Carol ReMarks

25 Things About Me

October 12, 2020 Episode 31


Join me as I share irrelevant things about myself. There is a trend going around titled 25 Things About Me and so I thought I would also jump in to share. Did you know I took an acting class, how many tattoos I have, what my favorite chore is to do, or what I am terrified of doing?

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Carol Marks:

I'm always so nervous to start these things. I don't know why. But let's just go ahead and start, shall we? Welcome. This is more remarques podcast. My name is Carol Marks. And this is the more remarks podcast. Welcome, welcome. Today's episode, we are going to talk about 25 things about me. Now if you Google that, you're going to find a bunch of things that was a trend. I don't know how long ago, but I thought I would join in. And these are 25 things about me that not everybody knows. These are things that are not so obvious, you know. But let's just go ahead and get started and dive right in. Number one, I did not come up with my blog name, or the name of this podcast. Other people came up with the names for these. So um, I started off as a blogger A long time ago. And I recently started a new blog, and I wanted a cute, clever name, but I wanted my name in it too. So I put it out on Facebook. I said, I want to start a new blog. It's gonna be an opinion blog, where I can talk about anything I want and no niche blog. What should I name it? And one of my co workers that I used to work with came up with how about Carol remarks? Tell me that is not clever. Tell me that. It's not clever. I love it. So somebody else named my blog. And so when I started a podcast, I put it out on Facebook again, I said, I want to start a podcast, what should it be called? And one of my best friends one of my very good friends, Carolyn said, more remarks. That is like frickin brilliant. So of course, I went with it. Number two, I have been a guest on a podcast before I started my own. And it was called strength outside the box. It was two gals from a CrossFit box that started their own podcast called strength outside the box because CrossFit calls their workout gyms boxes. So I thought that was a clever name. But I you know, when they first started, I think that was probably the very first podcast that I ever started listening to was theirs because they were local. And I liked the content they provided and they would interview people. And so I just started, you know, following them and commenting and sharing their content and everything. And I've worked out there a couple of times with them before so they can't you know, they sort of knew of me and they knew I had my own garage gym. individually. They interviewed me too. So I was actually a guest on my podcast before I started my own. Number three, I hate the sound of my voice. So therefore I start a podcast. Why not? Right? Why not? You know, I heard something on the Billy Joel channel. Well, he has his own channel and I love Billy Joel for one thing, love. I mean, I'm like in love with a man. Love him. As the gent actually took me to a concert, he surprised me to me to a concert, flew to Dallas. Saman concert like row 17 back. It was the best it was the best it was before COVID. It was October of last year. As a matter of fact. Anyway, I'm getting off track. I was listening to the Billy Joel channel and he was talking about he how he hates the sound of his voice as well. And so he tries to sound like other people on purpose. And I thought that was amazingly crazy for as successful as he is and he hates the sound of his voice. I love the sound of his voice. Alright, that's enough about Billy Joe. Let's see number four. I mentioned that I started off as a blogger first and I have had several blogs throughout the year. I have listed some of them that I can remember anyway. I started blogging, probably back in the mid 90s. When it first was a thing when it first came on the scene. When blog spot first came on the scene that was my very first blog was at blogspot and I think it was called Yeah, that's right. I said it. No, that's a long name for a blog. The other blogs I had what was called Alabama improper was one another one I had was an American housewife because I was a housewife back then. I had one called sex and the South get it six in the city.


And then I had girl runner I had of course my most recent one I've had his life after 50. I've had garage gym gal back alley one. I've had several several more than that. I just can't remember what they were but I've stuck with Carol for a long time now, and I think that wouldn't will stick. I love that one. I love that one. And I didn't even name it. That's maybe why I love it. Alright, number five, I have driven a BMW on track. Before, it was part of my job. I used to sell BMWs. And they will send us to classes every so often sales training classes. And then this one class we got to go to where we get to drive BMWs on a race track, and against our competitors as well. That was awesome. I love that. So let's go through my jobs list, shall we? Just real quick, if I can remember. Of course, of course, when I was a teenager, I would say fast food. My very first job, I think was at Wendy's. And no, my very first job was worked at Burger King. My second job was at Wendy's. And then again, my first job was 15. Because I think my dad had to sign a work permit for me to start at Burger King. And, and I rode my bike up there. It was, it was it was good for me. And then let's see Burger King Wendy's. Then I joined the Navy was in there for like five years. Then after that I was an office manager for years and years and years. And the last company I worked for I worked for them for like eight years. It was they were really good to me. They were astonishingly astonishingly really good to me. It was a brothers in law who owned this business and they started it. And it was just the two of them, me and one of their sons when we first started. And then it grew over like 50 or 60 people one of the owners ended up dying in a car crash. The other owner wanted to retire and when that happened, the employees wanted to buy them out. At that point, I was like, Nope, I'm out. So then I went into retail work for Estee Lauder for three years great company. Now I never did makeup or skincare. I worked for Jo Malone London, which is owned by Estee Lauder. It's a fragrance company. I loved working directly for Estee Lauder is a great company. And then I was sold cars. That's when I went to sell BMW stuff. So BMWs I've sold Jaguar Land Rovers. And I've also sold acuras. And then I I'm currently in my job that I have now, which I really can't talk about, but I love, I'll just leave it at that I love my job is not in sales, I will tell you that much. I've taken an NRA class, because I wanted to buy a firearm and I hadn't fired a firearm since I was 18 when I was in the Navy when we had to do it for training. And it's funny, because when you're young, you're not afraid of anything. And then you start to get older, and then you start to have children. And then you start watching the news. And then you just kind of start getting a little fearful of some things. So I became kind of afraid of firearms. I always believed it should be your right to have one of course, but I was always I became afraid of them for whatever reason. So I decided to take an NRA class, it was the best thing I could have done. We did four hours of classroom training and four hours on the range. And ever since then, I've been good. I've been good, I'm good. It's funny how you if you take a class and learn about something, you will no longer be afraid of it. I've also taking Alright, number we're going on and this is going to be number seven coming up. Someone posted on Facebook recently. You know, they post these little memes and everything and they said if you had followed your childhood dreams, what would you be doing today? My first thought was I would be a movie star or or a musician rock star somewhere singing, although I can't sing worth a damn. I would much rather be a movie star. And so and so on. You know, when I was little I wanted to be the bionic woman. I tried to be the bionic woman I pretend to be the bionic woman. But I you know I always watched the Oscars all the time. I just loved watching movies. And I always thought I wanted to be an actor, but I never did pursue it never was in any kind of plays or anything like that because I was also shy. But when I when I was an adult.

