Carol ReMarks

Casinos, Earthquakes, and Bear Bryant

Carol Marks Episode 26


Join me from my hotel room in Tunica, Mississippi. The Gent is downstairs gambling and I am putting together this episode about gambling, natural disasters, and Bear Bryant. 

I only mark my episodes as explicit because I can't remember if I curse in them or not and if I did it's mild like "damn" and "hell." 

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hello, I guess let's just start, shall we? My name is Carol, and this is my podcast, More ReMarks. It is an extension of my blog, You get the little play on words there? Yes. My name is Carol Marks. The blog is called Carol ReMarks .com. And now my podcast, More ReMarks. But I have to tell you upfront, the naming of my blog Carol ReMarks was not mine. I am not that clever, apparently. I did put it out on Facebook. One day, though, a long time ago, I said I'm starting a new blog, what should I call it? And one of my friends that I used to work with said, How about Carol remarks and oh, my gosh, I fell in love with it immediately. I also liked it because it was not my idea.

That's the backstory on that. 

I think I'm gonna pause here just for a minute in the beginning and let you listen to my little intro that I made. It's just 30 seconds. So standby. Hey, everyone. This is Carol Marks your charmingly bold Generation X blogger. And now podcaster more remarks is my podcast and it's an extension of my blog that is titled Carroll remarks, a lifestyle and

opinion blog. My podcast

more remarks is a no niche commentary on life, current events and everyday observances,

otherwise known as a variety show.

All right, did you enjoy that that was fun to make.

Okay, let me give you some more background information. More remarks. If you are a regular listener more remarks, you know that we have 25 episodes already. And I say we, because it used to be my daughter and I doing the podcast together. This is I guess my first solo episode on more remarks podcast. I did have another podcast on my own. And it was called life after 50. But then Gracie, my daughter who used to do the, this podcast with me, decided she just doesn't want to participate as much anymore. She is starting a new job. She has some other things going on. She's a young person. So she's very busy.

So she just wanted to step away for a little while.

Nothing, nothing

wrong or anything. And I asked her though, I said, Well, since you're not really wanting to do it anymore, can I just take it over as my own? And of course, she said yes. I am sure, though, that I can ask her to be on as a guest every once in a great while I'm sure she would agree to that. We did have fun doing it. And at least she has a few episodes that she can look back on later in years. And so it was a fun project for Gracie and I to do together and I enjoyed it. I hope she did too. Alright, so now Maury marks is my podcast. And what is it going to be about? Well, you just heard the intro. It's kind of a variety show anything I want to talk about. It's a no niche commentary. Guess opinion. It's just an extension of my blog. And I was sitting here earlier I was writing trying to write out a format and everything. What I wanted to do if I wanted to do certain kinds of segments, and when I wanted to do that, I thought you just stop. You want this to be easy and simple. Just get on your iPhone and hit record. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now I didn't even get my microphone out. I don't have a fancy setup. I'm speaking directly into my iPhone, which I will upload to GarageBand later in edit in the music and breaks and commercials and all that. But I have found that my iPhone works just fine. As far as voice recording, I use buzzsprout for my podcasting host and they actually have a feature in the called oh shoot magic. Something

it helps with the it helps with the

sound quality. I forget what this call is called mm. Something magic magic something I forget what it's called. But it helps the it helps clear up some of the quality audio quality on there. So I pay a little extra for that. And I when I found out my iPhone sounds better than anything else is when I did an announcement over life after 50 that I was taking a break over there on that podcast and I uploaded a six minute audio clip straight from my iPhone up to buzzsprout aired immediately. And it sounded great is probably the best quality, audio quality out of all of the episodes on this podcast and on that podcast. Therefore, I'm just using my iPhone From now on, I think it's easy, and I'm all about easy and simple. And that's what we're doing. In fact, I want to take another little break real quick and let you listen to a promo for buzzsprout because I love them so much. So stay tuned. Hey, I interrupt this episode because I want to tell you how much I love buzzsprout.

