Carol ReMarks

ReMarkables I

Episode 27


Welcome to a new series on the podcast; ReMarkables. A bunch of short clips from my week that I would like to share with you. See Chapter markers for more details. Enjoy. 

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Unknown Speaker :

Well, hello there.

Unknown Speaker :

Welcome to more remarks podcast. My name is Carol Marks. And this is the more remarks podcast. Welcome, welcome one in all, what you're about to hear is real life now. It is real life, I decided to put a couple of well not a couple more than a couple several small short clips together in an episode. One is I'm driving my car on the way home one is I'm having lunch in my car. Another one I'm walking my dog jack. So just a little compilation of some small short clips put together in an episode for you. Probably going to start doing this on a regular basis and call them remarkables. Meaning I'm going to remark on whatever is happening of the day and share them with you. Enjoy.

Unknown Speaker :

Hello, hello.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, good. We're going is 10 till 12 on a Wednesday afternoon, I'm out of my car having lunch,

Unknown Speaker :

excuse me,

Unknown Speaker :

keeps me and I do not want to go back in.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm so tired. This is my third day of working a 10 hour shift. Now granted, my job is not physically hard. But getting up at 230 in the morning to be here by four in the morning. I'm getting tired. Now. We are not made to do that. That is totally. You sign up on your own if you want to do it. And it's a day to day thing, but I'm gonna like my check next week, that's for sure. And six hours of overtime last week plus this week, it'll be it'll be a good extra probably 10 to 15 hours extra, maybe, maybe more. No, it'll be more than that. Because if I hit 40 tomorrow, that's an extra

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Oh, yeah, it's gonna be close to extra 20 hours,

Unknown Speaker :

a little over 20 hours of overtime

Unknown Speaker :

for the two weeks combined. And I will like my paycheck then it is the last time that I'm doing overtime. Because next week, I'm going to second shift and second shift when they work their overtime. They stay later, instead of coming in early. And I don't want to stay later. But it's all good. It's all good. I just got to get through this week. I have not been working out at all this week because I have been way too tired and I'm just getting more and more tired throughout the week. I will start my workout. Routine my new workout routine next week when I go to second shift. I'm trying so hard not to fall asleep in the car.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, I come out to my car and have lunch. I

Unknown Speaker :

just like it. I can listen to the radio, I can listen, you know, sit here and eat. Be by myself. I put my little son My son visors up so nobody can see in licensed private. Sit by myself. I like it. I have a book too. Sometimes I read my book. But lately I've been listening to talk radio. During lunch, I also listened to a lot of things during work because we are allowed to wear our air phones, ear buds, ear pods, whatever you want to call them. And we can listen to music and we can listen to podcasts. They just ask us not to stream video because we're not supposed to be looking at video. Since we're supposed to be you know, doing our job, but we can listen to music and listen to podcasts. I've listened to a lot of podcasts and a lot of music and a lot of talk radio. I've enjoyed it. I love putting in my earbuds, my ear earbuds Yes, I'm here. I used to have the ear pods. And they're okay. I just I use them for about a week or so. But I much would rather be hardwired in with my ear buds. That way, if something happens and I lose connection with my air with my air pods, when you lose connection, or whatever, then everybody can hear what's on your phone. When you're hardwired in that doesn't happen. And I much prefer my little ear

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

so confusing. I know.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, let's see. This is What am I doing here? Okay, I thought I would put together a couple of little clips, just everyday ordinary clips of me talking to you about my day and what's happening, put them all together and make an episode like I used to do

Unknown Speaker :

over at life after 50.

Unknown Speaker :

Over at life after 50 I used to do my cooldown walks after I worked out and explained the workouts and I put all those clips together. But I can't do that anymore. Since now I'm paying for a workout membership type thing. can't share those. So I'm going to go so I'm going to start with recording everyday life clips, just small, short little clips and put them all together for an episode. I think that'll be fun. That'll be fun. Okay, well, I guess I have to go back into work now. Huh? But I only have to work it'll be 12 o'clock when I go back in I get off at 230 go home, eat dinner, take a shower and probably go right to bed. I'm

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

We're have what do we have for dinner? Oh, steak. And

Unknown Speaker :

green beans spinach casserole.

Unknown Speaker :

Delicious. And for lunch I had some of the ginger chicken salad. he fixes a fabulous chicken salad with pear chutney in it. Oh my gosh, is to die for. So had a small serving chicken salad, like a quarter of an apple and an hard boiled egg for lunch.