Carol Marks:

I took an acting class, or I started an acting class and I did not finish it. But I realized that probably was not for me. I felt like I felt like the main reason I quit was because I didn't think I was good at it. Number two, I felt like I was too old to be doing that kind of crap. But anyway, yeah, I've taken an acting class. I have three tattoos and I want more. I want like a half a sleeve or a whole sleeve. My husband is not on board with that. Well, I say he's not on board. He He has expressed his opinion that he probably would not like that. But he would also Don't stop me. Of course I've had Botox before, twice and I would like to do it again. I am a skincare junkie. I love skincare boys taking care of my skin and my face. Voice taking my makeup off every single night it just feels good. I don't even I don't even wear makeup anymore. But I still take care of my face wash it exfoliate, cleanse, moisturize. I love all that stuff. And in fact I'm going to pause here for a minute for a minute and talk to you about a Thea Hey there, I just wanted to share with you real quick. Some skincare products that I use a Thea skincare is what I use. I've used it off and off for a little while now I discovered them a little over a year ago and I've purchased from them several times and I've just recently made another purchase. But anyway I would love to share that with you. And in my show notes. There will be a link and a discount code for 15% off so go check it out. I just recently purchased their new lip duo, the scrub and the mask and I also have the lip plumper I've used that before. Love it. But something else is new that I purchased recently and it is the exfoliating probiotic clay cleanser. Oh my gosh. I love it. You guys need to try it you will love it too. And for my daytime moisturizer. I use their highly high hyaluronic and vitamin C daily moisturizer. I love this stuff. And not only is it good for your skin it just makes my skin feel good and healthy. And no other skincare has been able to do that. My skin feels my face and my skin feels so good after using it. Love it. And now back to the episode. Okay, number 11 we are on number 11 I have a thing for pins. I think last episode I talked about how I have no i did not did not include the thing for planners did I? I deleted that. Alright, so I have a thing for pins and planners. The pen that I am living on right now it's a sharpie. s gel is what it's called. I love it. And then of course I have a thing for planners. I have one coming on Tuesday. I really have a planner addiction. It's on my blog. That's that's where I put it it's on my blog. Go check it out. Carol remarks calm. Alright, number 12. I cannot stand cantaloupe. I have tried to like it over the years. I just I can't I can't do it. And I hate when you're at a restaurant and you want to get aside a fruit or mixed fruit. They always want to put cantaloupe in it. I cannot stay in Canada and I've tried to like it. I've tried a couple of times in my adult life. I've tried to eat it. And I just I can't do not like it. I also the next one is number 13. I do not like lemon in my tea. And it seems to be a thing here in the south. Because if you order a tea even when I say no lemon MIT, please. They sometimes they will still bring it and put lemon in my tea. Please don't. Number 14 I have alopecia. I am bald in certain spots on my head. Some spots have gotten really big. However, I think it's starting to grow back in now I had it when I was a child too. When I was really little. I had it as a child right on top of my head and my mother had to take me over the river into Ashland, Kentucky to the big city. And I had to get these shots injected into my head. Eventually the hair grew back. And then I didn't have any problems with it for a very long time. I'm talking about years until I was in adulthood. And recently it just seems like it's acting up again. Now I've noticed it started. I think it's starting to grow back. But I've never had I've never had this bad before. But like I said, I think it's starting to grow back and I have been experimenting with wigs. I just don't feel comfortable wearing them out and about yet. I just I know it's a wig. So I feel like everybody else knows it's a wig. Do I just I don't know. I got to get used to it. I guess maybe my favorite chore is ironing. I know my friend Constance over at cosmopolitan cornbread had mentioned that one of her favorite chores is actually washing dishes. She does not have an automatic she does not have an automated dishwasher. She took it out. She likes to wash your dishes by herself. And I like that idea but I like the iron I gives me a sense of accomplishment immediate accomplishment I guess because you you see those wrinkles go away immediately. I don't know maybe that's what it is. I don't know number 16 I Okay, get ready. You may want to sit down for this one. I'm probably going to get are probably gonna lose a lot of followers over this next one.