And I hope that you start a podcast too.

If you do, please, I suggest you use buzzsprout I love them so much. They're easy to use, user friendly customer service is out of this world helpful. And if you follow the link in my show notes, it

lets buzzsprout know that I sent you.

It will get you a $20 amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support my ship. But here is what some things you can get with buzzsprout. You will get a great looking podcast website, audio players that you can drop into other websites, detailed analytics to see how people are listening, and tools to promote your episode in so much more. Your show can be online and listed in all the major podcast directories like Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, and so much more within minutes of finishing your recording. podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners, and the team at buzz sprout is passionate about helping you succeed. If you've been wanting to start a podcast, please check into buzzsprout they are freaking awesome. I love them so much. Super easy. Do it. Do it. Okay. All right.

What are we talking about today? Well, I guess I caught you up on my,

on my personal life. And what's been happening right now though, I am sitting in a hotel room in Tunica, Mississippi. And the gym is downstairs in the casino. We arrived last night. It was so funny. We arrived last night and I am not a gambling person at all. I don't like it. The first time he brought me over here the first time ever that I ever walked into a casino or ever spent any kind of money on a slot or anything. It wasn't really my money. It was his money. We sat down at this slot machine. He put in $100 bill, we hit the buttons a few times. And I'm like, Okay, I'm done. I'm really not. And I don't you know, I don't not into this. He hits this button, and out comes a piece of paper and he starts to walk away. He said, Okay, let's go. And I'm sitting there thinking your money is still in the machine. Because remember, he had put $100 bill in. And but he walks away with a piece of paper and he says, Oh no, no, this is our money now and ours are freaked me out. I did not like it. But I have become a customer or not become a customer. We've been over here a few times since then. And I've gotten used to it. And it's actually kind of fun now, but I don't. I still don't like to do a whole lot of it. I would rather just stay up here in the hotel room. Relax, watch TV, chill out, eat junk food, wrist and just rest, rest, rest and do a podcast and do an episode for my podcast. That's what I would rather do. So he's down there playing cards having a fun time. Oh, but let me tell you this. So anyway, last night we get here and like I said, I'm not big on slots. But anyway, the first one we set down to that I played I want $100 like in the first five minutes

$100 I said

cash out. Let's go I'm done. And that was my fun for the night. Then we I guess we did walk over to the horseshoe and sat down and another one one another hundred dollar bill. Another hundred dollars. So it's like okay, I'm done. Let's go. So my to my fun was done. I was happy with that. Then this morning, we get up and we go down. We eat breakfast at the buffet. And we walk around and play a couple slots here and there. And I'm not winning anything. He sits down in a slot and wins 1500 dollars, y'all 1500 dollars. Oh my gosh. I'm like, Okay, I'm going up to the hotel room. Have fun.

Yeah, we come over here every once in a great while. It's

just a good getaway fun trip for us to do. It's like three and a half, four hours away from our home. It's not a bad trip. And it's something fun for us to do.

Let's see what else

I guess that's it for my personal life.

That's the updates for me. still loving my job. I'm putting in a lot of overtime at work. getting that money baby. It's not a mandatory thing you they ask if you want to do it. You don't have to do it. But I want to because I want the extra money, because I'm going to second shift on the 28th. And I'm not going to be doing overtime on second shift, because on second shift, you can't come in earlier, you have to stay later. Because they don't want the two shifts, intermingling because of COVID. Therefore, if you want to put an overtime on second shift, you have to stay later, which would mean I would leave there to 130 in the morning. And I don't want to do that. Right now, my last week on first shift, I go in at four o'clock in the morning, I would much rather do that. But this is my last week on first shift, I go to second shift on the 28th. And I knew eventually I was going to have to go to second shift. That was the whole part of the interview and onboarding and all that saying, you know, eventually, after training and everything you will have to go to second shift. Are you okay with that? Yes, I'm okay with that. But then COVID hit, and they didn't want to switch anybody around for a long time. And anyway, I'm going to second shift on the 28th. I'm excited about it.