Unknown Speaker :

Trying to eat better because

Unknown Speaker :

well, we won't even get into that. I want to put my shoes back on and go back to work. Stay tuned, you're here you will hear a few seconds of music and then I'll be back with another little clip of what's happening.

Unknown Speaker :

Hey there, I just wanted to share with you real quick. Some skincare products that I use a Thea skincare is what I use. I've used it off and off for a little while now. I discovered them a little over a year ago. And I've purchased from them several times and I've just recently made another purchase. But anyway, I would love to share that with you go check them out on their website. Just Google a Thea skincare and enjoy this little promo that I just made. And in my show notes, there will be a link and a discount code for 15% off so go check it up. Today's active lifestyle deserves skincare that's up to the challenge. Enter a Thea formulated by active women for active women to give you the best feeling skin you've ever experienced. Why a Thea after an intense workout, your skin loses water due to evaporation, leaving it dehydrated and your pores are open. This leaves them exposed to harmful bacteria and pollutant buildup that cause breakouts and unhealthy skin. This can increase surface lines as well as dead skin cell buildup, which clogs your pores the solution at the products are specially formulated to target the potential skin issues from high levels of activity. A Thea products use highly concentrated amounts of antioxidants, electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals to cleanse, moisturize, detoxify and brighten. Additionally, their probiotic technology is masterfully formulated to provide healthier skin by fighting free radicals and other harmful bacteria while replenishing the skin's essential good bacteria

Unknown Speaker :

Hello Hello everyone.

Unknown Speaker :

Welcome Welcome back again. If I'm doing this correctly then this is the second clip in the podcast and the episode today. It is now Thursday September 24 and I'm in my car driving home in the pouring rain. I don't know if you can hear it or not. But it's 245 in the afternoon driving home. Yeah, the rain is getting worse. And I've already put in 40 hours at work. Now anything I work from here on out will be overtime for this week. My I put in 10 hours to borrow and then five hours on Saturday. I'm excited. And then that overtime from the previous week too. So next paycheck is going to be a good one, which I need it. And then Monday I start on second shift at work, and that will be from three to 1130. I'm looking forward to that. So I can work out in the morning. I have not worked out at all this week, I decided you know what? working all this overtime, I'm too tired.

Unknown Speaker :

I just want to rest.

Unknown Speaker :

And therefore I did. All right, I'm gonna let you go because this rain is getting real bad again, and I'm getting ready to get on the parkway in. traffic will be awful. So I shall return and just a few minutes or seconds I should say. Stay tuned after the few seconds of music.

Unknown Speaker :

Hey, good morning, my little love bunnies. It is nearly four o'clock in the morning. And it's about time for me to get out of my car and go into work to put in a 10 hour shift today. It's all overtime. hours today. And then tomorrow on Saturday, I work six to 11 for more overtime.

Unknown Speaker :

Excuse me.

Unknown Speaker :

Just wanted to hop on real quick and say hello, and good morning. It's Friday, it's gonna be a great day. I feel good. I just need some food. I stopped by the McDonald's on the way here. Because they had their lights on on cars were in line. But nobody was taking all my orders. So I don't know what was happening. So I just left. Of course, you know, who would be open at that hour or the of the morning this hour of the morning. But there were cars

Unknown Speaker :

in line. That's what I didn't understand.

Unknown Speaker :

But nobody was moving either. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker :

I didn't have time to wait around. I had to be here. And it's about time for me to get out of the car and go in

Unknown Speaker :

right now.

Unknown Speaker :

You guys have a great one. And

Unknown Speaker :

I'll be back in

Unknown Speaker :

just a few more seconds. Maybe I'll talk to you

Unknown Speaker :

while I'm at lunch because I you know I like to have lunch in my car.

Unknown Speaker :

So I'll be back in just a few seconds. Standby.

Unknown Speaker :

Hello, everyone again, now I am out in my car. It's 10 till 12. I've already my lunch and everything. need to go back in here in just a few minutes. So I thought I would hop on and say hello. What did I have for lunch? I had a turkey sandwich and some chips. Some slices of apples.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Um, let's see what

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, so I'm sitting there.

