook ideas that the buzzsprout community came to my rescue. To give me lots and lots of stuff to talk about retirement is one of them new beginnings. Somebody wrote conspiracy. I don't know what that means. I mean, I know what a conspiracy is but life after 50 I don't know what kind of a conspiracy that would be. wealth building. I'm not real good at that. So I probably won't talk about that. Empty Nest and travel Of course. Have fun, test and error with somebodies response. Staying healthy finding significant community, using your wisdom and life experiences to help those starting out. Not giving up living generously investing in others. That's a good those are a lot. That's a lot of topics right there. That's a lot. The thing is, though, with that, life experiences to help those starting out. I don't know that a lot of younger people will listen that's been My experience as a younger person, when somebody older would tell me things, yeah, okay, whatever. And I would just go do what I wanted to do. So I don't know that that would resonate with young people my experiences because I just don't think they'll listen. Because they you know, at that age, they know everything already anyway, because I sure did.

Let's see,

this some This is a good one. re strategize review experience. That is a good one. That's it. I may have to do that one. I could get a few episodes out of that. I like that. Look back to the last 2030 years smile at my achievements. That is another good one. I need to write down my achievements. Because a lot of I've always I'm always hard on myself and I need to remember, I have achieved some things. set new goals for the next 20 years. I like that too. Look, I got a whole bunch of ideas. Now it's a new chance to do what I would tell my 20 year old self and do it at 50. no kids to worry about like in the 20s equals freedom. Yes. menopause. Yeah, I said it. That's what Jen Slater said. On the Facebook group. She said menopause. Yeah, I said it. Yep, it's true. Oh, this one is good. I don't know that I could talk about this or not. But Vincent ha Gordon Jr. Put greater sex. Which Well, yes, it's true. I don't know that I could talk about it. I'm a little shy.

Alright, let's see.

I guess there's a whole lot more in here. There's cocktails and grandkids. Well, I don't drink and I don't have any grandkids yet. So I can't talk about that. There's a lot in here. So thank you buzzsprout Facebook group community. I appreciate it and I will definitely definitely

do those topics except for the greater sex

one. Alright, so

I guess I could talk about

I don't know, I was gonna say what is what it's like now i was i was thinking about this when I was walking my dog this morning like I was trying to come up with some topics and I thought, you know, I want to kind of do some reflections. Like I drugged out all my old yearbooks. Okay. And I want to look up some of these people that I haven't had contact in with in since forever. I were trying to look them up on Facebook and see where they are.

And do a little reflection on that. So they may be another episode.

I will tell you this. I'll tell you this quick little story. It but I don't want to get into it too detailed because I do want to talk about it in a separate episode. When I was in junior high, I moved down to Florida with my dad and my stepmother and my stepsister. My stepsister went to a private school and I went to a public school and at the time, it was early 80s. And

we were bused


I don't know, we were I took the bus. I'll just say that, but a lot of people said that we were bused into a black school. But all I remember is riding the bus into school. And yes, it was predominantly black area school area. And here's the thing when we first moved down to Florida, and I came from Ohio, it's a whole thing. I used to live with my mom. Then I went and moved in with my dad and then we move we were then we moved to Florida. Okay, so I grew up in southern Ohio. Okay, I look I'm getting too much into it. I don't want to talk about it right now. Another episode anyway. I drove out all of these yearbooks that I want to go look at when winter Carver junior high school, I want to look up these people. And it was a most best and greatest experience I've ever had in school. I loved it. And that is another episode though. So stay tuned for that. Maybe Maybe I'll talk about that next week. I just need some time to sit and think and reflect and figure out what I want to say. And maybe look up some of these people too, that I went to school with, I wonder where they are now and what they're doing and what's happening and all that stuff. And then I thought, okay, so if I do a little reflecting then I also need to do a little bit of future stuff. So what it's, in other words, what it's like now, and you know, in a recovery program that I belong to whenever we were asked to speak we were always told to share our experience, strength and hope. What happened or what it was like what has And what it's like now. So that can be kind of like my format. But and then share a little bit of what it's like now being in my 50s with life in general, I suppose. And I noticed that these last few years I have become way more satisfied way more content, way more happy. And I honestly don't know how it happened. Because in my 30s, and in my 40s, all I did was want want want, I was never satisfied. I always wanted something more. And I never knew how to figure out and I felt like I was never content never happy, never satisfied because I felt like I should have been more accomplished than I was at that age. But now that I'm 53 I'm like, Who cares? I don't care. I'm happy with what I have now. I'm happy. I have a great job. My husband's great. The kids are okay. They're doing well. You know


I'm just looking down a different lane now than I did when I was in my 40s and 30s. Looking at what was coming at me now I'm looking at what's in front of me, I guess.