downside, I'll never get to see my husband probably ever again, except maybe on the weekends, although he works on the weekends too. But he'll get home early enough on the weekends that we can still, you know, see each other. My shift will be three in the afternoon until 1130 at night, and I like the second shift because I would prefer to work out in the morning. You know, you know me if your listener I have a garage gym, I love to work out. And right now I'm working out in the afternoon when I get home from work and I'm usually pretty tired, but I forced myself to do it. I would rather work out in the morning. There now I'm going to get to do it. Yay. It's you know you love fitness when you prefer your schedule to work around your your fitness routine or your schedule. That's it for me. So what's happening in the news? Shall we go over everything that's happening in the news?

Oh, my gosh.

Do I want to start with the earthquakes,

fires, rioting, shootings

and deaths first. It's terrible. And the pendant Of course, the pandemic to know let's start with something as I actually went to Google and looked up some trends. I just wanted to have some things to talk about.

And I looked up

google trending what was trending apparently, Tom Hardy is going to be the new James Bond. Okay. disclosure, I had to look up Tom Hardy had no idea who he was. The name was vaguely familiar. But I really didn't know who he was. He was in Dunkirk. We did watch that movie, but I don't remember who all was in it. When he was in the movie Mad Max Fury Road. He was in The Dark Knight Rises and Peaky Blinders all of those I have not seen. Therefore I had never heard of Tom Hardy but apparently Tom Hardy is going to be the new James Bond double oh seven. And speaking of entertaining, and movies and shows and TV shows, I know a lot of people are canceling their Netflix accounts because of that controversial what they're calling pet of pedophilia movie called cuties I have not seen it. I've heard it. I've heard all about it. I hear what people are saying about it and a lot of my friends and family are canceling their Netflix accounts. Because of that. I am not ready to cancel my Netflix account just yet. There's a new show coming on that I want to watch called ratchet. Ratchet. Ratchet. Ratchet nurse, ratchet. Ratchet, you know I'm talking about are a tc h Ed. Sarah Paulson plays nurse ratchet. I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly, but I think I am. So nurse. Nurse ratchet is a character from a 1962 novel by Ken Kesey and it's called One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and it was made into a movie in 1975. The star jack nicholson and the lady who played nurse ratchet in the movie in 1975 was Louise Fletcher and she actually won a Best Actress Award for that from the Oscars, I believe. So now they're making it into a Netflix series all about her and her younger life when she first started working as a nurse at the psychiatric ward in I think takes place in California. I want to start watching that I think it would be interesting.

Um and I've

In other news, of course, you've been Her by now that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away. While I don't believe or I didn't, I don't line up with with her political views or whatever, that's okay. She was


she, what do I how do I,

she is a champion for women all over, I suppose. While I like I said, I don't align with her political views, I can much admire her hard work ethic, and what she did for herself and pave the way for other women. Number one, back in the day, and her day, being a lawyer was probably not,

you know,

keying back those days, especially when you were married and had a family and you went to work back in the day. But she did it and she worked hard, and she became a Supreme Court justice. Hello, you don't just that doesn't just land in your lap. You have to work your butt off for that. And good for her. Now, I don't know a whole lot of better I know, she's a Jewish woman. She was married, she had children. And she had a very supportive husband. And she worked her short your ass off. Okay. I do know that. There are a couple of movies, one does a documentary one is a movie that I am going to actually watch because I think it would be interesting. The first one is a documentary. And it's just called rbg. You can stream it on Hulu or Amazon, I'm definitely going to watch that because I'm I like to watch true stories about people's lives and what they went they went what they went through to become who they are. And then the other isn't movie. And it's called on the basis of sex. And apparently it takes place her takes place of her life. And in the younger years when she was at Harvard, and it's all about the gender discrimination and whatnot. I think I would like to watch that movie as well. Yep.