Unknown Speaker :

At work this morning listening to I had to turn it off of the news. Okay, here's why. Normally I listen to News. I'm not gonna say which one I listen to talk. Radio or not really. It's not talk radio. It's actually the news that I listened to on my phone while they're on TV, but it's in it's on Sirius XM. But I'm listening to it. And I it's different when you listen than when you see. Because when you listen, you hear all kinds of things. And I can hear this one anchor. While he's talking. He sitting there tapping his note cards and shuffling papers and tapping his note cards against the desk and it drives me insane. And I had to turn it off so I turned it over to music. You know, listen to like 70s 80s music and Carly Simon's You're so vain came on. I love that song. For one thing. It's not like it's the first time I've ever heard it. I've listened to it a few times. But for some reason, it dawned on me that I could hear Mick Jagger singing in the background. But I'm like that's Mick Jagger, isn't it? So I of course I had to Google it. And yes, Mick Jagger did backup vocals for Carly on that song. You're so vain. I had no clue for all these years. I'm 53 years old. I should know something like that. I think there's going to be a new segment on the podcast. Things I should have known. Being 50 of being over 50 years old. That's crazy. I should have known stuff. I should have known that.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

that's all I really wanted to come on and tell you

Unknown Speaker :

and I will be back again in just a few seconds standby after the few seconds of music. And I shall return

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Good morning. It is Sunday,

Unknown Speaker :

September 27.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm out walking the dog.

Unknown Speaker :

And then I'm going to go have coffee with my friend Constance of cosmopolitan

Unknown Speaker :

Looking forward

Unknown Speaker :

to having our morning coffee chat together and we will probably spend like three hours there

Unknown Speaker :

this morning

Unknown Speaker :

at a coffee

Unknown Speaker :

place called just love coffee here in Huntsville, Alabama.

Unknown Speaker :

Great coffee, great food.

Unknown Speaker :

Then I have a podcast or an episode to put together for this podcast. I have a couple of things coming up I thought I would in the future in the near future, you are going to probably hear an episode titled 25 things about me. And then a different one. Another one also titled 50 things a 50 year old should have.

Unknown Speaker :

So look for those in the future those episodes.

Unknown Speaker :

I have some ironing to do later today.

Unknown Speaker :

And then tomorrow, Monday the 28th I start second shift,

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

rearranges my whole schedule which is fine. It also means I will be working out in the mornings again. Yay. Now I have taken a whole week off of working out and let me tell you what I feel so fat.

Unknown Speaker :

And I've eaten like crap to

Unknown Speaker :

this whole week.

Unknown Speaker :

But tomorrow, start to new

Unknown Speaker :

and I am actually looking forward

Unknown Speaker :

to starting second shift. They moved all of us around at work so I have a new desk to sit at and I like it. I went shopping yesterday to purchase some new clothes for the job. I've already had my pants that I like that I bought from Amazon and they're actually Amazon

Unknown Speaker :

essentials brand of these

Unknown Speaker :

khaki pants but they come in different colors. I love them perfect. And I went out yesterday looking for turtle necks, lightweight turtle next,

Unknown Speaker :

purchase some of those

Unknown Speaker :

bought some new shoes, but a lightweight jacket.

Unknown Speaker :

And yeah, looking forward to starting second shift tomorrow. second shift consist of three in the afternoon until 1130 at night. So I'll be getting home close to midnight. I My plan is to you know get right into bed. Not wait not stay up for hours and hours. Because I still want to get up fairly early in the morning not early anymore like I used to. I'll probably sleep in try to start sleeping in till about seven or eight. That'll give me a good, good enough hours of sleep. Get up, eat something work out. Then chill out, do some chores, whatever around the house, get ready for work. and establish a new routine, schedule and routine. Well, I hope you have enjoyed these little snippets from my daily life. plan to make it a regular thing and call them remarkables like I do on the blog at Carroll remarks, calm. A little play on words there. Carol Marks Carroll remarks calm and remarkables. I do a blog post from time to time on the blog called remarkables. Or I just catch everybody up on what's happening or remark on something that I don't think is really worthy of a long blog post. But I'm gonna start doing the same thing here on the podcast, but just put together short snippets of my daily life and remark on things remarkables

Unknown Speaker :

so I hope you I hope you've enjoyed it.

Unknown Speaker :

If so,

Unknown Speaker :

please share Like leave a review that would be great. I need some reviews.

Unknown Speaker :

No jack.

Unknown Speaker :

And you guys have a good day. Have a good week. See you next Earth. Talk to you next time.

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