Followers listeners, whatever you want to call it.

Carol Marks:

All right, you ready? I love Christmas music. There I said it. Yes, I do. I love it. I can't help it. I love it. It's just so uplifting and joyful and positive. I love Christmas music. I could probably listen to it all year long. And number 17 I want to go out of town for Christmas. I would like to go out of town for Christmas one year. Maybe from here on out. Since my kids are grown and they've started their own lives. I just, I don't want to be here. I don't want to put up a tree this year. I don't want to do anything. All right, where are we? Where do I leave off number 18. Even though I want to go away for Christmas or go out of town for Christmas. And I do love to travel. I am terrified of flying. But I will do it. When we got married in 2008. We flew over to Rome, Italy to get on a cruise ship. Now, I sought out medication for that little flight. Because of Yeah. I'm terrified of flying. I didn't used to be when I was a teenager, I had to fly all the time by going back and forth to you know one parents house to another parents house when I was younger. Loved it. But again, as I said before, when you're young, you're not afraid you're you're fearless. You're not afraid of anything. But then the older you get, you start having kids start watching the news. Yeah, so I became a little bit afraid of flying but I will still do it. I will still get my butt on an airplane and go somewhere if it means traveling. Number 19. I am not an outdoorsy person at all. Although I have been camping in a real tent before. I would much rather stay in a nice hotel. My sister just got done hiking the Manitou incline of Colorado, I would do something like that. And we did the tough mudder in Nashville last year too. So that's outdoors. I mean, I'd like to do stuff like that. But just to be outdoors all the time. No, it's not my thing. My number 20 we're on number 20 my favorite season. I think it's fall. I'll use like winter a lot. But I think the older I'm getting and I'm I can't believe I'm about to say this.


But I think I'm starting to actually like summer. I can't believe I said that because it's really gets hot here in Alabama.

Carol Marks:

But the older I get, I think I like I don't know, I go back and forth. I'm just gonna stick with fall. Winter times little don't know. A little too cold about Oh, bones now. Number 21. I don't have Tick Tock. I don't understand what it is. I know some kind of video thing but I don't understand how it works and how it's different from say Instagram stories or videos. I just I don't understand. I don't understand ticked up. Don't have it. Yeah, number 22. I am a minimalist want to be. I do not keep things I in fact, I have too much in the house right now. I wish that I had the energy and just throw away a bunch of stuff. I think we have too much in the house right now. Maybe that's what I will work on one day. I will I think I had set that goal for like the beginning of 2020. I was going to take well I did do some of it when I was out of work for a while I was out of work for like four months. And I would take a morning and I would go through a certain area of a room and clean it out. And maybe I need to do that again. Because I am not I want to be as basic and simple as possible. I'm not a decorative person. I just want to declutter and I don't keep a lot of things for symptomatic sentimentality purposes. And yeah, I like the easy simple minimalist lifestyle. Alright, number 23 I can't even read my Oh, okay, as I can't even read my writing. Number 23 is I have a thing with noises and I meant to look it up and I forgot to there is actual term for it. But let's say you're sitting there and someone beside you is clicking their pin that would drive me insane. Or someone tapping tapping their pencil or something on the on the desk. That would drive me insane. Somebody if we're sitting in church where or a meeting where it's supposed to be quiet and some woman is rummaging through her pocketbook or purse or handbag to search for something, and it goes on forever and ever and ever all that rummaging noise gets on my nerves. I have a thing with noises. I just I don't know what it is. I can't do it. Number 24. We are almost done. I have never watched Tiger King or breaking bad. I understand they are very popular TV series. I have never watched them. I don't know that I ever will. I may get around to watching the tiger King one day. I don't know, I don't know. And the last one that I have really been enjoying. And this is a this is a recent thing about me. Number 25. I just now I just started reading the Bible. And I've started with Hebrews. And I like it. I like it so far. I have to take it a little bit at a time and kind of slowly digest it. But my friend at cosmopolitan on her blog on her website, she has a Bible reading plan to a couple of different ones. So I went over there and I printed off her one of them. And I'm going to try to start that maybe in 2021. We shall see how I do. I have to get through Hebrews, Hebrews first, which I think it's not a very long chapter but but I want to get through it first before I start on the other plan that I printed out from her website. All right, well, that is 25 things about me. I hope you've enjoyed it. If you have hung around this long for 20 minutes listening to me go on and on about myself. Thank you. It means a lot to me.

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