Does that make sense?

Maybe it does. If you're over 50 you probably know what I'm talking about. I'm just way more content and way more happy and way more satisfied and more settled. I'm way more settled now. And I don't know if it's just the age thing or what if just experienced, I don't know. I don't know what happened. I don't know what what's different. You know, it is a new chapter. The kids are grown and grown and out of the house now and on their own. Maybe that has something to do with it.

But anyway,

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I have been putting out some bonus episodes and what they are, are my cool down locks after I work at in the garage, gym. Then Oh my cooldown lock I share with you what I did in the garage gym, my workout. So these are like free workouts that you can listen to and write down and do yourself. And those are my bonus, I put those out, put those out on Wednesday, I'll put a couple of clips of that. If you hear my dog in the background, he's trying to get settled on the bed. And I'm gonna put a couple of clips of those cool down walks at the end of this episode. So you can listen to that and see what that's about. What I do is I take my iPhone with me, I put in my earbuds, and I talk and I talk as I'm walking around the block cooling down from my workout, and then I tell you about the day's workout. So you'll hear cars in the background, you'll probably hear cicadas, you'll hear you know, birds chirping and all that wind blowing you'll hear outside noises but you know Think that's great. Who says you have to be in a


perfect studio to record something? I don't think that's what I want to do. I want to take you with me.

And we'll be going to Tunica soon. So stay tuned for that.

Well, it's coming up on 25 minutes is a little bit past 25 minutes. I've actually talked way more than I thought I would and that's good. I don't know if I covered everything or not. I don't think I did hold on one second.

I'm getting my notebook back out to see if I.

Let's see, there's my bucket list. I talked about that. Oh, we didn't talk about the 2020 predictions. Okay. Real quick. I'll go over. I'll go over a few of these really quickly. They are hilarious because I was way off. This is a segment that Gracie my daughter and I did on our own part podcast on more remarks. I don't know what episode it was to see if I wrote it down. Episode Four, I think it was because we did the year end. We did our 2020 prediction. Oh my gosh, ah, hilarious. I was I was reading through this this morning and thinking I need to share this with you seeing is how 2020 is what it is. I don't even know what to call it.

Alright, so this is what I predicted. This was

probably back in December when we did this. I predicted that Pete Buddha judge, Buddha judge would be the Democratic presidential nomination. Well, I was way off on that wasn't I? I said that Facebook will start their own network on television like Netflix, or they'll get into the podcast business. I still think that will happen.

And then I said,

I said YouTube will get into the news business or the out of work, journalists will turn to YouTube to start their own channels, which is kind of what's happening. I don't

know. I don't know. I don't know.

I said Whoopi Goldberg and Joey Bay her will start an adult novelty brand called whoopee joy.

I think that's possible.

I said Miley Ray Cyrus puts out a gospel


She may have already done that, and I don't even know it. I said JLo and a rod will start their own reality show. I said Taylor Swift will run for mayor. I said Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt will do a movie together.

I said

the Kardashians will go bankrupt. And I think one of them did, didn't they? Or said or they actually didn't make as much money as they said they did from Instagram, something like that.

I'm not sure.

I also predicted Prince Harry and his wife will move to America. They will start a podcast where she will read children's books and then write one of her own Of course and then I said people will start communicating solely with giftees and means only I said something will happen with drones with spying, moving violation, stalking or something like that. I said misinformation will grow kind of right about that one. Anyway, those were some of my predictions and way off Who knew? Who frickin knew? What 2020 would be like if I had known what 2020 would be like? I don't know. I don't know. I'd probably I don't know what to move somewhere else. Although Huntsville is pretty safe, but

it's crazy out there. Y'all.

Crazy. All right. It's coming up on 28 minutes. 29 minutes. done here. Stay tuned. I'm going to put a couple of clips, like I said of the cool down walk so you can kind of see what that's about too.

All right. Have a good week.