All right. So

let's talk about

I don't even know if I want to talk about it. The earthquakes, the fires, pandemic. I mean, 2020. I'm afraid to ask Can it get any worse? We're in September, almost September's almost over. I don't even want to think about what's gonna happen the rest of the year. Goodness gracious there. Apparently there was an earthquake this morning or yesterday or sometime. It was a 4.5 earthquake in Southern California. I know this not a big, gigantic earthquake. Nonetheless, it's an earthquake. I have never felt an earthquake. So I don't know what that's like. I am I did live a short little while in Southern California when I was in the Navy went to a school out there. Fortunately, never experienced an earthquake while I was there. I imagine it's probably pretty scary. Excuse me. I have to get something to drink. Oh,

that's better.

And the fires oh my gosh, y'all have you seen pictures or images of the fires that are happening in California, Washington, Oregon. It looks horrible. I think that over 20 people have died. There's I think over 2 million of acres have been destroyed. And the images of these look at some of these pictures. They have these images of the suburbs, these whole neighborhood these whole neighborhoods of suburbs just gone. just gone. It's devastating. And then they'll show the skies are all orange and everything. It looks terrible. I feel horrible for these people. And that poor little couple that their one year old died and they're so in the parents are severely burned and oh, I just got a feel for him. I really don't want to end this episode. on a on a note like that. So I don't even know what else I can say. What is coming up this week. What is Kev? Oh, Manuel, my last week on day shift. I don't know I should have looked into that. I should have looked into what was coming up. I guess apparently football is on big 10 has decided to come in and start playing football. I don't really follow football. Which I think this is gonna. This is this is okay, I'll end with this story. This will make you laugh. This will make you laugh. If you're a football person anyway. You know, I grew up in southern Ohio and I'm as an adult, I moved to Alabama and When I first moved to Alabama first of all it was a culture shock growing up in southern Ohio and then moving to the south, although Huntsville Alabama is not really indicative of the true South because Huntsville Alabama, a lot of people all over the country move here. Therefore Huntsville Alabama, which is in North Alabama is not really the true south. I have been to the true south. And that's a different story. But anyway, when I first moved to Alabama, apparently they are really big on college football. Now when I grew up, I didn't we did not watch college football in our house. We watched baseball or pro football. Therefore I was assistant at Bengals fan. Yes, I know. But I never really knew we never watched college football in our household. there when I moved to Alabama, it was all about college football, college football, college football, college football, Alabama Crimson Tide, Roll Tide. Well, when I first moved here, I was working at a convenience store until I got my regular job. Not that there's anything wrong with working in a convenience store. But that's what I did. I worked at a Shell Gas Station just for a short amount of time. And I was the cashier there. And one day, there were two of us working another lady and myself. We were working that day, the bread vendor, the bread

guy came in.

And apparently the bread guy and the other cashier kind of knew each other. I was still new. And they were standing around talking about football and everything and the topic of Bear Bryant came up and they were talking about his funeral. And that had happened years and years and years prior. When he died years and years prior Bear Bryant net long precessional funeral on I 65 and blah blah, blah.

And I said who's Bear Bryant?


I think the bread man almost fainted.

And the cat the girl other girl cashier kind of looked at me like I had three heads. I honestly did not know who Bear Bryant was but I got schooled real fast on who Bear Bryant was. And ever since then. I have known the importance of alabama football. Although I'm a Georgia fan now because of the gent he is a big time Georgia

football fan so go dogs.

And I think that's how I will end this podcast this episode today. I hope you've enjoyed it. Check me out. look me up on social media. My blog is called Carol remarks calm. I'm on Twitter as Carol remarks on Instagram as Carol remarks. I also have an Instagram account for more remarks. The podcast. Anyway, let's connect and get together and I hope you

have a great week.

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