Carol ReMarks

ReMarkables II

October 02, 2020 Episode 28


Well, join me as I chronicle my week of September 28 through Oct 2 and what all that entails. The Gent joins in on one clip, I discover an 8'3" knitted Thanos in another, and of course receiving the news on POTUS testing positive for COVID-19.

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Carol Marks:

Good morning. This is Carol Marks


of the more remarks podcast.


I hope you are doing well. It is Monday morning, a little bit after eight o'clock, September 28. And I'm out walking


jack jack


right now and then I'm going to go work out in the garage. Now. I have not worked out in over a week. And I can tell I can definitely feel the difference. So this is going to be a little challenging, but I'm going to do it. Today is also the first day of going to work on second shift and establishing a new schedule and routine. I will probably take it a little easy with the workout since I haven't worked out in over a week. I do pay for programming, so I cannot share the workout with you. It is through FC garage. You can find them on Instagram. F C stands for Fit Club, I believe. And it's actually run out of a gym in Columbus, Ohio. Fit Club, I think Fit Club, Columbus, Ohio. Look up Shelly Eddington as well. She's the one that started I think. Anyway, that's what I'm doing today. I passed out I paid for a membership paid programming for workouts. And I'm going to start that today since I'm starting on second shift a new schedule and whatnot. We're gonna see how this goes. I I tried to stay up late last night at 930 though, was getting difficult at 9:30pm. That was really late for me. I ended up staying up until probably 10 4011 o'clock between 1040 and levels when I finally went to bed. But then I got up at five o'clock with my husband this morning. I tried to go I you know, I tried to go back to sleep. But I could not. So I just got up. I just got up. Tonight will be interesting. When I get to work and probably 910 o'clock comes along, I'll be getting drowsy.


But it will be okay. We will get used to it.


We will get used to I say we I will get used to it. Maybe my husband maybe my husband has to get used to it too. I guess that's what that's where the week comes in. Okay. Well, I put out my first remarkables yesterday on the podcast and this will be a regular




here at the more remarks podcast. So stay tuned. Stay off, stay here with me. You're going to hear a couple of seconds of music and then I'll come back with a another short little clip for you. It'll be tomorrow maybe the next day. Maybe later tonight. I don't know. But stay tuned. Hang on. Hey, I interrupt this episode because I want to tell you how much I love buzzsprout and I hope that you start a podcast too. If you do, please I suggest you use buzzsprout I love them so much. They are easy to use user friendly customer service is out of this world helpful. And if you follow the link in my show notes it lets buzzsprout know that I sent you. It will get you a $20 amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support my ship. But here is what some things you can get with buzzsprout you will get a great looking podcast website, audio players that you can drop into other websites, detailed analytics to see how people are listening, and tools to promote your episode and so much more. Your show can be online and listed in all the major podcast directories like Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, and so much more within minutes of finishing your recording. podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners, and the team at buzz sprout is passionate about helping you succeed. Well, good morning. Again. It's the same day as it was just a few seconds ago. When I left you when I was walking jack, I just finished working out in the garage. First time in over a week. Sorry, it's a little windy out here. I'm on my cool down walk. There's a cold front coming through so it's a little windy. It feels great out here though. cooldown walk. Yeah, so what I did, I mean, I can't tell you exactly what I did. But it involved some power snatches sit ups and a bunch of jump roping. And then I also do this for strength training. I did some front squats. But it felt good. It felt good, but I'm already sore. My knees hurt. I think my knees hurt from all the jump ropes. It's not terrible. But I took it easy. Because like I said, I hurt I was I could tell I was not good before I started working out this morning, because it had been over a week and I've been eating a bunch of crap. But I'm back to it now. Establish a new routine and schedule. I know one thing I'll probably get most of my water most all of my water intake before I even go to work. I think I drink 24 ounces of water before I even started working out.


Okay, well.


I see the rest of the day. It's like 1020 right now. I'll probably just him haul around do some blogging do set with podcasts or something I don't know and then eat. Definitely eat. I already had two scrambled eggs this morning before I worked out now I'm probably going to have some more eggs probably with some bacon pie pieces. No, I don't have any bread for toast. I'll figure out something and then I'll probably later right before I go to work. I have a salad with some chicken. And then for dinner I'm taking the gents great chicken salad with pear chutney in it


with some cheese and


crackers and slice apples and some berries and separate from the chicken salad. It's all good. It's all good. I'm gonna feel great. I just hope that I won't be too tired later today later tonight. I mean it'll take a few days to adjust. Okay, I'm gonna let you guys I'm sure the wind is not helping here probably can hear it. It's probably terrible.




now standby again for a couple of seconds of music and then I will be back with another clip on another day. Standby. Hello, hello. We are back. And we are I and we are out walking the dog taking him for a little long walk little jack jack. I say we because the gent is with me this morning. It is Tuesday. That is normal day off. And of course you know I go to sec I'm on second shift now so we get to spend a little time together today. Before I have to go to work, and it's a little chilly out here. What do you think gent

The Gent:

fall weather has finally arrived. It's beautiful out here today.