Hello, and welcome to another weekly bonus episode at life after 50 podcast. My name is Carol and I'm starting to do these regular bonus releases. sharing with you what I do in the garage gym for the week on my cool down walks. Okay,

it is Monday,

and I have been up since 230 this morning, because I volunteered to do overtime this week, not volunteered. I signed up because I'm getting paid. But I have to be at work at four in the morning. So I get up at 230 and now it's Monday afternoon, I've worked 10 hours then I came home and worked out.

I'm a little tired.

I'm going to try to do this every day this week. We shall see how it goes. today's workout was five rounds for time of five pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats. And that's it. It took me 10 minutes and 40 seconds to do that. And then I immediately got on the rower and rode for 10 minutes, and an even medium pace. Just something to get the blood flowing something to get my sweat going and stuff. That's the workout. I'm getting a lot better at my pull ups. Now I still have to do them banded but I really didn't think I could do these bands that I thought for sure I'd have to put an extra band on it or do jumping pull ups or something but I was able to do it with just one band, which was good. I'm getting stronger. That's good. That's the workout today. And we'll see. So, time is right now it is like, almost five o'clock. So when I get I'm doing my cool down walk. When I get home, I'll clean up the garage a little bit but my stuff away, go inside, take a shower, eat dinner and then go straight to bed. Hopefully I'll be in bed by 7pm

and then get up at 230 and do it all again.

I don't know what tomorrow's workout is gonna be. I'm gonna try to do it. We'll see how I feel. I may just do another light cardio, something like that just to just keep moving. And

I'll get back with you.

Have a good rest of your evening.

Stay tuned for the next clip after the music

and we're back

And with the technology of recorded audio it is now Tuesday. And ham on my cool down Walk of course. That's what this whole episode is about. Putting a bunch of different audio clips together in one episode while I'm on my cooldown locks after I workout in the gym, garage gym, my garage gym. Alright, today's workout okay remember the previous clip that I think I had mentioned that I have been doing overtime this week at work. And I did get a good seven, seven half hours of sleep last night. Therefore I felt pretty good. Working out this afternoon. I did get up again at 230 went into went to work at four o'clock in the morning.

got off at 230 in the afternoon.

And hold on, there's a car going by.

All right, and then I had forgot that I had to go get my second part of my shingle shot this afternoon.

I did that.

Therefore I wanted to come home and get the shot medicine going through my system. And I decided to do a workout called Nancy CrossFit, Nancy CrossFit has a bunch of workouts named after men and women. I know why they're named after the men. They're usually hero wads like veterans that have been killed in duty line in the line of duty. That kind of thing. I don't know why they're named after some woman. I don't think they named him after the women veterans, I don't think but anyway, Nancy was one of the first workouts named workouts I did when I first joined CrossFit many many years ago. I like Nancy because I can do it. Normally I can do it as prescribed but not today. I haven't done Nancy in a long time. And plus it's freaking hot this afternoon again, and Alabama. All right, here's what here's the here's what needs it looks like five rounds for time. Have the following 15 overhead squats 400 meter run. This overhead squats prescribed weight is 65 pounds. Now, while I can do overhead squats at 65 pounds, and I probably could do 15 of them. I don't know that I could maintain that for five rounds plus the run added in. I could do it. You know a couple years ago I could do it

was in a little bit better shape and I wasn't eating like crap like

I am now, but I'm getting better with nutrition.

I hope the wind is not blowing on y'all in the microphone in the microphone. Yeah. five rounds for time. 15 overhead squats. 400 meter run.

I have a feeling the wind is blowing right in this microphone.

Yeah, I'm talking to myself now. Okay.

Okay. I don't know. The wind is blowing in the microphone or not. I have my earbuds in while I'm walking in. It may or may not. I've turned the corner now. So maybe that's better.


five rounds for time. 15 overhead squats. 400 meter run. I gave myself 30 minutes to do it. I actually did it in Oh, was it shoot her remember now 25 something 2548 something like that. I wrote it down on the board when I got done. It's something like that I gave myself. I wanted to do it under 30 minutes.

Therefore, I accomplish that. All right

after the workout too, I had to sit down. I had to just sit down in the garage gym to cool down before I went on my cooldown lock.

Yeah, that was a little rough.

I'm getting up again at 230 in the morning going into work. Let's see if I can maintain this schedule for the rest of the week. Working out adding the workout into it. That is I may just go on a walk tomorrow. I may just do that will be my active rest day tomorrow. They just do a two mile walk.

And if I do, I'll take y'all with me.

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