It is very beautiful. I got my little booty shorts on my tank top who walked out didn't think anything of it until I

The Gent:

walked outside. It's almost too cold to not have his jacket on.



The Gent:

So it's wait a minute that doesn't make sense.


It's old enough

The Gent:

to have a jacket on




It's late September. It's also a debate night. I'm gonna be listening to it. I don't know. Are you gonna watch it tonight? As

The Gent:

much as I can before I fall asleep?


Oh, that's right because it goes on late. Late for him.

The Gent:

I mean get up early in the morning go to work at four o'clock in the morning. Debate comes on at eight o'clock I'll be sound asleep by nine probably Yeah. Unless it gets a lot of fireworks. If there are a lot of fireworks I'll be able to stay but if it's just the normal Pointing fingers. Right? And that kind of stuff. Yeah,


yeah. It'll be interesting. I want I wonder if there will be any fireworks? I don't know. We'll see. It'll be it'll be interesting. I think it's hard to say they're

The Gent:

talking about the fact that they're gonna try to be civil with each other, but I just don't see that happening.


Yeah, so yeah, I don't either, huh? Well, anyway, we're gonna continue on with our walk. I just wanted to come and say Hello, good morning. And I will be back in just a few minutes. You want to say by

The Gent:

chip Ma, another chip Martin the morning. Goodbye.


Good morning, everyone. It is Thursday morning, on a walk with jack. It is a rest day from working out. No working out today. But I do have to go to work later, which is fine. It's a beautiful day, it's kind of chilly out here. I wish I had more longer pants or brought a jacket. I have an idea. On one of my remarkables installments, segments. episodes, I want to collect several different clips from several different people. I have put out a call on Facebook, I'm going to put out a call to family and friends. And just have them record a two to three minute segment of whatever it is they want to talk about and string them all together for an episode. Look for that in the future that might take a while to put together. We shall see. That's really all I wanted to come on and talk about this morning. I really don't have anything else to say. Not really. Except that I'm going to try to make the remarkable section or segments episodes a little bit more remarkable, if you know what I mean. I listened to the last one and it was kind of snooze fest, I admit. Therefore I need to figure out a way to juice it up a little bit and find some interesting things to actually remark on. But in the meantime, I also want to I think it's a good idea. I think it's a great idea to get my friends and family associates whatever to make a couple of minutes of recording and send it to me and I can put it on the podcast Wouldn't that be fun? I think so. I think so. Okay, well I'm gonna go for now. And you guys have a good one and I'll be back in just a few seconds. Here is something remarkable for you to digest. First of all, if you don't have Flipboard go find it and download it to your phone. It's really cool. This is how I found this story that I'm about to tell you. Flipboard is a an app that curates news and stuff but you can customize it to what you want to to find and look at and curate. They call their instead of calling them boards like Pinterest they call them magazines. You can create magazines and whatever. Anyway just go check it out. Flipboard I found this one on what I created as pop culture magazine for mine and it's from I think is the website that I that it curated from this lady. She knitted an eight foot three inch life size this what she says life size Santos she knitted it from yarn knitted it, she chronicled her knitting Adventures of Thanos on Instagram on her Instagram account and her tik tok videos now I don't have tik tok so I don't know but the article will show some videos of it and pictures of her username i think is called Woolley MC will face or something like that. But I'm sure if you just Google knitted theranos or go to You will find it Oh my gosh. It said the article said it took her four months which I think is incredibly fast. Only four months and about eight pounds of yard of yarn, eight pounds of yarn. That's a lot When you think about poundage, eight, a note doesn't sound like eight pounds, not a lot, but for yarn. That's a lot. That's a lot. Go check it out is kind of cool. Kind of weird. In my opinion. At first I thought, Wow, she didn't she she picked a project when she got quarantined. She picked a project for when she got quarantined. But you know, that is frickin dedication. That took some time. I know it only took her four months, but it would have taken me years. I'm impressed that it only took her four months to do that. That's incredible. Anyway, enjoy. Well, good morning. It is October 2, Friday morning. And of course, early early in the morning, we all received the news that President Trump and First Lady have tested positive for covid 19. Of course, I wish them well, and hopefully they can get through this. Okay. I'm sure they will, because he seems like an active president, even though they say he has high cholesterol. He's slightly overweight. And he is in his 70s which is all three working against him. But I think hopefully you'll be alright. You know, I was just telling telling my husband a few weeks ago, we were talking about the president and how active he is for a 74 year old. And it's amazing to me because I I'm only 53 and I would get worn out the stuff that he does. But anyway, that's not up. I felt like I had to come on and say something to mark this. Mark this day. By the time this episode airs, though. We'll we will know more of what's going on and how it plays out. I don't know I hope hopefully, he's okay. Hopefully they will both be okay. prayers are with them and their family and their friends for a speedy recovery.

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